Anyone Experience The Power of a Focus Wheel?

1 replies
The Focus wheel isn't new but it seems to be making a strong comeback. So, it's finding a whole new audience of people who have never heard of it.

I've been using it now for 6 months. And it's done an incredible job of helping me achieve my mental goals - which is now transfering to my physical goals.

I found it to be an explosive combination when added to your affirmations and visualizations. Definitely helps to get you to goals faster.

Here a link that explains it in more detail as well as a video below. The best part of it? It doesn't require fancy equipment, a lot of time or even money to do. Sweet.

If you've used it before I'd be interested in hearing your experiences.


#experience #focus #power #wheel
  • Profile picture of the author RichBeck

    I've never heard of this technique before... It is awesome!

    All The Best,

    Rich Beck BCIP, MCSD, MCIS
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