41 replies
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Animal cruelty is so evil and it should be stopped. One of the main reasons I want to make lots of money in life is to become a full time animal rights activist that travels the world and can regularly donate lots of money.

For all those people who wear real animal fur you need to watch this video. I hope you show it to as many people as possible and support the cause.

What did they do to deserve this?

#animals #earnings #marketing #support
  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    Well, for the record, the closest I come to animal skins is normal leather for shoes and belts. It is SO easy to kill cows in the way that most of the market would accept which happens to be quick and humane, so I imagine it is done, and I DO eat beef, so it isn't a senseless killing.

    I wish you the best of luck. The idea of mink, etc... is just DUMB! It is so hard to care for,etc... And NUTRIA is said to be the reason for all the rumors of GIANT rats!

    But YEAH, it is such a waste to grow creatures simply to get the pelts.

    AND, if you are one that is for all becoming vegetarians, humans ARE omnivores, and meat is one of the best sources of protein.

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  • Profile picture of the author Patrician
    You are right it is totally depraved and I can only hope that people that treat animals cruelly will get 'what goes around comes around' ten-fold.

    Eating meat is one thing and using the leather from the same is logical since the animal is already dead. (although I don't usually eat beef and never pork).

    But all the rest of the fur and clubbing baby seals to death etc. is just another example of how degenerated man really is.

    To be honest with you I won't watch the video as I can only imagine it would make me sick and angry.

    God bless you in your endeavors to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves...
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  • Profile picture of the author Intrepreneur
    What about the woman who threw a cat in the bin? You heard about that.. right?

    Well this is how the cat got revenge..

    There's also a joke to go along with the story.

    I opened my wheelie bin this morning and out flew a wasp. What kind of sick *** throws a wasp in a bin?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2557274].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by Intrepreneur View Post

      What about the woman who threw a cat in the bin? You heard about that.. right?

      Well this is how the cat got revenge..

      YouTube - *** Cat REVENGE *** Mary Bale attacked !!! garbage Bin Cat lady

      There's also a joke to go along with the story.

      I opened my wheelie bin this morning and out flew a wasp. What kind of sick *** throws a wasp in a bin?
      Who says ANYONE threw a wasp into the bin? HECK, trash could have been trash on the ground, a wasp infects an insect feeding on the trash, and a person could have thrown that trash in the bin. The baby wasp emerges, you open the bin, and viola!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2558677].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Intrepreneur
        Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

        Who says ANYONE threw a wasp into the bin? HECK, trash could have been trash on the ground, a wasp infects an insect feeding on the trash, and a person could have thrown that trash in the bin. The baby wasp emerges, you open the bin, and viola!

        Where's your sense of humor Steve?

        It was a joke.

        The whole point is wasps are in bins all the time but it was then turned into a joke after this whole fa-lava over the cat in the bin. Jeez Steve surely you knew that was a joke?? Or didn't you?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2581208].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author seasoned
          Originally Posted by Intrepreneur View Post

          Where's your sense of humor Steve?

          It was a joke.

          The whole point is wasps are in bins all the time but it was then turned into a joke after this whole fa-lava over the cat in the bin. Jeez Steve surely you knew that was a joke?? Or didn't you?
          I was kind of joking about that myself, but yeah, maybe nobody should be joking here. The skinning of those animals was SICK! Frankly, I don't like the idea of any animal being raised simply to be destroyed. At least everything from animals used for food is given a purpose, and they are killed more humanely. Aand I certainly saw no point in having the animal act like it was running away(the legs were moving in that way butt they weren't doing what a lucid animal would to actually get away).

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  • Profile picture of the author Jacqueline Smith
    Like Patricia....I won't watch the video because I can only imagine what it will show. This in no way means I turn a blind eye because it's too hard to face. I am fully aware of the cruelty done to animals. I share your goals of making a difference and wish you all the best in your plan to become a full time activist!
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    In my life I will never find it comprehensible or acceptable that we are not allowed to shoot humans we see behaving in such a Jurassicly depraved fashion. I could not watch that video without the serious urge to hunt some mammals posing as humans down and slaughtering them. We don't need that kind of **** contaminating our bloodlines.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2558661].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      In my life I will never find it comprehensible or acceptable that we are not allowed to shoot humans we see behaving in such a Jurassicly depraved fashion. I could not watch that video without the serious urge to hunt some mammals posing as humans down and slaughtering them. We don't need that kind of **** contaminating our bloodlines.
      Until YOU acted so upset, I never even watched the video.

      They somehow figured how to hit those animals so they could TILL move their legs, and try to run away, but didn't seem to know how they related to the environment to, or didn't have the ability to, right themselves. The "humans" seemed to enjoy that site. Frankly, it made me SICK! It is my understanding that HERE they quickly kill cows, cut them open for the meat, and then send the skin to be made into leather. If they varied much from that people would be up in arms, Jewish people wouldn't touch it, and animal rights activists would cause trouble. It just wouldn't be worth it.

      I HAVE had hassen pfeffer(peppered hare(rabbit)), perhaps 5 times, and perhaps had 3 rabbits feet(It used to be a popular keychain fob). I used to go to a nice german restaurant, and it was a traditional german dish they had. But I swore off the hassen pfeffer the last time I ate it. I noticed the rabbit looking back at me. 8-( Yeah, they included the head, though I never touched that. And I haven't had a rabbits foot in over 35 years. That is one reason I forgot about it. I ALSO haven't had rabbit in over 16 years.

      I have NO idea how the rabbits were treated, but I doubt the germans treat them THAT bad. HECK, I had a german teacher, who was also FROM germany. GUESS what she had in her HUGE back yard! A ****HUGE**** rabbit. I never saw one so large. It WAS alive, and free to roam her back yard like a dog. It was actually a PET! Other rabbits I have seen, kept by americans, were like 1/3rd the size, and caged. Their CAGES were not that much larger than her rabbit was.

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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Forget it Steve -

    Intreprener - I usually enjoy your humor but don't see anything in this issue as being an appropriate place to post it. This is NOT a fun subject. You definitely would not want empathy training in how horrifying a death by being skinned alive might actually be?

    There are just some topics too revolting to be made light of.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2558714].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      Forget it Steve -

      Intreprener - I usually enjoy your humor but don't see anything in this issue as being an appropriate place to post it. This is NOT a fun subject. You definitely would not want empathy training in how horrifying a death by being skinned alive might actually be?

      There are just some topics too revolting to be made light of.
      Sorry, I was in the middle of writting the other post while you posted this. I didnn't mean to make light of it, and won't. I just got carried away, and mentioned how a wasp could appear. You've heard of spontaneous generation, right? This is the SAME thing! THAT was due to flies laying eggs on meat, and this one is wasps laying eggs in insects.
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  • Profile picture of the author garyv
    Not to make light of animal cruelty, but they have been dying for our benefit since the beginning of our existence. None of the animals I saw in that video were skinned alive. They were all hit over the head first.

    It's hard for today's society to watch it and comprehend it, because we've never had to hunt for our own food, or skin any animals. But unless you've never had any meat in your life, or worn a leather belt, or carried a leather/suede purse, or cooked w/ animal fat. Then you can't complain about animals being killed.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2558890].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by garyv View Post

      Not to make light of animal cruelty, but they have been dying for our benefit since the beginning of our existence. None of the animals I saw in that video were skinned alive. They were all hit over the head first.

      It's hard for today's society to watch it and comprehend it, because we've never had to hunt for our own food, or skin any animals. But unless you've never had any meat in your life, or worn a leather belt, or carried a leather/suede purse, or cooked w/ animal fat. Then you can't complain about animals being killed.
      The fact that they were hit in the head doesn't mean much, and isn't fully true. The fact is they were hit a LOT, harassed, and left until, SUPPOSEDLY, they APPEARED dead.

      They were against this THOUSANDS of years ago and, back then, they STILL tried to end things quickly.

      The only animal I am aware of that must people don't do that with is fish. Of course, they are pretty much dead outside of the water anyway.

      And it IS hard to get away without having something that has animal products, whether needed or not.

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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Gary - They used to burn witches at the stake, too. It's not use of animal parts I am talking about - it's the brutality necessary to torture a live being. Cave men might have beaten their food to death - they may even have tortured it to death.........

    But modern human beings have not one right or reason to claim that torture of a life form is okay for any reason. If you have to eat or wear part of that animal - kill it clean.

    If that is too much to ask, then stick around and someone may invent a process to take you back to a time that humans were not civilized enough a being to understand cruelty.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2559016].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Optimist Cam
      Originally Posted by garyv View Post

      Not to make light of animal cruelty, but they have been dying for our benefit since the beginning of our existence. None of the animals I saw in that video were skinned alive. They were all hit over the head first.

      It's hard for today's society to watch it and comprehend it, because we've never had to hunt for our own food, or skin any animals. But unless you've never had any meat in your life, or worn a leather belt, or carried a leather/suede purse, or cooked w/ animal fat. Then you can't complain about animals being killed.
      I posted the wrong link, watch the new one and you will see the animals being skinned alive.

      It clearly shows the animal kicking its legs while its being skinned. It also shows a skinless Racoon lift up its head and look straight into the camera, I hope it's now clear enough for you.

      I dont know why you can defend something so evil. This has enraged animal rights activists worldwide because the animals are being tortured unecessarily.
      There's no excuse for not killing the animals first, hitting something over the head repeatedly does not guarantee death.

      You mentioned the leather trade which is no comparison. The cows are killed as humanely as possible and the skin is taken off ONLY when they are dead. The cows are killed for their meat and the skin is made into leather so they dont waste anything.
      Now compare this to the fur trade, the animals have their head repeatedly whacked against the floor, then they are hung on a metal hook and skinned alive kicking and screaming. Then they are tossed aside to die a slow and painful death. This sick, cruel act is what angers activists because it is torture and no human or animal should be subject to it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Optimist Cam
      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      But modern human beings have not one right or reason to claim that torture of a life form is okay for any reason. If you have to eat or wear part of that animal - kill it clean.
      That is the exact reason why activists want to stop this. They won't target the meat trade unless the animals are killed in the most slow and painful way and/or their living conditions are really bad.
      Although we are against the concept of wearing fur, right now, it is not illegal so we cant stop people from killing them for their fur. But the way they are killed is a major issue and something that many people are trying to change.
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    • Profile picture of the author garyv
      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      Gary - They used to burn witches at the stake, too. It's not use of animal parts I am talking about - it's the brutality necessary to torture a live being. Cave men might have beaten their food to death - they may even have tortured it to death.........

      But modern human beings have not one right or reason to claim that torture of a life form is okay for any reason. If you have to eat or wear part of that animal - kill it clean.

      If that is too much to ask, then stick around and someone may invent a process to take you back to a time that humans were not civilized enough a being to understand cruelty.
      I do agree w/ you there. There's absolutely no reason to torture an animal - or to not kill it clean if you're going to use it.
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Activists need guns period. Anyone who saves life forms this horror is a hero.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

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  • Profile picture of the author Memberhere23094
    Originally Posted by Optimist Cam View Post

    Animal cruelty is so evil and it should be stopped. One of the main reasons I want to make lots of money in life is to become a full time animal rights activist that travels the world and can regularly donate lots of money.

    For all those people who wear real animal fur you need to watch this video. I hope you show it to as many people as possible and support the cause.

    China's Shocking Fur Trade | Take Action |

    What did they do to deserve this?

    You see my thread about pet ownership? It was eventually closed. Why isn't this one? :rolleyes:
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2561740].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by Memberhere23094 View Post

      You see my thread about pet ownership? It was eventually closed. Why isn't this one? :rolleyes:
      Why should this thread be closed? I didn't see your thread, but a LOT of things could explain it.

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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Another fundraiser for Peta .... If you want to do something about Animal Cruelty, and who wouldn't, Peta and HSUS are the bottom of the barrel of animal charities.

    The Truth about PETA: Randy Cassingham's Weird News
    Betrayal & Deceit at the Humane Society of the United States : Nathan J Winograd

    A few things you should know about PETA:

    PETA is not an animal welfare organization.

    PETA spends less than one percent of its multi-million dollar budget actually helping animals. The group euthanized (killed) more than 1,900 animals in 2003 alone -- that's over 85 percent of the animals it received.

    PETA's Dirty Secret

    Hypocrisy is the mother of all credibility problems, and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has it in spades. While loudly complaining about the "unethical" treatment of animals by restaurant owners, grocers, farmers, scientists, anglers, and countless other Americans, the group has its own dirty little secret.

    PETA kills animals.
    By the thousands.
    PETA's 2 faces
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    • Profile picture of the author Optimist Cam
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      Another fundraiser for Peta .... If you want to do something about Animal Cruelty, and who wouldn't, Peta and HSUS are the bottom of the barrel of animal charities.

      The Truth about PETA: Randy Cassingham's Weird News
      Betrayal & Deceit at the Humane Society of the United States : Nathan J Winograd

      PETA's 2 faces
      I didnt start this thread because i'm a supporter of peta. I started this thread to make people aware of the torture that animals have to go through in order to give fur. They happened to have a link that supported my statement which is why I posted it.

      I have never fundraised for peta and I never intend to in the future. I know that all charities probably only spend approximately 10% of the donated funds to the actual cause because they have high amounts of employee costs and other costs. Don't assume you know what I do because you don't.
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      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
        Originally Posted by Optimist Cam View Post

        I didnt start this thread because i'm a supporter of peta. I started this thread to make people aware of the torture that animals have to go through in order to give fur. They happened to have a link that supported my statement which is why I posted it.

        I have never fundraised for peta and I never intend to in the future. I know that all charities only spend approximately 1% of the donated funds to the actual cause because they have high amounts of employee costs and other costs. Don't assume you know what I do because you don't.
        Actually, I didn't assume that you do or do not know anything in particular. When I see a bunch of PETA links, I think of all the soft touches who fall for Peta's fundraising efforts, all the while killing animals that have the misfortune of being placed int their "care" and all the while paying for the legal defense of eco-terrorists in the ELF and ALF organizations.

        So my post is for those in the thread that do feel compelled to give to animal charities, and think that peta is a good animal "welfare" charity.
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    • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      Another fundraiser for Peta .... If you want to do something about Animal Cruelty, and who wouldn't, Peta and HSUS are the bottom of the barrel of animal charities.

      The Truth about PETA: Randy Cassingham's Weird News
      Betrayal & Deceit at the Humane Society of the United States : Nathan J Winograd

      PETA's 2 faces
      Hypocrisy and evil take many forms, but PETA is uniquely evil

      Project HERE.

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      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
        Originally Posted by thunderbird View Post

        Hypocrisy and evil take many forms, but PETA is uniquely evil
        Hypocrisy and evil ... putting it mildly.

        PETA Senior Vice President MaryBeth Sweetland on her use of insulin, which was tested on animals:

        "I'm an insulin-dependent diabetic. Twice a day I take synthetically manufactured insulin that still contains some animal products -- and I have no qualms about it ... I'm not going to take the chance of killing myself by not taking insulin. I don't see myself as a hypocrite. I need my life to fight for the rights of animals."
        --Glamour, January 1990
        People for the Ethical treatment of Animals (PETA) President Ingrid Newkirk on PETA's support of violence:

        "Let me set the record straight. PETA does not condone or commit violent acts, nor do we threaten anybody with violence."
        --Deseret News, February 12, 2002


        "If I had more guts, I'd light a match."
        --The Chronicle of Higher Education, November 12, 1999


        "I wish we all would get up and go into the labs and take the animals out or burn them down."
        --Animal Rights Convention, July 27, 1997
        PETA President Ingrid Newkirk -- in a Machiavellian moment -- explains how killing more than a thousand animals PETA accepted for shelter in 1999 is "ethical," because it frees up more money to mount offensive "press slut" campaigns:

        "It is a totally rotten business, but sometimes the only kind option for some animals is to put them to sleep forever... It sounds lovely if you're naïve. We could become a no-kill shelter immediately. It means we wouldn't do as much work."
        --The Virginian-Pilot, August 1, 2000
        Even more hypocrisy from Peta (from their own mouths)

        NFC: peta quotes
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2569301].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Optimist Cam
          Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

          Hypocrisy and evil ... putting it mildly.

          Even more hypocrisy from Peta (from their own mouths)

          NFC: peta quotes
          What exactly is hypocritical about those quotes? I read a few and they implied that animals should be equal to humans. What is wrong with that? What makes humans so superior?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2569641].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author ThomM
            Originally Posted by Optimist Cam View Post

            What exactly is hypocritical about those quotes? I read a few and they implied that animals should be equal to humans. What is wrong with that? What makes humans so superior?
            You don't think this is hypocritical?
            PETA President Ingrid Newkirk -- in a Machiavellian moment -- explains how killing more than a thousand animals PETA accepted for shelter in 1999 is "ethical," because it frees up more money to mount offensive "press slut" campaigns:

            "It is a totally rotten business, but sometimes the only kind option for some animals is to put them to sleep forever... It sounds lovely if you're naïve. We could become a no-kill shelter immediately. It means we wouldn't do as much work."
            --The Virginian-Pilot, August 1, 2000
            So in other words peta is saying it's alright if they kill animals, just not anyone else.
            The name peta ought to be changed to pitiful.
            And maybe you should of read futher down at that link from sbucciarel
            Arson, property destruction, burglary and theft are "acceptable crimes"
            when used for the animals' cause.
            -Alex Pacheco (PETA)
            (_Charleston,_W._VA_Gazette-Mail_, Jan 15, 1989)
            So violence against humans is fine, just not other animals.
            I believe that this decade will see the first acts of true violence. Some
            may be accidental - like a bystander killed in a bomb blast; some will be
            deliberate - like a vivesector shot in the street. The violence will
            confuse and divide us, but it will be a temporary adjustment and then we
            will learn to live with it.
            -Victoria Miller, ARKI: Canadian Animal Rights Network, and former
            President, Toronto Humane Society

            "Animal liberationists do not separate out the human animal, so there is
            no rational basis for saying that a human being has special rights. A rat
            is a pig is a dog is a boy. They're all mammals."
            Ingrid Newkirk - Founder, PETA
            Well at least they are selective on what mammals they kill.
            Let the dogs and cats they admitted to killing at their shelter and humans.
            As quoted in Vogue, September, 1989

            "The life of an ant and the life of my child should be granted equal
            Michael Fox - Vice President, HSUS
            Is that suppose to be rational thinking?

            When asked which he would save, a dog or a baby, if a boat capsized in the
            ocean: "If it were a retarded baby and a bright dog, I'd save the dog."
            Tom Regan
            North Carolina State University
            Q & A session following speech
            "Animal Rights, Human Wrongs"
            U of Wisconsin-Madison
            Oct. 27, 1989

            And my personal favorite
            Never buy wool again. Choose only cotton, synthetics and other non-animal
            fibers. The sheep are embarrassed when they are shorn, sometimes they are
            nicked during the process, and they get cold afterward.
            (_PETA_News_, August 13, 1989)

            Life: Nature's way of keeping meat fresh
            Getting old ain't for sissy's
            As you are I was, as I am you will be
            You can't fix stupid, but you can always out smart it.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2569994].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
            Originally Posted by Optimist Cam View Post

            What exactly is hypocritical about those quotes? I read a few and they implied that animals should be equal to humans. What is wrong with that? What makes humans so superior?

            Ok .. then how do you justify this?

            PETA Senior Vice President MaryBeth Sweetland on her use of insulin, which was tested on animals:

            "I'm an insulin-dependent diabetic. Twice a day I take synthetically manufactured insulin that still contains some animal products -- and I have no qualms about it ... I'm not going to take the chance of killing myself by not taking insulin. I don't see myself as a hypocrite. I need my life to fight for the rights of animals."
            --Glamour, January 1990
            Since animals are equal to people, MaryBeth Sweetland should die rather than use insulin, but ohhhh ... she doesn't see herself as a hypocrite.

            How many people think animals and people are equal have benefited and maybe even had their lives saved by medicines derived from animal testing or animal products? I think they should all take a pledge and swear off medical treatments.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2570076].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Optimist Cam
              Originally Posted by ThomM View Post

              PETA President Ingrid Newkirk -- in a Machiavellian moment -- explains how killing more than a thousand animals PETA accepted for shelter in 1999 is "ethical," because it frees up more money to mount offensive "press slut" campaigns:

              "It is a totally rotten business, but sometimes the only kind option for some animals is to put them to sleep forever... It sounds lovely if you're naïve. We could become a no-kill shelter immediately. It means we wouldn't do as much work."
              --The Virginian-Pilot, August 1, 2000 l
              I agree with you there this is very hypocritical. There is nothing ethical about killing animals. The donations go towards helping the animals they already have, that statement is very shocking, if you can't trust charities to do the right thing then who can you trust?

              PETA Senior Vice President MaryBeth Sweetland on her use of insulin, which was tested on animals:

              "I'm an insulin-dependent diabetic. Twice a day I take synthetically manufactured insulin that still contains some animal products -- and I have no qualms about it ... I'm not going to take the chance of killing myself by not taking insulin. I don't see myself as a hypocrite. I need my life to fight for the rights of animals."
              --Glamour, January 1990
              Very hypocritical. She doesnt care that it contains animal products. I could understand if she said she feels guilty for using it but she needs to make sure she stays alive so she can help other animals, even though that decision is somewhat controversial but she has no remorse. If she was a true animal rights supporter using this medicine would be a last resort.
              I have never been in that situation myself but I know that I would not be happy about using medicine containing animal products and I wouldnt use it.

              And my personal favorite
              Never buy wool again. Choose only cotton, synthetics and other non-animal
              fibers. The sheep are embarrassed when they are shorn, sometimes they are
              nicked during the process, and they get cold afterward.
              (_PETA_News_, August 13, 1989)
              Thats really dumb. As long as Sheep get shaved in the summer I dont see anything wrong with this.

              We feel animals have the same rights as a retarded human child.
              -Alex Pacheco (PETA)
              This is true. Most people treat animals as if they are inferior to humans just like some people treat retarded children as if they are inferior.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2570135].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author ThomM
                Originally Posted by Optimist Cam View Post

                I agree with you there this is very hypocritical. There is nothing ethical about killing animals. The donations go towards helping the animals they already have, that statement is very shocking, if you can't trust charities to do the right thing then who can you trust?

                PETA Senior Vice President MaryBeth Sweetland on her use of insulin, which was tested on animals:

                Very hypocritical. She doesnt care that it contains animal products. I could understand if she said she feels guilty for using it but she needs to make sure she stays alive so she can help other animals, even though that decision is somewhat controversial but she has no remorse. If she was a true animal rights supporter using this medicine would be a last resort.
                I have never been in that situation myself but I know that I would not be happy about using medicine containing animal products and I wouldnt use it.

                Thats really dumb. As long as Sheep get shaved in the summer I dont see anything wrong with this.

                This is true. Most people treat animals as if they are inferior to humans just like some people
                treat retared children as if they are inferior.
                OC I want you to know that I'm not opposed to your original post or your ideals. But I'm also not opposed to the beef ribs I'm having for dinner.
                It's all in what your definition of cruel and unusual treatment is I guess.
                I have a neighbor who raises organic fed Angus cattle for beef.
                His treatment of those animals is better then some people treat their own kids. When he puts them down, he does it in the most humane way he knows. I've talked to him for hours on how he raises and treats his cattle, but he never talks about how he kills them. It bothers him, but he knows it's a part of life and has to be done. Those cattle serve a purpose which is being eaten. They would not exist or if they 'lived' in the wild would have a much worse life and still end up dead at the end of it.

                I look at peta as cruel and unusual humans. They have no concept of the role all life plays on this earth.

                By the way you need to read the rules on sig. links.
                Yours is against forum rules.

                Life: Nature's way of keeping meat fresh
                Getting old ain't for sissy's
                As you are I was, as I am you will be
                You can't fix stupid, but you can always out smart it.

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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    euthanizing and killing are NOT the same thing! I am HAPPY to hear they euthanized some animals, heck, MOST. Like that monkey that had ELECTRODES in its skull, etc... Do you REALLY think it could lead a normal life? As for the 1%? I don't know how true that is, but they have people that are paid, buildings, supplies, ads, etc... and that costs a LOT!

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    • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
      For the record, I don't approve of animal abuse but my charitable contributions go towards people. When there are no human beings being tortured and treated inhumanely, then I'll worry about the animals.

      And no, I didn't watch the video as it would no doubt turn my stomach. But I also wouldn't donate a dime to PETA because that group is not an animal rights group anymore, no matter what they try to say.

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      • Profile picture of the author Optimist Cam
        Originally Posted by TMG Enterprises View Post

        For the record, I don't approve of animal abuse but my charitable contributions go towards people. When there are no human beings being tortured and treated inhumanely, then I'll worry about the animals.

        And no, I didn't watch the video as it would no doubt turn my stomach. But I also wouldn't donate a dime to PETA because that group is not an animal rights group anymore, no matter what they try to say.

        Humans can ask for help, animals can't and the reason why they are suffering is because so many humans will do anything for money even if it harms innocent animals so I know who to help first.
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    I, on the other hand do not donate to people. I donate to animal causes and reforestry efforts. If it weren't for us and our indiscriminate breeding and unspeakable cruelty none of the rest of the planet would be having any problems.

    You will never see me donating to PETA, though. I am okay with much of their euthanasia as I've seen what condition they have found animals in. But they go too far. Just because some people shouldn't be allowed to own a pet - and a few shouldn't be allowed near another living creature, doesn't make all pet owners bad or all pets abused and miserable.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    BTW I have given to some animal causes, mostly to find homes for pets that would otherwise be killed, and some human causes. For human causes, I want to know that it is likely not the beneficiary's fault, that they are likely citizens, and it is likely to HELP! So THAT is limited. diabetes, kidney disease, domestic adoption, homeless shelters that are well run are places I WOULD donate to. I WON'T donate to cross country adoptions, aids, cancer, helping kids in foreign lands, etc.... are ones I won't.

    Charity begins at home, etc...

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    • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
      Steve, I agree with the charity begins at home - almost all of my charitable contributions are for local agencies. It's not that I don't want to help across the world but I have limited resources and feel I should do what I can right here in my community first.

      I don't donate money to animal causes but I do donate pet foods and supplies whenever I can get them free or dirt cheap with coupons. We have a local cat agency that works with the feral cat population as well as helping with spaying and adopting out strays.

      Didn't want to sound like I hated animals or

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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Now to think of it, I've given to the Red Cross as well - and that is humanitarian. Mostly though, I don't care what you are donating to - there are just so many out there who have trumped up charities more for their own means of support than to help the actual cause. 60% might go directly to the charity owner's own pocket for salary before to any of the cause. It makes me sick but it's also being taken control of right now.

    No matter what you support - either give directly or make sure that charity is putting the money where YOU want it put.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

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  • Profile picture of the author Ronny Kibet
    i love animals too and when i see that am really dissapointed

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    • Profile picture of the author Optimist Cam
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      Actually, I didn't assume that you do or do not know anything in particular. When I see a bunch of PETA links, I think of all the soft touches who fall for Peta's fundraising efforts, all the while killing animals that have the misfortune of being placed int their "care" and all the while paying for the legal defense of eco-terrorists in the ELF and ALF organizations.

      So my post is for those in the thread that do feel compelled to give to animal charities, and think that peta is a good animal "welfare" charity.

      This is the reason why I do not donate money to charities. On the surface it seems like they care so people donate money but the bigger a charity is, the harder it is to regulate. Even a company with good values could have evil people working for them who only care about the pay cheque.

      I hope that I can make a difference in my life to all those animals that are suffering so humans can make money. No amount of money could make me torture animals or humans. It is sick and people need to be educated. If I had it my way they would teach this in schools.

      I made my way to this forum so I could learn how to increase my wealth using online methods. When I have achieved this I will try to attract as many followers as I can to help me tackle one problem at a time, starting with the fur trade.
      Eventually I will form my own charitable company, but unlike peta I'm no hypocrite. If I say your money will go towards a cause that is exactly where it will go. Money is just another man made object and my values are priceless.
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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    You know, ants aren't really animals, don't have any kind of equality, in that the queen is the only one that can procreate, outside of a few drones maybe, that can only mate with HER. And most of the hive can't live that long. FURTHER, most people, and I am sure ALL PETA members, would KILL ants if they crossed a homes threshold! AND, if they didn't, they might as well not have a home as they would let all insects and animals in, and one such animal is MAN!!!!!

    BTW I think I mentioned that there was an ant nest several yards away from my home. I provided, HORROR, poisoned bait! I did that to keep them out of my home. I have LOTS of animals around. some robins nest in the crook of a downspout! Some chipmonks are just in front of my porch. Hey, they're cute. There is a rabbit under my porch, etc....

    As for sheep? It is fairly hot, and sheep can get a LOT of hair. If you REALLY cared, you could compromise, and use say 10mm clippers. NO nicking, more warmth, and no embarrasment! Man on that last one, OH BOY! 8-)

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