Introducing myself, howdy from Australia
We run our studio from home with 3 full time and one casual staff member, plus myself when I'm not tied up with our 2 young children.
I hope I can offer to the forums some of our experiences in moving from working 9-5 (well, 7 - 7 when you include travelling to work in a busy city!) to working from a home based business and bringing in a lot more money than the 9-5 job. I feel I've got advice that might help others wanting to run their own show, but I feel there is a lot I can learn from you guys here about the other side of web development and making income from revenue from websites. We are in a good position where we can design some quality websites (and have our own dedicated high speed server) so looking forward to new opportunities in expanding what we do.
Look forward to getting to know everyone!
When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
Beyond the Path
When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
Beyond the Path
Cheers, Laurence.