WSO Section Clearing Out Quickly

84 replies
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It looks like it's finally happening!

The Warrior Forum is strictly enforcing income claims of any kind in the WSO section. A large majority of the big WSO guys who have been on the forum for many years are disappearing very quickly (within the past few days).

Just curious to hear what everyone else thinks of this. Do you think it's a good thing or a bad thing?

The good side, in my opinion, is that it will destroy a large majority of the scammers in the forum. The bad side is that the forum will have to adopt an entirely new audience (which could take years, in my opinion), as the WSO section is WF's most popular section.

It's had the same "style" for years and years now.

What do you think this is going to do to the forum? Curious to see others' responses.
#clearing #quickly #section #wso
  • Profile picture of the author Dave Bean
    There is very few outright scammers in the WSO forum.

    I've bought around 10 or so the the last 3 months because I am very interested in what is going on in the internet marketing field and how I can use that information to benefit my online money making endeavors.

    I haven't asked for a single refund from the WSO's I've bought, and most do have a money back guarantee.

    There is huge amount of valuable information being given here by super generous Warriors at rock bottom prices ... I love the WSO forum just use commonsense.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gambino
    I've never bought or sold a WSO, but I would attribute sellers leaving to the decline in traffic and quality. No sense selling to an audience that isn't here. Sellers are using other avenues to promote their products.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dave Bean
    Just curios Gambino where are sellers going to promote their products?
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    • Profile picture of the author Gambino
      Originally Posted by Dave Bean View Post

      Just curios Gambino where are sellers going to promote their products?
      I'm not into digital products but most people I know use JVzoo.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
    Originally Posted by theimunderground View Post

    IDo you think it's a good thing or a bad thing?
    It's a very good thing, not only for the WF but the industry as a whole.

    If the WF are willing to actually enforce it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
      Originally Posted by Michael Meaney View Post

      It's a very good thing, not only for the WF but the industry as a whole.

      If the WF are willing to actually enforce it.
      A couple years ago they put out new WSO rules disallowing any guarantees and allowing income claims only if the payments were processed through Warrior Payments so that the admin could verify the amount was actually earned.

      That didn't last long because people left in droves. There are or were several high energy threads about the WSO changes.

      After they saw the numbers drop off dramatically, they started allowing both claims and guarantees while continuing to ask us to report violators. So we were reporting and they were being ignored because there were 2 sets of rules - public and private. I believe the financial hit was too much for them to take.

      Then a few months ago they changed the rules again. Claims are okay but guarantees are not. I can say I made 45,655,33 between the game on Saturday and lunch yesterday but I can't promise or guarantee you can do the same.

      No offense intended to anyone and this isn't directed to anyone in particular but I say if a person can't put out a good product without wild income claims and over the top guarantees there is a problem with how they are running their business. Case in point - Jimmy D. Brown. Very successful and claims, guarantees, and screenshots are virtually nonexistent. And even in his early years I don't remember much, if any.


      Added later: They had 2 sets of rules about income claims. Recently they consolidated the 2 rules sets into one which is welcome - I had brought this up several times. However, they made the change without telling anyone. In the latest reincarnation, income claims are acceptable if the sales you are making the income claim on were made through Warrior Payments. That way they can verify if Johnny really did make $33,333.33 between breakfast and lunch on a cold and dreary Wednesday. Guarantees are still a no-no. New rules:
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Baxter
    Here's my 0.02

    This is an "internet marketing" forum where the majority of people are looking to either make money online or increase their income. No matter how great of a copywriter you are, PROOF is everything.

    The way it's headed I just don't see how it's going to work out.
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    • Profile picture of the author brutecky
      Originally Posted by Jeff Baxter View Post

      This is an "internet marketing" forum where the majority of people are looking to either make money online or increase their income. No matter how great of a copywriter you are, PROOF is everything.

      The way it's headed I just don't see how it's going to work out.
      I 100% agree, the point of this forum is to make money online, the people selling things in the WSO section are selling things to teach / help people make money online. Why would you buy something from someone who does not even use the methods / tools they sell? You wouldn't. Cutting out income claims only means that people (even the legitimate people) cant show you that they really practice what they preach. It's silly really and its a symptom of an underline cause, the new owners of the WF really dont understand this business (which is the real reason the WF is a shadow of what it once was)
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      • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
        Originally Posted by brutecky View Post

        I 100% agree, the point of this forum is to make money online, the people selling things in the WSO section are selling things to teach / help people make money online. Why would you buy something from someone who does not even use the methods / tools they sell? You wouldn't. Cutting out income claims only means that people (even the legitimate people) cant show you that they really practice what they preach. It's silly really and its a symptom of an underline cause, the new owners of the WF really dont understand this business (which is the real reason the WF is a shadow of what it once was)
        Let's get real. Income claims are designed to prey on the dreamers and shiny object seekers. If a WSO seller can't entice buyers without flashing dollar amounts - which, incidentally, don't count as "proof" to anyone who isn't already beyond gullible - you have to question the integrity of the product.

        And many members were calling for the removal of income claims from WSOs long before the new owners came along.

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        • Profile picture of the author brutecky
          Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post

          Let's get real. Income claims are designed to prey on the dreamers and shiny object seekers. If a WSO seller can't entice buyers without flashing dollar amounts - which, incidentally, don't count as "proof" to anyone who isn't already beyond gullible - you have to question the integrity of the product.
          I feel sorry for you. It must feel bad to be so negative. While I cant speak for everyone I can speak for myself. 100% of the software I sell (and I have sold a few copies) is things that I originally create for my business, and 100% of my 'proof' is is real, and as for shiny object seekers I have been known to 'fire' customers who I did not think where serous, buy giving them a refund without them even asking.

          You need to learn that while some people are for sure jerks, not everyone is an asshat

          FYI: If 'flashing dollar amounts' is not 'proof' then that is not what I was talking about. I was talking about actual / valid proof.
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          • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
            Originally Posted by brutecky View Post

            It must feel bad to be so negative.
            That's just a clichéd, if not Pavlovian reaction, rather than a reasoned response. There's nothing negative about voicing an opinion underpinned by years of observation.

            At least you didn't call me a hater.

            While I cant speak for everyone I can speak for myself. 100% of the software I sell (and I have sold a few copies) is things that I originally create for my business, and 100% of my 'proof' is is real, and as for shiny object seekers I have been known to 'fire' customers who I did not think where serous, buy giving them a refund without them even asking.
            All of which might possibly be relevant if we were discussing Brutecky Special Offers, rather than WSOs

            You need to learn that while some people are for sure jerks, not everyone is an asshat
            Thanks for the life lesson. It's a little late, but I'll try to keep it in mind.

            What those who are defending income claims need to understand is that in order to comply with current FTC guidelines, an advertiser - and by extension the marketplace owner hosting the ad - must be able to substantiate the claims made. As Moss said above, that would only be possible if the WF were granted access to verifiable income statistics. Even then, there could be a requirement for advertisers to publish the average results obtained by users of the product or service. Think of the potential problems that stipulation would cause for the majority of WSO sellers.

            We had all these arguments aired on this board a few years back when the guidelines were last revised. If I recall correctly, the consensus then was that the easiest and safest course of action was to simply exclude any income claims.

            The other issue is that even genuine income claims are misleading. There are just too many other factors involved. Just because one person has made an amount of money using a particular product or method, it doesn't follow that a typical buyer could expect to achieve similar results. That fact should be evident to anyone who's paid attention to conversations on the main board.

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      • Profile picture of the author moss
        brutecky, income claims are fine if they're true. They are also only valuable if the marketplace trusts that the income claims are correct. The issue with income claims in the marketplace currently is that there's no way for us to verify them unless they're run through a payments system that we have transparency into.
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        • Profile picture of the author brutecky
          Originally Posted by moss View Post

          brutecky, income claims are fine if they're true. They are also only valuable if the marketplace trusts that the income claims are correct. The issue with income claims in the marketplace currently is that there's no way for us to verify them unless they're run through a payments system that we have transparency into.
          I get your logic, though it is flawed, because

          a) It assumes that by being a marketplace your the 'big brother' of the business. A good comparison is the JVZoo network, they are a marketplace and do not dictate to people what they can and cant do. They do not try to run other peoples business for them. While your logic is largely sensible, it fails to take into account that even the people with real income proof just don't want a 'market place' dictating how to run their business (especially when there are other options)

          b) In a open marketplace, especially one like this which allows people to easily post feedback, customers can self moderate - ie people selling a poor quality product can be quickly and publicly 'called out'

          c) It does not take into consideration how small your 'market place' actually is in the IM / MMO business (no offense but your market share is not that large in the grand scheme of things)

          Of course Im not telling you how to run your site, its your site and you all paid a lot for it, so do what you like. Im just saying that this is a reason why the WF is not as popular as it once was (before you all got your hands on it).
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          • Profile picture of the author Roger Brown
            Originally Posted by brutecky View Post

            I get your logic, though it is flawed, because

            a) It assumes that by being a marketplace your the 'big brother' of the business. A good comparison is the JVZoo network, they are a marketplace and do not dictate to people what they can and cant do. They do not try to run other peoples business for them. While your logic is largely sensible, it fails to take into account that even the people with real income proof just don't want a 'market place' dictating how to run their business (especially when there are other options)

            b) In a open marketplace, especially one like this which allows people to easily post feedback, customers can self moderate - ie people selling a poor quality product can be quickly and publicly 'called out'

            c) It does not take into consideration how small your 'market place' actually is in the IM / MMO business (no offense but your market share is not that large in the grand scheme of things)

            Of course Im not telling you how to run your site, its your site and you all paid a lot for it, so do what you like. Im just saying that this is a reason why the WF is not as popular as it once was (before you all got your hands on it).
            Definitely true on (b). When there were scammers, they were booted quickly. The marketplace was moderated quite well by the people on there. As with everything in life, customer reviews will decide the fate and legitimacy of a product/service.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
    Originally Posted by theimunderground View Post

    It looks like it's finally happening!

    The Warrior Forum is strictly enforcing income claims of any kind in the WSO section. A large majority of the big WSO guys who have been on the forum for many years are disappearing very quickly (within the past few days).

    Just curious to hear what everyone else thinks of this. Do you think it's a good thing or a bad thing?

    The good side, in my opinion, is that it will destroy a large majority of the scammers in the forum. The bad side is that the forum will have to adopt an entirely new audience (which could take years, in my opinion), as the WSO section is WF's most popular section.

    It's had the same "style" for years and years now.

    What do you think this is going to do to the forum? Curious to see others' responses.
    Most of the biggest and best WSO sellers took off long ago. Most successful marketers use their own sales pages and sell through JVZoo and Warrior Plus.

    This way there are no limitations. Not allowing income claims is simply not an option for the majority of successful marketers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    "Clearing Out" may be the correct wording to use...very few WSO's have had any posting activity today but the numbers claim 1992 members 'viewing' that section. Sure.

    The interface looks more like a feed- looks cleaner but also seems lacking in activity which is not a good sign.
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    • Profile picture of the author Gambino
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      "Clearing Out" may be the correct wording to use...very few WSO's have had any posting activity today but the numbers claim 1992 members 'viewing' that section. Sure.

      The interface looks more like a feed- looks cleaner but also seems lacking in activity which is not a good sign.
      I can't remember the last time I visited the WSO section of this site. But, that is very odd to change the design of that page while leaving the rest of the site the same (except the annoying feed part). Seems strange that you can't search WSOs, but I'm not sure if that was ever a feature.
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    • Profile picture of the author mattlaclear
      Back in the good old days that section was hopping. Mostly because budget SEO worked backed then so it made anyone with an adsense site a potential customer.

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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    well, a part of me says "good riddance"

    that being said, the best looking cakes were not necessarily the best tasting cakes but they were almost always the best selling.

    what happens to a cake when you take away its frosting?

    what happens to an MMO product when you take away the money claims?

    I guess we're going to find out.

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  • Profile picture of the author Luke Dennison
    I've found the new layout in the WSO section is reducing the amount of sales I'm getting sadly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joan Altz
    Most of the "big WSO guys" took off a long time ago and haven't been back. That's not the result of this new policy, but of poor management of this forum from the get-go by Freelancer when they took over.

    Opening up the forum to spam and killing off the mods was the beginning of the end. Really stupid decision making ever since.
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  • Profile picture of the author shaunybb
    I think it needs to be consistently enforced!

    A handful of scammers have ruined it for the rest of the legitimate wso sellers!

    My friend had her wso taken down and she didn't even claim anything well not directly.

    In the marketing world we are allowed to put "make up to xxxx"

    But even when she put that up, they took it down and the same 5 WSO with that same thing still remain... someone clearly doesn't implement these rules fairly!

    I think they should start!
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
      Originally Posted by shaunybb View Post

      In the marketing world we are allowed to put "make up to xxxx"
      But not in the WF world with the new rules.

      But even when she put that up, they took it down and the same 5 WSO with that same thing still remain... someone clearly doesn't implement these rules fairly!
      I think it's just a matter of getting to everything. Besides, someone could have bumped a WSO from 3 years ago when there were no such rules. Someone that bumped their old WSO may not check about any new rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    At the very least the WSO sub-forum now looks a lot more modern yet kept the old school functionality.

    As for the actual WSOs, haven't browsed them for a long time because it was like dumpster diving. Don't show me how to get rich in a week. Show me something I need (relevant tools, tutorials, etc...), something useful that can be carried over to my own business.

    This forum has always been lacking in support for WSO authors, not just Freelancer, it has always been this way where there's not a single tutorial from management that shows WSO authors how to create a good/useful WSO.

    Look at BIG brands like Shopify or Envato and how they help authors learn how to create better products based on their own data/sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author zdivine
    This is an online marketing forum, I don't understand the income rule at all. It doesn't make any sense to me - If I was buying a product to learn how to make money, wouldn't I want to know the product could actually make me money?

    It'd be really stupid to buy a product that you don't even know will work for you; and when you're selling information products, proof that the information is valuable is EVERYTHING.

    Also, it's a stupid decision for Warriorforum business-wise. They're hurting other people's businesses, which is going to be less business for them.

    Just my humble opinion.
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    • Profile picture of the author Roger Brown
      Originally Posted by zdivine View Post

      This is an online marketing forum, I don't understand the income rule at all. It doesn't make any sense to me - If I was buying a product to learn how to make money, wouldn't I want to know the product could actually make me money?

      It'd be really stupid to buy a product that you don't even know will work for you; and when you're selling information products, proof that the information is valuable is EVERYTHING.

      Also, it's a stupid decision for Warriorforum business-wise. They're hurting other people's businesses, which is going to be less business for them.

      Just my humble opinion.
      I think the alternative (based on what I'm seeing) is that product-sellers are offering to show results/proof of income to potential buyers through private-messaging. But it should also be noted that buyers even from years back were skeptical of income proof and screenshots on the WSOs because it was fairly easy to create fake income images.
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      • Profile picture of the author zdivine
        Originally Posted by Roger Brown View Post

        I think the alternative (based on what I'm seeing) is that product-sellers are offering to show results/proof of income to potential buyers through private-messaging. But it should also be noted that buyers even from years back were skeptical of income proof and screenshots on the WSOs because it was fairly easy to create fake income images.
        Yep, I'm doing the same thing - I personally have a couple WSO's in the market (one with over 500+ replies), but luckily I don't rely on Warriorforum for my income.

        Fake income images can definitely be created - that's why in my WSO's, I always provide live videos inside the sales thread of my earnings. However, you can always go as far as to say videos can be faked too.

        Regardless, in the end, having no income proof from a product that's main purpose is to help provide income to others is ridiculous in my opinion.

        Imagine you're walking down the street and some dude told you to give him your money, and in exchange he'll help you make more money - but he had absolutely nothing to show for it.
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        • Profile picture of the author Roger Brown
          Originally Posted by zdivine View Post

          Yep, I'm doing the same thing - I personally have a couple WSO's in the market (one with over 500+ replies), but luckily I don't rely on Warriorforum for my income.

          Fake income images can definitely be created - that's why in my WSO's, I always provide live videos inside the sales thread of my earnings. However, you can always go as far as to say videos can be faked too.

          Regardless, in the end, having no income proof from a product that's main purpose is to help provide income to others is ridiculous in my opinion.

          Imagine you're walking down the street and some dude told you to give him your money, and in exchange he'll help you make more money - but he had absolutely nothing to show for it.
          This is true. With WSOs, presentation is also key and the huge, beautiful, flashy sales-letters were so appealing that you almost had to hit the buy button. I've seen some amazing WSOs on here and also quite a few 'teachers' who would bail in the middle of teaching a "how to make money" course. So obviously there's good and bad.
          I think the best thing is to allow marketers themselves to police the marketplace as they always did before ownership changed hands. When people collectively spoke up, the mods took action on the scammers. Overall the WSO marketplace really didn't require the new rules. People were more than capable of figuring things out on their own.
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        • Profile picture of the author yukon
          Originally Posted by zdivine View Post

          Yep, I'm doing the same thing - I personally have a couple WSO's in the market (one with over 500+ replies), but luckily I don't rely on Warriorforum for my income.

          Fake income images can definitely be created - that's why in my WSO's, I always provide live videos inside the sales thread of my earnings. However, you can always go as far as to say videos can be faked too.

          Regardless, in the end, having no income proof from a product that's main purpose is to help provide income to others is ridiculous in my opinion.

          Imagine you're walking down the street and some dude told you to give him your money, and in exchange he'll help you make more money - but he had absolutely nothing to show for it.

          No offense (seriously) but it looks like you're naive to anonymous people (WSO sellers) on the internet.

          It's in Warrior Forums (or any website) best interest to protect their traffic from scammers.

          Also, there's no rule that says a WSO has to be about getting rich. Believe it or not there's people looking for legit products/services that will help them with their own business.
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  • Profile picture of the author dansilvestre
    Thanks for all the feedback. We are actively cleaning up the marketplace not only for income claims and guarantees but also special characters in titles and other minor things.

    This will make the WSO section a lot cleaner and will make the truly great offers rise to the top.

    Thanks for the support
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    • Profile picture of the author MValmont
      Originally Posted by dansilvestre View Post

      Thanks for all the feedback. We are actively cleaning up the marketplace not only for income claims and guarantees but also special characters in titles and other minor things.

      This will make the WSO section a lot cleaner and will make the truly great offers rise to the top.

      Thanks for the support
      Are you aware that your signature has an income proof ? A million dollar education...really?

      Seems like you guys want to eliminate the WSO section to have less competition to sell more war room subscription.

      Sorry for telling it like it is, but I really don't care. The money I make on this forum is like 1 or 2% of my total income. I have no incentive to be here anymore.

      I just browsed quickly in the WSO section and I saw This thread title : Struggling? $10,000 PER MONTH DONE-FOR-YOU!

      I mean, c'mon warrior forum. Time to get smart. This is why you guys are losing that much traffic.
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      • Profile picture of the author Dan Riffle
        Originally Posted by MValmont View Post

        Are you aware that your signature has an income proof ? A million dollar education...really?
        That's not an income claim. It does not say someone will earn a million dollars with said education. It very could mean the education costs a million dollars.

        Ever hear the statement, "that's the million dollar question"? Do you think someone is going to give you a million bucks if you answer the question? No.

        "Million dollar education" is meaningless (and poor marketing on FL's part). "You will earn a million dollars with this education" is an income claim.

        Raising a child is akin to knowing you're getting fired in 18 years and having to train your replacement without actively sabotaging them.

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        • Profile picture of the author MValmont
          Originally Posted by Dan Riffle View Post

          That's not an income claim. It does not say someone will earn a million dollars with said education. It very could mean the education costs a million dollars.

          Ever hear the statement, "that's the million dollar question"? Do you think someone is going to give you a million bucks if you answer the question? No.

          "Million dollar education" is meaningless (and poor marketing on FL's part). "You will earn a million dollars with this education" is an income claim.
          It claims that this education is worth a million dollar....In my opinion it is worse than any income claim out there.

          Just think about it.
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        • Profile picture of the author Khemosabi
          Originally Posted by Dan Riffle View Post

          That's not an income claim. It does not say someone will earn a million dollars with said education. It very could mean the education costs a million dollars.

          Ever hear the statement, "that's the million dollar question"? Do you think someone is going to give you a million bucks if you answer the question? No.

          "Million dollar education" is meaningless (and poor marketing on FL's part). "You will earn a million dollars with this education" is an income claim.
          I think there should also be a rule about stealing signatures. I hope Astro gave you a heads up first.

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  • Profile picture of the author KennyAmy
    In my opinion, income claims are like bait and I am a WSO seller :-)

    I'm always against posting income proof anyway haha.
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  • Profile picture of the author john129
    moss: this is a very bad decision. you should not prohibit the income proof. its very important.

    as a customer i would like to see the income proof. whether its fake or not. it doesnt matter.

    it gives me some sort of comfort regardless.

    Also you should remember that there are many dishonest WSO sellers who use this as an excuse when we ask them to show us the income proof. they say that its against the policy to show the income proof.

    This policy is against the WSO buyers. it doesnt help the buyers.
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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by john129 View Post

      moss: this is a very bad decision. you should not prohibit the income proof. its very important.

      as a customer i would like to see the income proof. whether its fake or not. it doesnt matter.

      it gives me some sort of comfort regardless.
      Wow! That's an incredible statement. That school of thought gives comfort to every scam artist on the planet.

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      • Profile picture of the author yukon
        Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

        Originally Posted by john129 View Post

        moss: this is a very bad decision. you should not prohibit the income proof. its very important.

        as a customer i would like to see the income proof. whether its fake or not. it doesnt matter.

        it gives me some sort of comfort regardless.
        Wow! That's an incredible statement. That school of thought gives comfort to every scam artist on the planet.


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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    Moss, Dan,

    Even though I don't like the income claims and guarantees and have said so a number of times, here's a different viewpoint.

    Maybe you should listen to this guy instead of those of us trying to build a business or take things seriously because most of us aren't your serious WSO buyers. We buy what we need in a rational manner.

    He's not making a penny online (last I knew). Check.
    He posts in a bunch of WSOs asking if he has to do any work. He wants autopilot profits without any work or cost. Check.
    He's got a bad case of shiny object syndrome. Check.
    He has posted about his lack of success and his frustration with none of it working. Check.
    If he does buy anything he doesn't work it to the end. Check.

    He's your WSO buyer. He's the type that made the WSO forum what it was in the past.

    If he wants the comfort of a faked screen shot (he even says faked ones are okay!!!) why not give it to him?

    Many of us started out that way but some of us found a different way. Your customer base, currently, is this guy. When he goes away so do the sellers and vice versa.


    PS I'm half way serious with this post. My point is there is still a market, a huge market, for people like him. Maybe it's not here (especially if you want to make things more corporate friendly as mentioned recently) but the buying and selling are going on with or without the WSO forum. The people encouraging rules and limits on guarantees and income claims aren't your typical sellers or buyers - including me.

    Originally Posted by john129 View Post

    moss: this is a very bad decision. you should not prohibit the income proof. its very important.

    as a customer i would like to see the income proof. whether its fake or not. it doesnt matter.

    it gives me some sort of comfort regardless.

    Also you should remember that there are many dishonest WSO sellers who use this as an excuse when we ask them to show us the income proof. they say that its against the policy to show the income proof.

    This policy is against the WSO buyers. it doesnt help the buyers.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10879739].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Well, well, maybe the WF is turning a corner.

    Maybe update the smilys next?

    This forum still has good bones, in regards to moderation. Some forums have none and attract trolls like a magnet, and others, eventhough they claim to be New Age, are just places where trolls hide to attack anything that goes against mass media, properganda.

    The better the evidence the stupider the conversation.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10880123].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    There's a big difference between saying something like "How I made $50,000" and "How YOU can make $50,000". If you tell someone they can make $50,000 in the next week and they follow your advice exactly and don't make $50,000, you're a liar and a thief.

    And even if you "made" $50,000 using Warrior Payments, there's still no way to tell if this was profit. Maybe you spent $100,000 on ads. The only real proof is for you to make your tax returns public and even this can be faked.

    IMO, claims shouldn't be limited to only income claims. Things like "Get 1000 email subscribers in a week", "Double your conversions", "Make your content go viral" should also be banned unless they can be proven to be the truth and the burden of proof needs to be on the person making the claims.

    You don't know what my sales conversions are, so you can't possibly make a claim that I will double them. Same with viral content. Content going viral is beyond a person's control and depends on the actions of other people. You can do things to increase the chances of something going viral, but you can't "make" anything go viral.

    Anyone with a little bit of integrity and salesmanship can easily work around these minor issues concerning these types of promises.
    Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
    Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10880336].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author brutecky
      Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

      IMO, claims shouldn't be limited to only income claims. Things like "Get 1000 email subscribers in a week", "Double your conversions", "Make your content go viral" should also be banned unless they can be proven to be the truth and the burden of proof needs to be on the person making the claims.
      No disrespect but this is silly. Apply this to the real world and no one can say anything about their product.

      Our cars get 35mpg (but I bought one and slam the gas at street lights and am only getting 32mpg, they are liars)

      Our laundry soap cleans clothes better .. (but I am a mechanic and get covered in dirt and my shirts are not coming out sparkly white)

      Our drain cleaner can unclog your clogged sink (but my kid stuffed his toy down the drain)

      What it really comes down to is people need to use common sense when they read (and believe) any claim, be it income or other wise. People clambering that these things are bad are really just saying one thing: People are not smart enough to use common sense on their own. I personally disagree with that statement and in general think people have sensibility. But of course that is just me.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10880360].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kurt
        Originally Posted by brutecky View Post

        No disrespect but this is silly. Apply this to the real world and no one can say anything about their product.

        Our cars get 35mpg (but I bought one and slam the gas at street lights and am only getting 32mpg, they are liars)

        Our laundry soap cleans clothes better .. (but I am a mechanic and get covered in dirt and my shirts are not coming out sparkly white)

        Our drain cleaner can unclog your clogged sink (but my kid stuffed his toy down the drain)

        What it really comes down to is people need to use common sense when they read (and believe) any claim, be it income or other wise. People clambering that these things are bad are really just saying one thing: People are not smart enough to use common sense on their own. I personally disagree with that statement and in general think people have sensibility. But of course that is just me.
        Your post is non-sequitur, red herring and a strawman. First, 35 MPG is established by a 3rd party and is an average. Like you said, it's up to people to understand what "average" means. If you get an unbiased 3rd party to back up your claims, by all means go ahead and make specific promises.

        Your laundry soap example doesn't state a specific claim and is a nice example of good salesmanship that doesn't make specific promises. When applied to marketing, you say something like "Helps improve your subscription rate", not "Doubles your subscription rate"...see the difference yet? That wasn't hard.

        And if you are going to make a claim about getting clothes brighter, try citing a 3rd party's testing results, not your own. Like I said above, there's a big difference between claiming something doubled my results and it will double everyone else's.

        Yes, people need to use common sense. But the part you left out is that marketers also need to use honesty and integrity as well as follow applicable laws. If you tell me I will double my subscriptions and I follow your advice to a tee, I better double my subscriptions. If I don't that's on YOU and your promises are at the best misleading and potentially illegal. And since you don't know my subscription rate, you don't have a clue if you can double it or not, and look stupid to me suggesting you do.

        Your excuse that marketers can say anything they want and it's all a matter of "buyer beware" has no basis in legal or ethical matters and is merely your opinion. The FTC has a differing opinion. And if someone isn't smart enough to figure out how to sell without making these claims, perhaps they shouldn't be selling.

        And I think marketers should be aware of the legal consequences of not being able to back up their claims. But that's just me.
        Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
        Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10880397].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Shawn Arms
    I get part of the "Income claim" but trying to understand what constitues income claim. Personally I tried to stay away from putting out any dollar amounts and stuff like that.

    But you can't say "Make Money"

    I'm seeing posts around me say Make 10,000 dollars or this person makes more money than just trying to figure where my Income claim is located or how extensive I would have to correct it.

    New to creating WSOs not new to making money online.

    I might be missing something or is it that strict that you can't say "make money" on a forum designed to show people how to make money. I'm a little lost.

    Can anyone help please as I want to be compliant.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10881226].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kurt
      Originally Posted by Shawn Arms View Post

      I get part of the "Income claim" but trying to understand what constitues income claim. Personally I tried to stay away from putting out any dollar amounts and stuff like that.

      But you can't say "Make Money"

      I'm seeing posts around me say Make 10,000 dollars or this person makes more money than just trying to figure where my Income claim is located or how extensive I would have to correct it.

      New to creating WSOs not new to making money online.

      I might be missing something or is it that strict that you can't say "make money" on a forum designed to show people how to make money. I'm a little lost.

      Can anyone help please as I want to be compliant.
      This is just my opinion, but saying "make money from art" is fine as it isn't a specific claim in that you aren't promising that people will "make $100 a day from art".

      There's also things like saying "you CAN make money from art" and "you WILL make money from art". This is what I meant when I posted above that it really isn't that hard to invest some thought into what you say in your sales copy.
      Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
      Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10881287].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Shawn Arms
    Thanks. I hope my latest adjustments will work. I'm not your standard WSO guy. I just learned about 100 practical ways to make money online through trial and error.

    I was getting out of a few of my businesses to concentrate on others so thought I'd let folks in on my little secret which ain't a big secret.

    Basically you make stuff people want and here is what these particular people want and here is where to find them.

    I don't think my WSO will sell that many copies but after buying several WSOs on this site that were featured mine are way better than some of the ones I've bought.

    I mean most WSOs here are "Make youtube videos" "Make this type of youtube video""Spam this email list" "Make some funnels"

    Mine is straight up, here are some nerds who like stuff, here is where they hang out, and this is what you sell them.

    Or here are a bunch of guys who are sitting here looking for this product, they go to 1 of 3 websites to find it and this is what htey want. Bamm!

    So hopefully my changes will work. I really want to help some folks out. I teach people in my day to day life how to make money online. It is not that difficult. I know what I want in a WSO and this was it but wow I need to learn alot about marketing this particular stuff.

    Thanks for the word of wisdom from You can to You will or vice versa.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10881607].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author GlobalTrader
    I read a couple of posts referencing the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) - thought that anyone reading this thread who is interested in or is actually selling a WSO should read thoroughly before they submit to WF for public consumption:

    Once on the page, if you do not wish to read the entire page, scroll down to the section titled:

    "The earnings claim statement" and ask yourself if your WSO advertisement complies with what the FTC is looking for?


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10882327].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MValmont
    You guys don't get it. This is not about income claim like : You will make $5000 in 2 days.

    This is about stupid general stuff...I got mine removed because I needed to remove "You will finally start making money online" warrior forum?

    They told me they will put it back when I removed it. I'm not sure I will continue to advertise here though.

    Here is the thing...As people have mentioned, most people that are actually making money left this forum already. Why? Because they can't advertise properly anymore. I made a thread not so long ago with a step by step method on how to make money online. It was legit a huge post full of value, but it got removed because I have a link in my signature. They came to the conclusion that I did this for publicity.



    OF COURSE I DID IT FOR PUBLICITY. You think I'm going to do all of this and not at least get a few opt-ins in exchange of all this value????? Really warrior forum?

    This is why all of the big shots left this place. They need an incentive.

    It's an exchange of value. They offer value, but in exchange they get opt-ins and they sell their WSO. That's how life works. The seller is happy, and the newbie is happy because he learns how to make money online. You guys remember this is an online marketing forum right?

    When I got started online I literally learned EVERYTHING on this forum. I bought 5-10 WSO and most of them were really good, some average and like one or two absolutely sucked. I got a refund on these two. Would I recommend to newbies to buy a WSO? Absolutely because as I said most of them were good. If you buy one that is not good, just get a refund, it's this simple.

    People that say they stay away from the WSO section are often people with thousands of posts that are not making money online anyways. They never bought one and they have no idea what they are talking about. Facts.

    Also, the traffic went WAYYYYYYY DOWNNNNN. Most WSO are barely breaking even and they need to make their money on the back-end. But as time goes, the traffic goes down and down and down.

    So to recap,

    1) The new rules are a joke. How can you advertise an online marketing product if you cannot say : You will finally make money online? Really, just think about it. Think about how dumb it is.
    2)Traffic went way down, so there is no point for someone that makes a lot of money online to come here at all. We need an incentive.
    3)Same with the thread postings. We get accused of promoting all the time when we have a signature. Guess what, WE ARE PROMOTING. Why would we post if we can't even get an optin? Think about it for real. You think we come here to volunteer? Get real.

    Basically, traffic is down, new tules are a joke, and that means less and less people that know how to actually make cash online and the quality of the information will be really, really bad. Good luck
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10883339].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author yukon
      Originally Posted by MValmont View Post

      You guys don't get it. This is not about income claim like : You will make $5000 in 2 days.

      This is about stupid general stuff...I got mine removed because I needed to remove "You will finally start making money online" warrior forum?

      False advertising.

      You can't guarantee everyone will make money.

      Truth In Advertising | Federal Trade Commission
      When consumers see or hear an advertisement, whether it’s on the Internet, radio or television, or anywhere else, federal law says that ad must be truthful, not misleading, and, when appropriate, backed by scientific evidence.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10884218].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MValmont
        Originally Posted by yukon View Post

        False advertising.

        You can't guarantee everyone will make money.

        Truth In Advertising | Federal Trade Commission
        An income claim is scientific, but we can't post them anymore.

        Also, there is no guarantee in what I said.

        Can you read properly?

        I don't care what you think. This rule is dumb and anybody with logic understands it.

        And who the hell are they to judge if something is misleading or not? Think about it...Someone making $8 in a job is in charge of judging if a product in the WSO (that teaches how to make money online ) is misleading or not.

        Don't you think this is weird? Do they make money online? No. Have they tried an internet marketing product? No. Will they believe that someone can make money online? No.

        Soon the WSO will have title like : I will teach you how to get a job working 40 hours a week! Tons of proof!

        Honestly, try to think about it for a few minutes...
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10884292].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author yukon
          Originally Posted by MValmont View Post

          An income claim is scientific, but we can't post them anymore.

          Also, there is no guarantee in what I said.

          Can you read properly?

          I don't care what you think. This rule is dumb and anybody with logic understands it.

          And who the hell are they to judge if something is misleading or not? Think about it...Someone making $8 in a job is in charge of judging if a product in the WSO (that teaches how to make money online ) is misleading or not.

          Don't you think this is weird? Do they make money online? No. Have they tried an internet marketing product? No. Will they believe that someone can make money online? No.

          Soon the WSO will have title like : I will teach you how to get a job working 40 hours a week! Tons of proof!

          Honestly, try to think about it for a few minutes...

          Uh, no, an income claim here isn't scientific and no you can't prove one.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10885827].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author MValmont
            Originally Posted by yukon View Post

            Uh, no, an income claim here isn't scientific and no you can't prove one.

            I would start arguing with you, but i'm pretty sure you don't know about regulations and advertising so I just won't...

            From the link you provided : ¨When consumers see or hear an advertisement, whether it’s on the Internet, radio or television, or anywhere else, federal law says that ad must be truthful, not misleading, and, when appropriate, backed by scientific evidence¨

            Who are you to judge if something is truthful and not misleading? You can because you have that many posts?

            This whole thing is a joke. It's basically the blind leading the blind. People not making money trying to police an internet marketing forum and protecting the newbies. This is not good. Everybody lose in the end with this philosophy.

            I'm glad I learned pretty much everything that I know when a lot of people here were making money. Now it's mostly a social club for people with thousands of posts when they are bored after a hard day at their day job.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10885901].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author yukon
              Originally Posted by MValmont View Post

              I'm glad I learned pretty much everything that I know when a lot of people here were making money.

              Really, everything you know was learned on an IM forum?


              Originally Posted by MValmont View Post

              Now it's mostly a social club for people with thousands of posts when they are bored after a hard day at their day job.
              Ha, ha, hard day work. Trust me, no 9-5 here. Silly.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10889973].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author MValmont
                Originally Posted by yukon View Post

                Really, everything you know was learned on an IM forum?


                Ha, ha, hard day work. Trust me, no 9-5 here. Silly.
                21 000 posts on an IM and you are not even selling anything here is the only fail in my opinion , and deep down, this is why you hate me and you know it.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10890020].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author yukon
                  Originally Posted by MValmont View Post

                  21 000 posts on an IM and you are not even selling anything here is the only fail in my opinion , and deep down, this is why you hate me and you know it.

                  What's even better is I bet I've turned down more sales than you've had while advertising.

                  What's even better than that is, you keep commenting on my post count.

                  Thanks for the laugh.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10890199].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author MValmont
                    Originally Posted by yukon View Post

                    What's even better is I bet I've turned down more sales than you've had while advertising.

                    What's even better than that is, you keep commenting on my post count.

                    Thanks for the laugh.
                    BigFrank asking you everyday to coach him so he can finally make his fist dollar online doesn't count.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10890240].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author yukon
                      Originally Posted by MValmont View Post

                      BigFrank asking you everyday to coach him so he can finally make his fist dollar online doesn't count.

                      Meanwhile you struggle with no clicks on the $11 667 Per Month Traveling The World forum sig.

                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10890817].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author MValmont
                        Originally Posted by yukon View Post

                        Meanwhile you struggle with no clicks on the $11 667 Per Month Traveling The World forum sig.

                        I actually have one of the most successful WSO on this forum.

                        Less posts, more work my friend.
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10890880].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author yukon
                          Originally Posted by MValmont View Post

                          I actually have one of the most successful WSO on this forum.

                          I bet you do.
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10892318].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
                  Originally Posted by MValmont View Post

                  21 000 posts on an IM and you are not even selling anything here is the only fail in my opinion ,
                  Actually there is not a long term member here that has not made an income claim of some sort - either directly or by implication. The poster you are responding to has stated both money can be made from SEO and from adsense when he used to use it.

                  I could see no income claim as relating to a promised income amount but as an Internet marketing forum what are we supposed to be doing marketing for?

                  World Peace?

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10891179].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MValmont
        That's the thing, it seems like these geniuses (the moderators) forgot to remove the WSO with the real bad income claims.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10884332].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author discrat
        Been really perplexing as of lately in WSO section. They approved a WSO last week of mine. Next day took it down after NO changes were made on my part.

        None at all.

        So I took out what I thought they thought might be construed as some form of indirect Claim. Got put back up the next day.

        Then out of the blue two days ago another moderator PMed and said they were going to take it down in 24 hours if I didn't change Title

        And I had NOT changed one thing since getting it reapproved the first time last week

        Really weird

        Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10889366].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        Then out of the blue two days ago another moderator PMed and said they were going to take it down in 24 hours if I didn't change Title
        I'd like to think someone IN CHARGE would see your comments and realize something is wrong - but don't hold your breath. Several reputable sellers have had problems recently and it seems to be mods who don't know the rules or how to apply them.....and/or....other mods or admins overruling initial decisions.

        How long before it's too much trouble to run a WSO at all....if you are a reputable seller???? The "views" of the main forum and the WSO section are almost equal now day after day.....for the first time in many YEARS.

        Not smart to kill the cash cow - but that's what seems to be happening.
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
        what it is instead of what you think it should be.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10889735].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author vedremo
        Originally Posted by discrat View Post

        Been really perplexing as of lately in WSO section. They approved a WSO last week of mine. Next day took it down after NO changes were made on my part.

        None at all.

        So I took out what I thought they thought might be construed as some form of indirect Claim. Got put back up the next day.

        Then out of the blue two days ago another moderator PMed and said they were going to take it down in 24 hours if I didn't change Title

        And I had NOT changed one thing since getting it reapproved the first time last week

        Really weird
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        I'd like to think someone IN CHARGE would see your comments and realize something is wrong - but don't hold your breath. Several reputable sellers have had problems recently and it seems to be mods who don't know the rules or how to apply them.....and/or....other mods or admins overruling initial decisions.

        How long before it's too much trouble to run a WSO at all....if you are a reputable seller???? The "views" of the main forum and the WSO section are almost equal now day after day.....for the first time in many YEARS.

        Not smart to kill the cash cow - but that's what seems to be happening.
        Absolute mess.

        Every day a new threat "Edit this or [insert consequence]", some days they allow certain things, some days they don't, some days enforce the rules, some days not, ask for clarity around a rule and it's met with a half-hearted ambiguous 1 sentence reply 4 days later, threads moved without warning from section to section, leave a suggestion in the suggestion forum and it's ignored. It goes on and on.

        Management AFK. Mods doing their best to enforce the select rules that are being enforced they don't fully understand, sometimes don't even begin to grasp the impact of their decisions.

        Now a character limit on WSO threads presumably to make way for new marketplace styling. Sellers not even notified.

        WSO rules no longer anywhere to be found.

        Mods permitting feuds and harassment on threads.

        Apostrophes in threads replaced with " â
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10890957].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
          Originally Posted by vedremo View Post

          Apostrophes in threads replaced with " â
          Mystery solved. I thought for awhile there we were being inundated with people copying and pasting from some doc editor.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10891180].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by MValmont View Post

      You guys don't get it. This is not about income claim like : You will make $5000 in 2 days.

      ..I got mine removed because I needed to remove "You will finally start making money online" warrior forum?

      They told me they will put it back when I removed it. I'm not sure I will continue to advertise here though.

      So to recap,

      1) The new rules are a joke. How can you advertise an online marketing product if you cannot say : You will finally make money online? Really, just think about it. Think about how dumb it is.
      2)Traffic went way down, so there is no point for someone that makes a lot of money online to come here at all. We need an incentive.
      3)Same with the thread postings. We get accused of promoting all the time when we have a signature. Guess what, WE ARE PROMOTING. Why would we post if we can't even get an optin? Think about it for real. You think we come here to volunteer? Get real.

      Yep, I agree. There needs to be clarification. I got mine Approved and less than a day later it was taken down...with absolutely NO changes on my part between that lapsed time.

      Just inconsistent.

      And it was taken down because I used the phrase "Possibility
      in making a full time Living "

      Iam all for cleaning WSO up. Totally.

      But their needs to be Rules that are implemented across the Board and consistently....none of this "Approving and then Disapproving" stuff when there are no changes being made by the Vendor

      - Robert Andrew

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10884246].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MValmont
        Originally Posted by discrat View Post

        Yep, I agree. There needs to be clarification. I got mine Approved and less than a day later it was taken down...with absolutely NO changes on my part between that lapsed time.

        Just inconsistent.

        And it was taken down because I used the phrase "Possibility
        in making a full time Living "

        Iam all for cleaning WSO up. Totally.

        But their needs to be Rules that are implemented across the Board and consistently....none of this "Approving and then Disapproving" stuff when there are no changes being made by the Vendor

        - Robert Andrew

        And yet,

        there is some guy selling a WSO that GUARANTEE $10 000 PER MONTH. he GUARANTEES IT!!.

        No wonder this forum is losing that much traffic. Why would anybody that makes money online want to stay here? The only reason i'm still here today is that I like to complain.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10884297].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Roger Brown
          Originally Posted by MValmont View Post


          And yet,

          there is some guy selling a WSO that GUARANTEE $10 000 PER MONTH. he GUARANTEES IT!!.

          No wonder this forum is losing that much traffic. Why would anybody that makes money online want to stay here? The only reason i'm still here today is that I like to complain.
          But what part of the traffic is being lost? Is it the WSO sellers that are leaving or is it the newbie marketers looking to try their hand in IM?
          Food for thought. A WSO seller once held a 12 week course for newbie marketers guaranteeing that they would achieve so and so. By the 6th week, the newbies knew they had been robbed and the WSO seller disappeared with over $26,000.
          That WSO had claims and guarantees all over it.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10888996].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author MValmont
            Originally Posted by Roger Brown View Post

            But what part of the traffic is being lost? Is it the WSO sellers that are leaving or is it the newbie marketers looking to try their hand in IM?
            Food for thought. A WSO seller once held a 12 week course for newbie marketers guaranteeing that they would achieve so and so. By the 6th week, the newbies knew they had been robbed and the WSO seller disappeared with over $26,000.
            That WSO had claims and guarantees all over it.

            If people paid with paypal, it is REALLY easy to get the money back.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10889033].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Luke Dennison
    Lol I've had both of my WSO's suspended for

    "Even my gran could make income"
    "You could start making money tomorrow"

    Hmmm it's pretty frustrating when you pay for threads and nobody sees them, feel robbed.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10884180].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Meanwhile - in the main forum section - mods are "approving" posts where new members promote their sites....or review products....

    What they did in the WSO section was to create a rule they didn't clarify - so some days it's ignored - and some days over enforced. And they still don't know how their own rule should be defined and applied.

    It's turning into a ghost town in that section.

    "Even my gran could make income"
    "You could start making money tomorrow"
    If you can't mention 'money' in a forum about making money....what's the point of selling in that forum?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10884194].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Luke Dennison
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      If you can't mention 'money' in a forum about making money....what's the point of selling in that forum?
      Exactly. I was also told that I had to remove any reviews where members stated that they made money with my teachings.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10884235].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Khemosabi
    The WSO section has gotten worse. Today, many new members have no idea who they can even research to find something to get them started. And, as stated multiple times, this rule was okay for a day now it's not, thing, discourages reputable sellers.

    People come here looking for help and it's so hard to find it now. Make the rules clean and concise. Heck, I'm tired of jumping through hoops around here just to read a few threads.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10884291].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Luke Dennison
    I guess what we will have to do is learn how to adapt to survive. And by survive I mean make money.

    There is definitely still plenty of traffic to be had in the WSO section, so maybe all these hoops to jump through will serve as a barrier to entry, where only the strong will survive and make the sales.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10884321].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Luke Dennison
    Discrat - check this out

    We can't make tenous claims to making some kind of profit, but check out this guys sales copy! This poor sod will wake up tommorow to see the thread suspended after one day.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10884324].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author theimunderground
      Originally Posted by Luke Dennison View Post

      Discrat - check this out

      We can't make tenous claims to making some kind of profit, but check out this guys sales copy! This poor sod will wake up tommorow to see the thread suspended after one day.
      Yeah I just saw this one lol. Was waiting for someone to mention it.
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    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      Originally Posted by Luke Dennison View Post

      Discrat - check this out

      We can't make tenous claims to making some kind of profit, but check out this guys sales copy! This poor sod will wake up tommorow to see the thread suspended after one day.
      Tonight' WSO pop up was this exact WSO !

      You can earn 10% average annual returns on your investments -
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    • Profile picture of the author salegurus
      Originally Posted by Luke Dennison View Post

      Discrat - check this out

      We can't make tenous claims to making some kind of profit, but check out this guys sales copy! This poor sod will wake up tommorow to see the thread suspended after one day.
      Still Up even though all sorts of promises and guarantees are made....
      Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

      ― George Carlin
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      • Profile picture of the author lgibbon
        Originally Posted by salegurus View Post

        Still Up even though all sorts of promises and guarantees are made....
        It's beginning to look like some people are exempt from the rules, not just in the wso forum but regarding sig files too.
        Maybe they should publish a list of the exempt members
        to save confusion.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10885229].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author MValmont
          Originally Posted by lgibbon View Post

          It's beginning to look like some people are exempt from the rules, not just in the wso forum but regarding sig files too.
          Maybe they should publish a list of the exempt members
          to save confusion.
          Don't worry, 1000 more posts and you will maybe get exempt.
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  • Profile picture of the author Luke Dennison
    I think for an income claim to be scientific you need to provide data on the percentage of people who made back more than they invested or some Sh*t like that, which you would have no way of finding out by releasing WSO's.

    So yeh, you cant really do em anymore...
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    I've always been against income guarantees and most income claims simply because they aren't believable. I mean with some of these sales letters they ought to show this stuff to congress and we would settle our national debt and get every citizen a dang good income with no problem.

    On the other hand, taking away the ability to say things like "you can finally break through and make the money you've been working for" I think is wrong and will hurt the WSO forum.

    Imagine a weight loss forum that denied weight loss ads that said anything like "you can finally get rid of those inches". Or what about a computer forum denying a computer ad "get more speed with this software program"?

    And, if management is going to make others live by this rule, it would be good for them to set the example. I just received an email from them selling an offer talking about earning $60,000 in a month and similar amounts every month.

    While getting rid of extreme and exact claims and guarantees is good, getting rid of these mild ones is going to hurt more than help in my opinion.

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    • Profile picture of the author Roger Brown
      Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

      I've always been against income guarantees and most income claims simply because they aren't believable. I mean with some of these sales letters they ought to show this stuff to congress and we would settle our national debt and get every citizen a dang good income with no problem.

      On the other hand, taking away the ability to say things like "you can finally break through and make the money you've been working for" I think is wrong and will hurt the WSO forum.

      Imagine a weight loss forum that denied weight loss ads that said anything like "you can finally get rid of those inches". Or what about a computer forum denying a computer ad "get more speed with this software program"?

      And, if management is going to make others live by this rule, it would be good for them to set the example. I just received an email from them selling an offer talking about earning $60,000 in a month and similar amounts every month.

      While getting rid of extreme and exact claims and guarantees is good, getting rid of these mild ones is going to hurt more than help in my opinion.

      This is true. Regarding IM, many of the methods I've come across do seem to actually work but it depends on how you scale. When I first started in IM back in 2009, I purchased an affiliate marketing ebook written by a fairly famous IM expert and I put it to the test. I built a basic superhero site and linked products within the site to Amazon, selling toys, DVDs, merchandise, etc.
      Even though my site was ranked on the fourth page for its target keyword on Google, the site was actually getting sales. And I noticed that many of the customers were actually purchasing products that had nothing to do with what I was selling. So when they came to my site, they'd click to purchase a toy and then they would purchase a lot of other products off Amazon, hence giving me commissions for those sales.
      I've no doubt that there are many people with successful businesses as I've seen it work myself from my trials and testing and I did it without any real knowledge at the time. I work in a different sector now but I think success depends on the individual. Even despite what is claimed to be possible with the claims and guarantees, people will make their own success if they can really grasp the concepts and get it rolling. That's the most difficult part of it all. Everyone faces that hurdle.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Baxter
    Im trying to figure out why your wso gets approved, goes through the critiquing process where they ask you to change things, gets re-approved and then after NO CHANGES are made the mods hit you with more edits that need to be made.

    It seems as if there is absolutely no structure or note taking when it comes to changes. Either that or it's personal.....
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