Case Studies and Testimonial's: How To Squeeze Every Last Drop Of Money Out Of Them

21 replies
Create them the way I show you has a number of powerful yet subtle effects on your reader.

1 It creates "I want that". Your reader doesn't know what you do, doesn't care, just wants the outcome.

2 Your reader sees himself in a similar situation, therefore it becomes real to him.

3 A person needs to be taken out of his comfort state to a uncomfortable state in order to
buy. Think my Tipping Point. The way these stories are told
changes a person's state.

4 Your reader or listener's miser brain let's you in, because each
part of the structure is short enough
to be fully taken in.

5 Your need to convince, persuade and manipulate is gone because
your reader has mentally said, "I want whatever they are having".

Here's how to create your own
mini masterpieces...

1 Start with a beginning when the person was in dire straights.

Example: "Ken the new web designer was down to his last 3 weeks
of rent money and no clients when he came to me."

2 The end. Tell the outcome as short as possible using numbers
in the form of time and money are ideal.

Example: 3 days later clients had booked $25,000 worth of work
with him.

Here's how it looks when the beginning and end are joined...

"Ken the new web designer was down to his last 3 weeks of rent money
and no clients when he came to me. 3 days later clients had booked
$25,000 worth of work with him."

NOTE: Leave out a middle in your story. The miser brain tunes out
if you do that.

A German sales trainer to retail stores just couldn't get heard by 7
retail chain decision makers. He get's all 7 of them together for the weekend
and walks out with $200,000 worth of contracts with all 7 of them.

He created his own stories of client outcomes the same way I showed you.

Plus he never let on what he did for them which produced the results until
they were nearly begging to know.

That was the second key.

That created the uncomfortable state I earlier said in number 3.
The same people were comfortable before and he couldn't get through to them.

Doctor E. Vile
#case #drop #money #squeeze #studies #testimonial
  • Profile picture of the author Freebiequeen1999
    Wow....squeeze every drop of money out of who? Noobs, people who buy wso's?

    Or are you talking about squeezing every drop of money out of biz that use your service? Confusing

    Miser brain? That is what you call your potential prospect? Wow...that is one reason why I don't have much interest in all these bragging reports

    IMHO buying piece of software, a wordpress theme or such might be worth it, or a full "biz plan" biz in box type deal....but some of the "get rich quick" stuff is just sad IMHO
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9871414].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Apologies for me not making it clearer.

      I'll address each point in the quote box,
      shown in bold type.

      Originally Posted by Freebiequeen1999 View Post

      Wow....squeeze every drop of money out of who? Noobs, people who buy wso's?

      Or are you talking about squeezing every drop of money out of biz that use your service? Confusing

      I was referring to how readers can get the most out of their case studies and testimonials.

      Miser brain? That is what you call your potential prospect? Wow...that is one reason why I don't have much interest in all these bragging reports.

      That was in reference to how the brain actually functions,
      not a derogatory term for a group of people.

      Here's a diagram on the science behind the term 'miser brain'...

      IMHO buying piece of software, a wordpress theme or such might be worth it, or a full "biz plan" biz in box type deal....but some of the "get rich quick" stuff is just sad IMHO
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9871491].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by Freebiequeen1999 View Post

      Wow....squeeze every drop of money out of who? Noobs, people who buy wso's?

      Or are you talking about squeezing every drop of money out of biz that use your service? Confusing

      Miser brain? That is what you call your potential prospect? Wow...that is one reason why I don't have much interest in all these bragging reports

      IMHO buying piece of software, a wordpress theme or such might be worth it, or a full "biz plan" biz in box type deal....but some of the "get rich quick" stuff is just sad IMHO
      Seriously... you need to check your self.. or maybe check in. Ewen is speaking about the use of "CASE STUDIES" and "TESTIMONIALS" in reference to attracting "OFFLINE" clients. Just for 2 seconds get off of the "everyone is out to rip you off with a WSO" horse and maybe set back and read some of this for what it really is... informational, and educational, not to mention based on experience.

      Not that you want to hear it, but the OP is actually in my book one of the best I have read in a while, and if you seriously cant see the value in what was shared, let alone see the need to maybe implementing the use of the principles in your own business, I just don't know what to say.

      And to Ewen.. I do apologize for this.. but I have reached my "Tipping Point" - if you would like for me to remove this just let me know, and I will do so for you.
      Success is an ACT not an idea
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9871540].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Freebiequeen1999
        While I appreciate the explanation from Ewen, I still have a bit of trouble with the wording. Maybe it was meant to be clever but I don't think it had a good feeling to it

        as for the guy at his tipping point - don't fall over
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9871559].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Peter Lessard
          Originally Posted by Freebiequeen1999 View Post

          While I appreciate the explanation from Ewen, I still have a bit of trouble with the wording. Maybe it was meant to be clever but I don't think it had a good feeling to it

          as for the guy at his tipping point - don't fall over
          And how did your response with multiple wows have a good feeling to it?
          It sure as hell was not particularly clever.

          This is NOT the main forum. Here we actually have experienced, respected people giving great information that some pay thousands for. Ewen and most of the folks on here are not trying to sell anyone anything. You could simply of asked for clarification. You were borderline rude. Ewen is too much of a gentleman to say it.

          You may find a bunch of us being a bit defensive here but here is why.
          Many of us have closed huge deals and fixed major problems in our business because of the generous contributions of people like Ewen. I know before even trying that if I use his exact formula above on some local classifieds here in Canada I will get interested leads for my marketing services.

          We have also witnessed as of late a leakage into this sub group from the main forum of people that just generally want to jump on people, assume they are scammers somehow etc.. or criticize their posts as though they had paid for information but the goods had not been delivered.

          Our biggest fear and the reason we will absolutely stomp on people for behaving like this is that a few people that do not bother doing any research on how valuable someone is to this forum will piss them off so much they won't bother posting their next golden nugget.

          Sorry Ewen I don't want to hijack your thread with negative energy but I think if we just let people come in here and do this kind of crap most of us just won't want to come back.

          I will happily remove this if you prefer it not live in your thread.
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          • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
            Here's an example of taking a prospect
            out of his comfort zone into a state of discomfort...

            A sports agent bumped into a prospect at the airport. He had been
            in previous discussion about his management future.

            The shortened conversation went something like this...

            Sports star: I've decided to go with the other Management Co.

            Manager: I'm pleased for you. So you'll get picked up by a Limo
            before and after each game...hometown and away games?

            A few days later he he gets a phone call saying
            he wants to sign up with him.

            Doctor E. Vile
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      • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
        Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

        - if you would like for me to remove this just let me know, and I will do so for you.
        No harm done.

        Observe your own Tipping Point which compelled
        you to take action.

        Doctor E. Vile
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9871722].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author savidge4
          Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

          No harm done.

          Observe your own Tipping Point which compelled
          you tack action.

          Doctor E. Vile
          The same point that I have with cheap clients, but today... I am in an environment that allowed me to correct the wrong, and speak my mind!

          Aside from that I would like to thank you for a very timely piece of your knowledge. I am currently wrapping up the first 20 clients in my new CRO venture, and finally getting to the point where I need to obviously develop a web presence and start becoming an authority in the field that I am currently working.

          I have in the past developed case studies for business' that were not mine, but for some reason, doing it for myself, has created a mental challenge. Your ever so pointed and direct words have placed me on the correct path ( AGAIN ).

          Again.. Thank You.

          PS. I did catch the "you tack" comment.
          Success is an ACT not an idea
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9871772].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
            Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

            PS. I did catch the "you tack" comment.
            Was just about to ask you to point me to it
            because my miser brain didn't want to go to work,
            then I found it.

            Fixed now.

            Blame it on the heavy meds I'm on at the mo.

            Doctor E. Vile
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9871797].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author savidge4
              Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

              Was just about to ask you to point me to it
              because my miser brain didn't want to go to work,
              then I found it.

              Fixed now.

              Blame it on the heavy meds I'm on at the mo.

              Doctor E. Vile
              and here I thought it was a play on "Attack" vs "you tack" LOL

              So you are NOT as Vile as I thought LOL
              Success is an ACT not an idea
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9871804].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author RealCasher
    Useful tips man, client's mindset is very important.
    And I noticed that you like the number $25,000 and also 3 Days as you have them in your signature too
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9871809].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author digichik
    Ewen, a timely post as usual. I was finally beginning to put together some case studies for my potential customers.

    I really appreciate your copy writing skills. You have inspired me to put more time into developing mine.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9874646].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Originally Posted by digichik View Post

      Ewen, a timely post as usual. I was finally beginning to put together some case studies for my potential customers.

      I really appreciate your copy writing skills. You have inspired me to put more time into developing mine.
      Can you see how you went from being comfortable to being
      somewhat discomfort which has lead you to put more time
      into your copy skills?

      You can have that same positive effect on others.

      Doctor E. Vile
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9874702].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
    It's a bit like bonus stacking to "TIP" the person over the edge but stacking testimonials which becomes easier over time.

    I've taken to dragging all of my email testimonials into a specific folder and keeping them for future use.

    I'm not sue how this fits in with Ewen's strategies and observations but I've noticed when you keep upgrading your testimonials you elicit more powerful testimonials from the next round of clients much like a battle of one-up-manship.

    The power gained by taking those unsolicited testimonials and using them to boost business is powerful.

    Many business gurus talk of going out and grabbing testimonials and that may be a strategy to boost growth but I've found you get the best testimonials from those who have not been prompted and who just felt they had a good experience that they wanted to share.

    If you are patient and provide the service worthy of receiving praise then gradually you will one day get the testimonial that you can leverage to assist your business.

    Combining those testimonials into a congruent sequence to push someone to a state of discomfort is a masterpiece and building the psychological open loop is a genius strategy.

    Thanks Ewen.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9875256].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Originally Posted by Oziboomer View Post

      The power gained by taking those unsolicited testimonials and using them to boost business is powerful.
      I got banned doing it in my local classified newspaper ads
      when running them years ago.

      They couldn't handle the heat from complaints
      by other contractors.No names were used.

      The off-hand comment came from a client saying she had
      been through 4 or 5 lawnmowing contractors to get a good one, me.

      The ad was her comment plus phone number.

      Even top contractors were implicated,
      which of course pretty much rendered all the other ads
      in my classification useless.

      BTW, very interesting your experience with
      stacking testimonials. Thanks.

      Doctor E. Vile
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9876023].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mojo1
        Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

        I got banned doing it in my local classified newspaper ads
        when running them years ago.

        They couldn't handle the heat from complaints
        by other contractors.No names were used.

        The off-hand comment came from a client saying she had
        been through 4 or 5 lawnmowing contractors to get a good one, me.

        The ad was her comment plus phone number.

        Even top contractors were implicated,
        which of course pretty much rendered all the other ads
        in my classification useless.

        BTW, very interesting your experience with
        stacking testimonials. Thanks.

        Doctor E. Vile
        Yeah Ewen, your very powerful, unprompted client testimonial could have cost them big money.
        They needed those sorry saps monthly ad fees.

        In the words of the great "T.I." if it ain't about the money, don't be calling me up, is the position the newspaper took in this instance.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9876771].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author sandalwood

          Your point #5 says:

          Your need to convince, persuade and manipulate is gone because your reader has mentally said, "I want whatever they are having".

          I can tell you first hand we do that in our initial insurance presentation. It is actually one slide reprinted on regular paper. The slide has one red line and one blue line on a graph. Both lines represent results of actual investments.

          All we do after showing the reprinted slide is ask: Which line do you prefer?

          I'll spare you the sales presentation but the client in almost every case wants whatever the blue line represents. All of the manipulation commonly associated with insurance sales is completely eliminated. We just present an honest to goodness provable track record that can be verified by anyone.

          Anyway, good post. Keep up the knowledge flow.

          Get 30% or More Retirement Income If you are serious about your retirement, you'll love this product.

          The Money Ferret Finance Article Directory
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9876911].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
            Originally Posted by sandalwood View Post


            Your point #5 says:

            Your need to convince, persuade and manipulate is gone because your reader has mentally said, "I want whatever they are having".

            I can tell you first hand we do that in our initial insurance presentation. It is actually one slide reprinted on regular paper. The slide has one red line and one blue line on a graph. Both lines represent results of actual investments.

            All we do after showing the reprinted slide is ask: Which line do you prefer?

            Love it Tom.

            Image rather than words did the job.

            When you say..."All we do after showing the reprinted slide is ask: Which line do you prefer?", did you show a not so good result as a contrast,
            and was that done on purpose?

            Doctor E. Vile
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9876943].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author sandalwood
              Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

              Love it Tom.

              Image rather than words did the job.

              When you say..."All we do after showing the reprinted slide is ask: Which line do you prefer?", did you show a not so good result as a contrast,
              and was that done on purpose?

              Doctor E. Vile
              The red line is the not so good result. The blue line is the good result. It is done on purpose and boils down to a no brainer. All that is left is to write the application.

              We also do commercial loans (US only). This too is a no brainer as we are the only group, to the best of my knowledge, that has access to 3700 lenders via a proprietary online platform. It is a 3 and a half page online app that doesn't require any paperwork or documentation. That stuff is done after the borrower gets a loan proposal.

              I won't go into the details but suffice it to say anyone needing a loan or wanting a tax free program has the ability via our program and it's all because we ask, red line or blue line.

              Have a great day and like I said above, keep the information flowing.
              Get 30% or More Retirement Income If you are serious about your retirement, you'll love this product.

              The Money Ferret Finance Article Directory
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9877843].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
            Originally Posted by sandalwood View Post


            Your point #5 says:

            Your need to convince, persuade and manipulate is gone because your reader has mentally said, "I want whatever they are having".

            A few years ago there was a tv ad for a hair shampoo.

            It showed a woman watching tv and in the scene was
            a woman in the shower shampooing her hair while
            moaning in ecstasy.

            The camera goes back to the woman watching and
            she say's "I want what she's having".

            Doctor E. Vile
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9883152].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author sandalwood
              Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

              A few years ago there was a tv ad for a hair shampoo.

              It showed a woman watching tv and in the scene was
              a woman in the shower shampooing her hair while
              moaning in ecstasy.

              The camera goes back to the woman watching and
              she say's "I want what she's having".

              Doctor E. Vile
              Ha, ha, ha, I want what she's having too...

              Thanks for the short take.
              Get 30% or More Retirement Income If you are serious about your retirement, you'll love this product.

              The Money Ferret Finance Article Directory
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