A Joke Some of You Will Enjoy...

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barrack obama, oprah winfrey, and michele obama were soaring at 30,000 feet in barracks new G5 (bought with the tax payers cash) and barrak looks up and says,

"You know, Could throw A 1000 dollar bill out the window, and make a fellow american so happy..."

Oprah Replied with,

"Well I could throw 10 100 dollars bills out the window and make 10 fellow americans happy!"

Barraks Wife thought for a moment and said,

"In That Case, i could throw 100 10 dollar bills out the window and 100 americans happy!"

Up in the front of the cockpit, the pilot looked over at the copilot chuckling and said,

"listen to these self endoulged sleps, i could throw all three of them out the window and make 56 million americans happy... hows that for public approval"

LOL - just a joke so dont go crazy if your a liberal, figured id lighten the day with something funny i heard, from a democratic website!
  • Profile picture of the author Patrician
    that is funny alright.
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    • Profile picture of the author ThomM
      That was good
      Best I've seen so far was the new South Park episode that aired Weds.
      Did you know this whole election was a plot between Obama and McCain to steal the hope diamond?
      It's true I saw it on South Park:rolleyes:

      Life: Nature's way of keeping meat fresh
      Getting old ain't for sissy's
      As you are I was, as I am you will be
      You can't fix stupid, but you can always out smart it.

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