Define marketing in five or less words

by WF- Enzo Administrator
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If you're gonna describe marketing in five or less words, post below.
#define #marketing #words
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    Raising a child is akin to knowing you're getting fired in 18 years and having to train your replacement without actively sabotaging them.

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    I got what you need!
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    The Sweeper Store, reassuringly expensive

    Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    Big boobs get more attention
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    • Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      Big boobs get more attention
      My sublimely juicy perkiture disagrees.

      Aw gahsh, an' I said that in five or fewer words.

      So here's my take on the 'rignl question:

      Superlatives if pressed. Othahwise: transformation.

      If it helps nowan, this is how I approach my hair.

      Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

        My sublimely juicy perkiture disagrees.

        Aw gahsh, an' I said that in five or fewer words.

        So here's my take on the 'rignl question:

        Superlatives if pressed. Othahwise: transformation.

        If it helps nowan, this is how I approach my hair.
        I knew you where going to mention your boobs. I figured it was safer for me to mention big boobs in general.

        And then you could get the attention on your boobs.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11682241].message }}
        • Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

          I knew you where going to mention your boobs. I figured it was safer for me to mention big boobs in general.

          And then you could get the attention on your boobs.

          Here is a marketing trick all of its own.

          Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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          • Profile picture of the author Odahh
            Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

            Here is a marketing trick all of its own.
            But it requires tact I would not draw attention to specific boobs even if they where in front of me. Unless the woman made it clear where my attention should be.

            Marketing is "relationship building with potential customers "

            Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

            What's weird to me is that most great marketers have a knowledge,

            And some of my biggest leaps in income, from selling, came after I studied marketing, and applied those lessons to support my selling.

            You are right, of course...they are completely different skill sets.
            I have studied marketing less as a way to make money but more as a way to identify where most of my beliefs and habits come from. Almost everything we believe comes from some form of marketing. There is some from actual experience. But we even tend to filter experience through marketing beliefs.
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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
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    • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      Find hungry crowd. Feed them.
      Hungry Claude means hungry crowd

      Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Marketing and selling aren't synonymous.

    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post

      Marketing and selling aren't synonymous.
      What's weird to me is that most great marketers have a knowledge, and some experience in selling.

      But salespeople almost never study marketing, or know anything about it.

      This doesn't include the business owners that are really entrepreneurial salespeople, that advertise to generate leads for themselves, and their reps. And almost none of them actually study marketing.

      And some of my biggest leaps in income, from selling, came after I studied marketing, and applied those lessons to support my selling.

      You are right, of course...they are completely different skill sets.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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      • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

        What's weird to me is that most great marketers have a knowledge, and some experience in selling.

        But salespeople almost never study marketing, or know anything about it.

        This doesn't include the business owners that are really entrepreneurial salespeople, that advertise to generate leads for themselves, and their reps. And almost none of them actually study marketing.

        And some of my biggest leaps in income, from selling, came after I studied marketing, and applied those lessons to support my selling.

        You are right, of course...they are completely different skill sets.
        You'll have heard the Peter Drucker saying that the idea of marketing is to make selling superfluous, but for solo operations or small businesses, the roles are necessarily conflated. With vacuum cleaners, for example, Dyson may market, but the store owner will do the selling. That store, in turn, will market itself against other other sweeper stores and outlets.

        I only bring this up because any definition would depend on whether the question posed in the thread assumes a distinction.

        Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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