Don't Come In Here Begging For Help!
There have been a lot of posts made in the WF that go something like this...
"I am quitting IM"
"This will be a bleak Christmas"
"I am not looking for a handout"
"I can't afford medicine anymore"
"I have just lost my job"
and on and on and on.
Some of these posts are legitimate and credible. A lot of them are written by manipulators. Through the years I have developed a good sense of who is legitimate and who is not.
Someone sees a post where a lot of people are helping someone and they make up something to get a handout too. They are preying on other people's goodness and it irritates me very much.
I saw where someone asked, "Why do people post these kinds of things" or "If you want to quit, why don't you just quit." The reason is because a lot of these people are trying to manipulate the generous benefactors of the WF.
You can do what you want to with these types of posts but I will only help people that I know are sincerely honest. That means that they have been around the forum for awhile or I have had dealings with them so I know I can trust them.
It is sad that the "baby has to get thrown out with the bath" but I just don't know who to trust when it comes to people I don't know. I don't care if you are from Nigeria or Dallas, Texas... if I don't know anything about you, I will not respond. Hardcore? Yes, but there are a lot of manipulators out there.
I LOVE to help people better themselves and I will go out of my way to help people IF they put forth the effort to help themselves. I have to see that in someone before I will reach out to them.
As a side note, I don't give money to people standing on the street holding signs. Why? Because we have excellent social services in this town that will provide anyone in need with what they need; except for booze, drugs, cigarettes or stuff like that.
The WF is not the "social services" of the IM world! Yes, there are people who get a lot of help from here and I was one of them once upon a time. The difference between those people who receive help and those who don't is the fact that those who have received help have taken the time to build good, solid relationships with other members of the WF. People here are happy to help their friends in need. Just don't come in here, make a few posts and expect to reap the benefits of the WF. This forum can be a very cold place to those people who deserve it.
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