Classified Advertising: 2 Types which crushed it for me and 1 that didn't

7 replies
Just to be clear what a classified ad is.

It's what you find in newspapers, Yellow Pages, Craigslist, Kijiji

The media tell you where you place your ad.

The good thing about Classifieds ads, is the readers are already
looking to buy.

In the end I only used newspaper Classified Advertising because
they were the only profitable media for me.

So here's the 2 types of ads I ran when I had lawnmowing businesses.

1 Named the frustrations and guaranteed it would never happen.
If it would there was a penalty of $1,000 payable by me.

2 Client testimonials. They were put together in a way which had
the frustration experience and how it was resolved.

The one which wasn't successful was the one which offered
a free electric breadmaker.

Looking back why it didn't work was because the buyers wanted to know
they won't be let down again more than anything else. If I had of used
the breadmaker as the penalty payment, then it may of worked.

I got banned doing type 2 ads in my local newspaper classifieds
when running them years ago.

They couldn't handle the heat from complaints
by other contractors. No names were used.

The off-hand comment came from a client saying she had
been through 4 or 5 lawnmowing contractors to get a good one, me.

The ad was her comment plus my phone number.

Even top contractors were implicated,
which of course pretty much rendered all the other ads
in my classification useless.

The Classified E. Vile
#advertising #classified #crushed #types
  • Profile picture of the author creztor
    Yeah, posting the contact details of a previous client wouldn't go down too well. I don't think I'd do that even if the person said it was OK.
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    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Originally Posted by creztor View Post

      Yeah, posting the contact details of a previous client wouldn't go down too well. I don't think I'd do that even if the person said it was OK.
      Oops, I meant my ph. number.

      I'll change that in my post when I get back to my pc.

      Doctor E. Vile

      Update: Fixed.
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  • Profile picture of the author kemdev
    I - and I think others as well - would be interested in seeing a 'type 2' ad that was used. Also, it would be interested to see how the "testimonial" was gathered - obviously not every testimonial lends itself well to ad form, and I'm sure certain stipulations were given to the customer in question when asking for the testimonial.
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      I have recently ran an ad using a testimonial of a popular County Sheriff. Ran it in a small little county newspaper ( as a test ) with a reach of about 2000, and received 214 calls to date, and converted 146 ( again to date ).

      I have held off running it in the larger "local" paper due to it being for Satellite installation, and the weather is a bit nasty as in -4F this evening as an example. But I do have full permission to do so.

      The testimonial went something like So and So County Sheriff required a Satellite solution both Professionally and personally. He called Savidge4 Satellites. Sheriff so and so said "They were on time and professional at their work. Because I could, I did "check" the young men that were at my house, and they both had perfect records. Of all the Satellite services I have used in the many years, Savidge4 Satellites, is the best I have had experience with. Mention My name and receive free installation." - Logo and a phone number.
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Originally Posted by kemdev View Post

      I - and I think others as well - would be interested in seeing a 'type 2' ad that was used. Also, it would be interested to see how the "testimonial" was gathered - obviously not every testimonial lends itself well to ad form, and I'm sure certain stipulations were given to the customer in question when asking for the testimonial.
      The testimonial came about not from me seeking one,
      but one day she happened to mention she had been through 4 or 5 lawn mowing contractors and I was the best.

      Ever alert to an opportunity, I asked permission if I can quote her on that.

      She gave it to me.

      I used her name and location in the end of the testimonial.

      Doctor E. Vile
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