Tips on how to control your thoughts and fears to avoid anxiety.

4 replies

Joe Mobley
#anxiety #avoid #control #fears #thoughts #tips
  • Profile picture of the author Newbie11
    I like the tip about not watching TV and see if your anxiety lessens. Part of me wants to give it a try, but I am somewhat addicted to reality shows... :-)
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by Newbie11 View Post

      I like the tip about not watching TV and see if your anxiety lessens. Part of me wants to give it a try, but I am somewhat addicted to reality shows... :-)
      reality shows ..

      how do you create a reality show script writers .. hire people to stage interesting stuff .

      i think the first real reality show was real world from mtv ..and they admited there was major differences in how that where with no cameras around .

      for me reality shows where cops and jerry springer shows people from the city i grew up ..actually got on .. regularly
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi Joe,

    Love the background, Andrea set up a fun environment.

    Meditate, visualize, affirm and of course, see the good in all you do. Agreed on the TV note. I went 2 months without it as I visited Koh Lanta, and Pak Nam Pran, in Thailand. Ain't no TV in these paradise spots lol.

    Thanks dude!
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author damiensuccess
    Love when stories are added to go with tips as in this video.

    Sometimes our fears are misunderstood. Meditation may allow us to understand why we fear something, and better use the fear to our advantage. This can be done when we realize the fear is nothing but an over thought activity revolving around too many negative situations from that activity.

    Who is this pretty lady?
    Damien Parsons
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