Vegas has record heat...

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5 consecutive days of 115 or higher. Damn that's hot.

I know when I lived in palm springs, ca in the desert we reached 124 degrees one time.

HOT !!!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    According to the NWS the 124 was a new high set this week in Palm must have been 123 when you were there - much cooler

    Can you imagine living in those areas without A/C? My Grandson (Vegas) takes his Goldendoodle out for walks at midnight and 5 am - with boots on to protect his (the dog's) feet.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11797003].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      According to the NWS the 124 was a new high set this week in Palm must have been 123 when you were there - much cooler

      Can you imagine living in those areas without A/C? My Grandson (Vegas) takes his Goldendoodle out for walks at midnight and 5 am - with boots on to protect his (the dog's) feet.
      Yeah I just know what it said on my car thermometer. It may have been off by a degree or two. But that is just crazy!!

      Mark, you are right not a lot of humidity for sure
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  • Yeah, but Robert don't you know that is a dry heat so it doesn't count.

    I can't wait until night time here when the temperature drops like a rock down to 90 or so with 85% or more humidity. Deep freeze!


    PS I think that sizzling sound I keep hearing may be my liver deep frying.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Mark - do people and businesses there have A/C - probably a dumb question but I don't know the answer.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Mark - do people and businesses there have A/C - probably a dumb question but I don't know the answer.
      Yes. But many/most seniors don't have it. And when people or businesses do have it, it's normally using individual units vs. central AC. In our case, we have AC in the bedroom only. My wife never slept under an AC until we got married, so I guess they get used to it. And it's not really a rich or poor thing either. I know people who are very wealthy with one unit and I know people who don't have enough for food with two units. We just bought a new unit, so I don't have to keep going in the bedroom to work in the middle of the day. LOL

      If this keeps up, though, I just may be dead by the time cool weather comes around. Kidding/not kidding. I'm getting too old for this!!!!

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      • Profile picture of the author discrat
        Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

        In our case, we have AC in the bedroom only. My wife never slept under an AC until we got married, so I guess they get used to it.

        I cannot sleep unless I have the AC blaring and under two set of covers in mid July lol
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        • Profile picture of the author Ken Leatherman
          Originally Posted by discrat View Post

          I cannot sleep unless I have the AC blaring and under two set of covers in mid July lol
          I do exactly the same thing. With the ceiling fan going full blast.

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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    I am in it and it is hot as the devil (100° +)

    At some point, air conditioners STOP working because it's just too hot.

    If you are in extreme temperatures, stay safe, cool and hydrated.

    If you get overheated, take a cool shower.

    This heat can kill.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    As a child I lived most of the time with my Grandparents in a big 3 story farmhouse. It was shaded with huge trees on three sides and my Grandmother always closed the wood shutters on the west side for the summer afternoons.

    We would sit outside in the shade and do as much work outside as possible to 'catch the breeze'. But I don't remember ever being too hot to sleep or all that uncomfortable. High ceilings captured the heat - shutters kept it out and the shade trees helped. Today we build houses on bare lots with shutters that don't close.

    After Katrina I had problems with my central A/C and waiting for the insurance settlement I bought a window A/C for my bedroom. In the end, by the next summer I had 4 6000 BTU window units and one large-space portable unit. House was cooler than ever - and my electric bill was cut by 1/3. Who knew? The reason for multiple units was simple - that was the biggest A/C I could lift and install by myself...and I could remove/store them in the winter.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Oh, you are in it Robert? I guess I missed that. Sorry man. Dry or not, that's hot!

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    j/k Robert - anything over 90 is totally unacceptable....
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    Originally Posted by discrat View Post

    5 consecutive days of 115 or higher. Damn that's hot.

    I know when I lived in palm springs, ca in the desert we reached 124 degrees one time.

    HOT !!!!!
    It hot I actually got sick a few weeks ago when it jumped to 110 but it had fallen to the mid 90's for a few days before. No more drinking until September or October when the heat drops down. Haha.

    Thankfully there has not been much wind that just feels like standing in a hand dryer.

    I'm out in the heat from about 8 am to 2:30pm but am able to sit in shaded areas. It's really hard to go anywhere though I don't have a car and my shoes start to melt if I walk more than 1/2 of a mile.

    But I feel physically better than I have felt in a while . The extreme amount of sweating has a cleansing effects. Next place I move to live I think I will settle for having access to a sauna verse living in one.

    I'd still take the heat of a blizzard with many feet of snow
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Years ago I had a cousin who was with the military and spent years in the US Southwest and then deep in Texas...when he retired he retired to Alaska. Said he'd had enough heat for a lifetime.

    I'm in SW Ohio and it's 75 here with a great breeze...go July?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11797039].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      I'm in SW Ohio and it's 75 here with a great breeze...go July?
      Ok, ok, ok rub it in why don't you Kay lol.
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  • It's not even 9AM and I'm heading to the bedroom. LOL

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  • I just saw on CNN that half a million people around Houston don't have water or power due to the hurricane and it's not supposed to get fixed until next week some time. The feel like temp could get as high as 106!

    Talk about misery!!

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    • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
      Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

      I just saw on CNN that half a million people around Houston don't have water or power due to the hurricane and it's not supposed to get fixed until next week some time. The feel like temp could get as high as 106!

      Talk about misery!!

      I live in Conroe, a small city adjacent to Houston. The "Beryl" storm was really bad. It did not last that long relatively speaking but it's effects were pretty devastating. Two people I know, one has power back in less than a couple of days, the other still no power after four and a half days. Luck of the draw. Apart from a brief outage or fluctuation, I never lost power. I may be on the same circuit to a nearby hospital and Dr's places down our street galore. So they were prioritized?

      It has a knock on effect. Lines to go inside a supermarket, no fresh produce. lines to get gas for your truck or car etc. Trees down everywhere, on peoples houses, blocking roads etc. My friend who was out for a day or so had her side fence blown down and having 5 dogs, cant let them out in the back yard lest they wander off. Will be fixed today. (Saturday). She had to chuck out all in her fridge and freezer And of course it's hot here and having no AC makes life miserable.

      AC here is a staple, it is built into almost every dwelling. Life is unbearable without it.

      Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11797103].message }}
      • Mark, I'm glad you never lost power. My parents had no power last year in the heat of summer for like three weeks after Idalia and they were miserable. Be safe during the cleanup.

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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    The heat Index in NJ was above 100 the past few days. Today we have showers because of Beryl. Philly had a heat index of around 109 on Wednesday. Being close to the coast we had humidity equivalent to Miami FL, on top of the As*hole that started a forest fire in Wharton State Forest because of FireCrackers. Stay cool out there everyone.
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom

    I would like to know where the temperatures were taken from, (if it is the same bias crap Australia has," taken from an airport" then it is the usual pack of lies to support the so called non existent climate emergency).

    Vegas has hot weather, Death Valley has record heat, (134).

    Australia has record cold full dams wall to wall rain zero sea level rise and snow. We also have an idiot Bureau of Meteorology that is constantly trying to convince us that we are burning up when we clearly are not.

    Farmers have lost a lot of money listening to these clowns, and others have lost their lives listening to these idiots telling them a while ago that rain was easing just before it become torrential, (a frickin 12 year old reading their satellite data could have figured it out).

    This climate emergency is becoming a global embarrassment!
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    • Originally Posted by tagiscom View Post

      This climate emergency is becoming a global embarrassment!
      An' why so, zackly?

      Prolly bcs we been poisonin' the planit for so long, we all forgaht what we dowin'.

      From microplastics pollutants in watah to noxious fumes skyward an' our own junk tossed direct at vulnrbl naytyoore ... we stompin' 'bout the place like our passage is of consuckonce only to usselves.

      That is why ima naht die of shame 'bout nuthin', evin for an instant.

      Bcs alla muh joolz an' riches will perish same as all the stuff we all gaht if'n we don't acknowledge the impendin' furnace.

      It may seem inconvenient, difficult, an' untrue.

      An' you may believe ERRANT FORCES are drivin' down yr dreams on a doomsay ticket.

      But what you can nevah deny is the emergin' narrative.

      Plus, in whose intrests, zackly, is a global plot based on WACKO climate fears?

      If'n the climate REAL DARN FINE, what are THEY dowin' to US to suggest it AIN'T?

      Gotta hope this is sum decent amounta heat thrown onto the fiyurre ...

      Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11797199].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
        Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

        An' you may believe ERRANT FORCES are drivin' down yr dreams on a doomsay ticket.

        But what you can nevah deny is the emergin' narrative.

        Plus, in whose intrests, zackly, is a global plot based on WACKO climate fears?

        A case in point is what l read on today's paper about at least admitting that Australia's summers are wet and mild while our winters are freezing and wet, (freezing air from the Arctic). Then unfortunately it plugged the usual crappola about how the rest of the world is burning up we may have reached the 1.5% and we need to try harder maybe even go with the hair brain idea of putting soot in our atmosphere, (just to make sure we really fu.... things up).

        Funny no mention whatever about how sea levels NEVER ..RISE ANYWHERE. Antartica should be melting according to the nutcases, but it just keeps melting slightly every summer that it gains more every winter, (same with the Arctic).

        As l said this crap is embarrassing.

        So we destroy our economies even more and make peoples lives even worse, (l saw this first hand today when some stranger grabbed some leftover muffin or cake from the table l was sitting down to walked away to a seat in the shopping center to eat it).

        it is getting so bad here with the fruitcakes running our country that pensioners have to choose between dinner or heating.

        This in a first world economy.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11797229].message }}
        • Originally Posted by tagiscom View Post

          This in a first world economy.
          Tellya, when you cain't move for muffins an' fruitcakes, best hope you gaht is to get sweet with yuh own baps.

          Plenny people try to swipe my assets when I loungin' in public areahs ... but I do naht immediately dismiss it as the work of Satan.

          (If'n it helps, las' time it WAS Satan, she left me a $200 Amazon gift card, 3 bananas, an' a 1/5 scale replica leathah Uzi.)

          Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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          • Profile picture of the author Ken Leatherman
            Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

            Tellya, when you cain't move for muffins an' fruitcakes, best hope you gaht is to get sweet with yuh own baps.

            Plenny people try to swipe my assets when I loungin' in public areahs ... but I do naht immediately dismiss it as the work of Satan.

            (If'n it helps, las' time it WAS Satan, she left me a $200 Amazon gift card, 3 bananas, an' a 1/5 scale replica leathah Uzi.)
            1/5 scale replica length Uzi is hilarious. I love it!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I agree - and all the scare stories about climate ignore areas that are cooler than usual This past week is the first really HOT weather my area has had this summer...and one day last week was in the 70s while the others were 90s.

    I don't doubt weather patterns change - I don't doubt some areas are getting hotter not do I doubt that humans contribute with our engines and machines and manufacturing...and breathing. What I don't believe is that we can control the climate changes - and it seems to me those who WANT to control it more often than not have a financial motive in mind.

    In Texas this weekend many people are furious at the power company because only 2/3 of those who lost power with the hurricane last monday have their restored. 1.5 million without power - and 5 days later one million have power....I think that's pretty good. People seem to think the power company just points and the broken poles remove themselves and replace themselves....that miles of new line just hangs itself from those new poles. Not one person mentioned the hardship of those electrical workers doing this work in 100 degree heat.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      I agree - and all the scare stories about climate ignore areas that are cooler than usual This past week is the first really HOT weather my area has had this summer...and one day last week was in the 70s while the others were 90s.
      I appreciate your candidacy Kay, agreed we or Adelaide had its coldest morning on record, (or around 200 years) a few weeks ago but we don't get any "world ending grab your children for that" but as soon as we get one hot day then it is.

      When l was a kid l worked at the Melbourne show, (September or months before summer really sets in here) and we had a week similar to what Texas is having. I remember it clearly since l was working in a Gov, building, (air con on full blast and freezing) or one week of unbearably hot weather in the mid to late 1970's.

      Ironically when we thought that we were in a mini ice age.

      I don't doubt weather patterns change - I don't doubt some areas are getting hotter not do I doubt that humans contribute with our engines and machines and manufacturing...and breathing. What I don't believe is that we can control the climate changes - and it seems to me those who WANT to control it more often than not have a financial motive in mind.
      Only trouble is they intentionally take readings from heat sinks, and only take data from 1970's or the coldest part of the scale so they can push the burning up crappola.

      In Texas this weekend many people are furious at the power company because only 2/3 of those who lost power with the hurricane last monday have their restored. 1.5 million without power - and 5 days later one million have power....I think that's pretty good. People seem to think the power company just points and the broken poles remove themselves and replace themselves....that miles of new line just hangs itself from those new poles. Not one person mentioned the hardship of those electrical workers doing this work in 100 degree heat.
      Pretty good for Texas with the idiots pushing wind and solar way too hard.

      But Australia has pretty good fools also, or we are bringing in new laws that says if we have a disaster and the power goes out then they can take the power from EV car batterys hocked up the grid and give it to others.

      So effectively we wake up to a fire and a dead car,...which you know you die.

      It is getting quite comical in a black humor kind of way.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    If you want a bit of a laugh on's a true story from a month ago.

    A man in a white truck ran into my car recently - not a lot of damage but had to get it fixed. His insurance covered it - and also provided me with a rental car while my car was in the shop.

    The rental agency is right next to the auto repair shop (handy, huh?) so I dropped off my car to be repaired, then went to pick up the pre-arranged rental. The rental agent told me they had listed me for a 'mid-size car' but had none in stock that day so had upgraded me to full size. Fine with me.

    Then the agent said 'Do you mind a Charger'?

    And I said "I do NOT want an electric car"

    And she said - "I meant a Dodge Charger"

    ...then we looked at each other and both cracked up laughing....

    When I returned the rental car - she said I gave her the best story she's had all year....
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11797189].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Then the agent said 'Do you mind a Charger'?

      And I said "I do NOT want an electric car"

      And she said - "I meant a Dodge Charger"

      ...then we looked at each other and both cracked up laughing....

      When I returned the rental car - she said I gave her the best story she's had all year....
      Pretty funny but l have a few...

      You would think that Petrol stations putting in EV charging stations would be raking it in, (they take a good part of an hour unless you are rich) and they go into the store and likely spend money while waiting.

      But no too many are putting them in so they cost a lot and take forever to get the installation cost back.

      Good to hear you got a rental, l had to repair mine a month ago and took busses for a week, and will never take them again if l can help it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    I remember being in Chicago in 1995 and experiencing a heat wave ..It was so hot that every was advised to stay inside
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    Shane first world economy doesn't mean anything anymore.

    People like simple answers that cause more pain to others to solve complex problem.

    We are getting to see this work out with inflation. The simple answers were to raise interest rates and tighten money supply.

    Now we are heading for a bigger set of problem.

    With the argument about climate change we are failing to address the pollution problem. That drastiy effects humans as the apex species of the planet.

    The earth we live on responds a lot faster than we believe. There are already bacteria evolving around the world to break down plastic. And the excess CO2 being absorbed into the ocean mix with the agricultural run of and create large growth of seaweed.

    There are probably ten thousand other things the planet is doing to attempt to balance off the problems we are causing.

    In any case back to Las Vegas it rained last night and it's now just 100 degrees with 20 percent humidity
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    My godness how people can survive at that temperature ?
    I think if you throw an egg on the ground it will be prepared
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by spartan14 View Post

      My godness how people can survive at that temperature ?
      I think if you throw an egg on the ground it will be prepared
      Not an egg but if you have thin soled shoes. Your feet Will start slow cooking.

      So far this year there have been nine confir.ed cases of heat death in Clark county NV which is the county that has Vegas valley.

      I walked by one body while the cops and medical people where doing their.

      Several heat deaths though get attributed to drugs or alcohol.

      Also the tap water in Las Vegas is hard water and tastes slimey. If you have to stay hydrated by drinking the amount of water you need with most of it being tap water you get I'll from that.then add if you are eating a standard American diet. Where you are normally deficient in many vitamins and minerals. The amount of water you drink or other liquid.through a heat wave of 110 for weeks at a time makes that worse.
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11797700].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    It been a record breaking summer for heat in Vegas in July there was the hottest day ever recorded in Vegas at120 degrees. With seven days straight over 115. And 35 days over 110 degrees so far.

    With 55 plus days so where the low has not gone below 80. Which may have ended today but not sure.

    It will be very amusing if the temperature drops after the first of October and people start binding up in winter clothes when it's in the high 60s during the day
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11800848].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      It been a record breaking summer for heat in Vegas in July there was the hottest day ever recorded in Vegas at120 degrees. With seven days straight over 115. And 35 days over 110 degrees so far.

      With 55 plus days so where the low has not gone below 80. Which may have ended today but not sure.

      It will be very amusing if the temperature drops after the first of October and people start binding up in winter clothes when it's in the high 60s during the day
      Oh brother instead of doing a search on Google or propaganda central try DuckDuckGo.

      The hottest temperature ever recorded in Las Vegas is 117 degrees, which occurred on both July 19, 2005 and July 24, 1942. The hottest temperature ever recorded in the state of Nevada is 125 degrees, which occurred on June 29, 1994 in Laughlin.
      I know what you will say it is not Vegas but the entire state had a far hotter day 30 years ago when flannery pushed his climate scam to the UN in the 80's.

      And temperature gauges are currently not very reliable since airports are a joke, (pretty easy to point a few jets at the gauge).

      And you know what while you lot are burning up and the world is ending again, in our part of the planet the opposite is happening.

      Great Barrier Reef record coral growth, dams are near full Australia wide we are having more rain that usual and our snow peaks are fine and dare l say it we up til very recently had bitterly cold air from the Arctic, not warm not hot ....cold.

      And will most likely run out of gas next year primary because of small minded brainless individuals who pray at their favorite climate website than actually ...think.

      We have at least 80's years of gas under our feet but idiots are too scared to get it out, since the boogy man CO2 will haunt our state.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11800860].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
        Originally Posted by tagiscom View Post

        Oh brother instead of doing a search on Google or propaganda central try DuckDuckGo.

        I know what you will say it is not Vegas but the entire state had a far hotter day 30 years ago when flannery pushed his climate scam to the UN in the 80's.

        And temperature gauges are currently not very reliable since airports are a joke, (pretty easy to point a few jets at the gauge).

        And you know what while you lot are burning up and the world is ending again, in our part of the planet the opposite is happening.

        Great Barrier Reef record coral growth, dams are near full Australia wide we are having more rain that usual and our snow peaks are fine and dare l say it we up til very recently had bitterly cold air from the Arctic, not warm not hot ....cold.

        And will most likely run out of gas next year primary because of small minded brainless individuals who pray at their favorite climate website than actually ...think.

        We have at least 80's years of gas under our feet but idiots are too scared to get it out, since the boogy man CO2 will haunt our state.
        One of the side effects of global warming "is" erratic short term changes in weather patterns. You can expect anything and everything to happen. But, it is generally short term and not a constant that will remain indefinitely.

        However, the mean temperature of the earth is going up year on year. It's getting hotter across the board, Why do you think that is?

        Excess Co2 in the atmosphere traps the suns heat and stops it escaping back into space. Thus the Earth is heating up. The use of fossil fuels and burning of them produces more that adds to the quantity in the atmosphere.

        All the above are established facts. Scientifically observable truth and constants. It is not open to debate or ridicule. You cannot refute things that are proved, many times over to be facts.

        To do this simply makes you a conspiracy theorist. For the most part, a conspiracy theorist is someone or a collective, refuting things that are, based on the evidence, proven to be one way and saying it is another way, without providing a shred of demonstratable evidence that their views are correct.

        I'm afraid you fall into that category.

        Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11800878].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
          Originally Posted by lanfear63 View Post

          One of the side effects of global warming "is" erratic short term changes in weather patterns. You can expect anything and everything to happen. But, it is generally short term and not a constant that will remain indefinitely.

          However, the mean temperature of the earth is going up year on year. It's getting hotter across the board, Why do you think that is?
          Gee let's see, mass media are lying ....?

          Excess Co2 in the atmosphere traps the suns heat and stops it escaping back into space. Thus the Earth is heating up. The use of fossil fuels and burning of them produces more that adds to the quantity in the atmosphere.

          All the above are established facts. Scientifically observable truth and constants. It is not open to debate or ridicule. You cannot refute things that are proved, many times over to be facts.

          To do this simply makes you a conspiracy theorist. For the most part, a conspiracy theorist is someone or a collective, refuting things that are, based on the evidence, proven to be one way and saying it is another way, without providing a shred of demonstratable evidence that their views are correct.

          I'm afraid you fall into that category.
          So we cannot discuss this since it is irrefutable, damn you mean Australia has had its coldest winter for ages is just an anomaly?

          And our dams being full since we have had rain for years on end is also just the fairy's messing with our weather or maybe it is the contrails from our military aircraft, (get that hyperbole all of the time on YouTube).

          As for the rest we have had no ...sea level rise here anywhere, nor globally anywhere!

          Even though NASA and other, (sites l guess) push sea level rises that don't exist.

          And the air from your Antarctica every winter is also freezing not warm, and not hot, (which explains the countless records being broken in the US every year, and here).

          Even CNN and other media sites every year in the US say it is freezing air from Antarctica hitting Texas, since they have to since it is frickin obvious.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11800907].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
            Originally Posted by tagiscom View Post

            Gee let's see, mass media are lying ....?

            So we cannot discuss this since it is irrefutable, damn you mean Australia has had its coldest winter for ages is just an anomaly?

            And our dams being full since we have had rain for years on end is also just the fairy's messing with our weather or maybe it is the contrails from our military aircraft, (get that hyperbole all of the time on YouTube).

            As for the rest we have had no ...sea level rise here anywhere, nor globally anywhere!

            Even though NASA and other, (sites l guess) push sea level rises that don't exist.

            And the air from your Antarctica every winter is also freezing not warm, and not hot, (which explains the countless records being broken in the US every year, and here).

            Even CNN and other media sites every year in the US say it is freezing air from Antarctica hitting Texas, since they have to since it is frickin obvious.
            "So we cannot discuss this since it is irrefutable, damn you mean Australia has had its coldest winter for ages is just an anomaly?

            And our dams being full since we have had rain for years on end is also just the fairy's messing with our weather or maybe it is the contrails from our military aircraft, (get that hyperbole all of the time on YouTube)."

            Answer to this one already supplied"

            "One of the side effects of global warming "is" erratic short term changes in weather patterns. You can expect anything and everything to happen. But, it is generally short term and not a constant that will remain indefinitely."

            Sea levels are also collectively rising year on year. Currently it is rising slowly. But, When a major melt of sea ice at the poles occurs, which it is in the process of doing, we can expect sea levels to rise dramatically. Their are several low lying Islands already suffering from it.

            The rest is just disjointed waffle, just you crying Fake News.

            So now your begging for the mods to close the thread? Are we getting a little uncomfortable for being sounded out?

            I'm sure they will anyway.

            Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

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            • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
              Originally Posted by lanfear63 View Post

              "So we cannot discuss this since it is irrefutable, damn you mean Australia has had its coldest winter for ages is just an anomaly?

              And our dams being full since we have had rain for years on end is also just the fairy's messing with our weather or maybe it is the contrails from our military aircraft, (get that hyperbole all of the time on YouTube)."

              Answer to this one already supplied"

              "One of the side effects of global warming "is" erratic short term changes in weather patterns. You can expect anything and everything to happen. But, it is generally short term and not a constant that will remain indefinitely."

              Sea levels are also collectively rising year on year. Currently it is rising slowly. But, When a major melt of sea ice at the poles occurs, which it is in the process of doing, we can expect sea levels to rise dramatically. Their are several low lying Islands already suffering from it.

              The rest is just disjointed waffle, just you crying Fake News.

              So now your begging for the mods to close the thread? Are we getting a little uncomfortable for being sounded out?

              I'm sure they will anyway.
              Meaning we can have any weather we can imagine and put a "Climate Emergency" sticker on it, how convient?

              It used to be no rain and if so it would evaporate before it hits the ground, and no snow and empty dams, (the opposite is happening) or our oceans are boiling.

              And sea levels are not rising at all, (dig up the thread a few years ago showing images).

              Low lying lslands like the ones near us crying sea level rise Australia give us some money? The main islands in question are rising by the way.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    You can 'discuss' climate change till you freeze or overheat - but you cannot toss insults around or predict what moderators will do.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh

    I'm here in Vegas and I'm out in the heat ever day a good chunk of day. This year we have the hottest summer on record. The winter of 22-23 had was the coldest on record. With the record length of time between 100 degree days.

    Talking about the record heat of this summer in Las Vegas.That I am on the ground a thread started to talk about the record heat in in Las not me complaining about climate change.

    The man made element of climate change outside the effects of the cycles of the sun. Have as much to do with how humans build cities and destroy ecosystems and replace them with hotter man made environments.

    But humans want the simple explanation for a complex problem. The best thing will actually be the coming drop in population of the planet.
    The way humans are moving around the planet they Are moving away from areas that will get hit worse if temperature drops
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11800931].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post


      I'm here in Vegas and I'm out in the heat ever day a good chunk of day. This year we have the hottest summer on record. The winter of 22-23 had was the coldest on record. With the record length of time between 100 degree days.

      Talking about the record heat of this summer in Las Vegas.That I am on the ground a thread started to talk about the record heat in in Las not me complaining about climate change.

      The man made element of climate change outside the effects of the cycles of the sun. Have as much to do with how humans build cities and destroy ecosystems and replace them with hotter man made environments.

      But humans want the simple explanation for a complex problem. The best thing will actually be the coming drop in population of the planet.
      The way humans are moving around the planet they Are moving away from areas that will get hit worse if temperature drops
      Unfortunately the hottest usually means doddy weather software with an addition for making it up, or only using 1970's onwards since that was the coldest.

      Maybe it actually was the hottest but that typically means loonies defacing public moments and blocking roads to prove something, (yeah proves a ...lot).

      The hottest something these days means the world will end in a decade as it has tried to end every decade since the 80's.

      Or apparently extreme weather also means it, funny the worst hale storm in history happened in the 1700's in England with a monk recording it, or saying how hail the size of a small cannon ball destroyed all tree's livestock and the occasional human in its path.

      About as extreme as you can get and no world ending!

      The evidence that the world isn't ending is puling up, and the elites are getting desperate.

      As for population control lets not go there, (need another threat for that one) but one good over unity device would solve world hunger and that in one swoop, but as always f...oil gets in the way.

      Or more pissed at the idiots running our grid in my state which suffer from GFAL, (Goldfish After A Lobotomy) syndrome.
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    You are arguing when there is nothing to argue about.i also said nothing about population control. People around the world are having fewer children. also with obesity becoming a world wide problem we will probably see life spans shorten a few years around the world.

    The primary cause of stress humans put on the environment was from the expanding population. As that slows and levels off in the next 30 years. I don't see end times on the horizon.

    Again back to the subject of the thread how hot it has been in Las Vegas. being in the USA the temperature data goes back at least a hundred years or more with some accuracy.

    The summer of 2024 has been the hottest on record.while the winter of 2022-2023 was the coldest on record. Las Vegas valley also covers 140 square miles.while being a dessert environment that tends to be hot. It's actually the environment I chose to live after moving through the different environments available in the USA.

    I'll talk about how hot it's been in Las Vegas this a thread about how hot it's been in Vegas this year without saying omg the end of the is coming.

    So why are you arguing about how hot it's been in Las Vegas when you are in Australia.
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Let's get this back on topic. Records were broken here in July for 90 degrees and above with tropical humidity. This week after Hurricane Debbie passed by the weather was perfect for August, 80s during the day, good air quality, and low humidity. We even had a few nights of upper 50s and lower 60s. It's great to hear the A/C stop running in the evenings. I can only imagine how expensive the electric bills must be in Vegas. Stay cool guys the fall is right around the corner.
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  • Profile picture of the author acorndigital
    Wow, that's intense! Five days of 115 degrees or more is no joke. I can't imagine how challenging that must have been. And 124 degrees in Palm Springs? That's on another level of hot! Hope you were able to stay cool and hydrated during those extreme temperatures.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11801625].message }}
  • Only about 6 weeks to go to a little cooler weather. I have no clue how I've survived this long. However, I know others have it much worse than I do and I'm grateful for some of the basics I have such as access to at least some AC.

    Damn those farting cows.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11801646].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

      Only about 6 weeks to go to a little cooler weather. I have no clue how I've survived this long. However, I know others have it much worse than I do and I'm grateful for some of the basics I have such as access to at least some AC.

      Damn those farting cows.

      Las Vegas is now between 95-105 as a high next few weeks probably until the end of September .which is normal for Las Vegas. The breeze is actually cooling at that range of temperature.

      110 and higher everything made of concrete retains so much heat the breeze during the day is just hot. But in two months people will be walking around in winter clothes complaining about how chilly it is.

      At least the worst of the heat is done.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    My Grandson has been walking his Goldendoodle at 4 am in Vegas - he'll love having a bit of cooler weather.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    For most of this week, we had nights in the low 50s, with pleasant temperatures in the 70s and low humidity. We set a record low for August the other day. The sad thing is next week back in the 90's the humidity starts coming back on Sunday. Stay safe out there everyone. September and the beginning of fall are right around the corner.
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