Do You Really Care If Palin Spent $70K at Neiman Marcus?

8 replies
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Do you think that Governor Sarah Palin's (the GOP's VP pick) recent shopping spree at an upscale department store helps solidify her as the quintessential "hockey mom", or rather, alienates her from "joe the plumber"?

Does your IM income allow YOU to shop at Neiman Marcus?

All opinions welcome.

- Jay
#mccain #palin #politics #shoping
  • Profile picture of the author Patrician
    I couldn't care less what she wears.

    This is just another 'dog and pony show' tactic to discredit her and to divert the public from the issues.

    What are we talking here, former pastors, uncool former friends, pins, wardrobes.

    All really critical versus the 'economy', wars and rumors of wars, taxes, illegal immigration, massive job losses, bankrupt pensions.

    The whole process is a sham no matter how you dress it up.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kevin Riley
      The Angels have spoken:

      At least, the Angel who thinks that all politicians make crooks look like fine upstanding citizens.
      Kevin Riley, long-time Warrior living in Osaka, Japan

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  • Profile picture of the author Wakunahum
    Anyone running for office on the federal level is kind of yanking your chain if they try to say they are exactly like the average middle class families in America.

    BUT the press would do more good to cover issues and policies than what kind of clothes someone where or where they shop.
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  • Profile picture of the author espacecadet
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    • Profile picture of the author PamelaH
      I'm Canadian so don't know if I have a right to post an opinion here about your politics. My husband and I are watching everything on this campaign - it is all absolutely fascinating. I can't believe the Press - wow - talk about biased. We have biased press here too believe me but I don't think I've ever seen the venom and the manipulation of the truth that's been displayed with this election. And here my friends is why I couldn't resist posting - I thought women had come a long way (and men) but Sexism is still alive and well in our society. If Governor Palin was a male and wearing expensive clothes, it wouldn't ever have been made a big issue of.

      And 2nd of all, she didn't personally spend this money - the campaign decided that they wanted her to be well dressed and represent the party with class and dignity. These thousands of dollars pale compared to the millions that are being spent on the Campaigns. These kinds of things are meant to be a diversion - I'd say it speaks well for the McCain campaign when the biased press have nothing more important than these kinds of things to criticize.

      I'm on a roll now - what was spent on Palin's clothes is more important than Obama's affiliations with a known unrependent terrorist, with the fact that he said your precious troops kill people and raid villages, when he feels the size of a country dictates how big a threat they are (not that's really scary)? I just don't get it! Okay I'll quit now. I'm a huge fan of Governor Palin - obviously I'm neither Republican or a Democratic being from Canada - but regardless of whether you agree with her politics, her beliefs, her code of ethics, etc., surely this is a woman who deserves so much more respect than she has gotten - she has been a Mayor, a State Governor, and so much more. Again - sexism. The press is so careful not to be perceived as racist in any way (rightfully so) but obviously couldn't care less about being perceived as sexist. Think about it. Anyway hope I won't be kicked off the Forum. Love it here. Pam
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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        Obama Spending Dominance Continues - The Fix

        At the same time, the required financial expenditure report recently submitted by Obama's campaign was not complete and did not list all expenses nor identify over 1 million in credit card charges for the third quarter.

        A spokesman said the report will be amended - but the timing of it means the amendment and figures won't be available before the election. Smart planning?

        The clothes for Palin were not purchased with taxpayer money and are just another diversion from the important issues of the campaign.

        Just hope Obama is as effective at raising money for the country as he is for his campaign.

        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
        ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
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        • Profile picture of the author TimPhelan
          PamelaH: "with the fact that he said your precious troops kill people and raid villages"

          Obama's exact quote regarding Afghanistan was "We've got to get the job done there, and that requires us to have enough troops so that we're not just air-raiding villages and killing civilians, which is causing enormous pressure over there."

          His point is that because we don't have enough ground troops, many times we use air attacks that do end up killing innocent civilians. President Bush recognized and admitted this. The President of Afghanistan has been very outspoken about this also. Angry actually. It doesn't help us win over the hearts and minds of the Afghanistan people when so many civilians get killed. It's not our soldiers fault, it's because we don't have enough troops to fight in Afghanistan.

          After Obama made that statement, the Associated Press produced a "fact check." It concluded that "Western forces (in Afghanistan) have been killing civilians at a faster rate than the insurgents have been killing civilians."
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  • Profile picture of the author PamelaH
    Thanks for the clarification Tim - I had misinterpreted the quote I think. I actually didn't realize that many civilians had been killed due to the troops air raids. Isn't that so terribly sad and tragic.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      It doesn't help us win over the hearts and minds of the Afghanistan people when so many civilians get killed. It's not our soldiers fault, it's because we don't have enough troops to fight in Afghanistan.
      So true. There are always civilian casualties but it's been reported as being much higher in Afghanistan than it should be. It's been high in Iraq, too, but seemed to be better after the Surge - proof that more troops helps.

      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
      ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
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