Bet I Can Prove Most Marketing Is Still Not Seeing The Trees For The Forrest
This makes me laugh.
Listen, the point of marketing is to be a step ahead and make money.
You only have to be slightly better than your competition and frankly that is not really very difficult. Hell even is there is one superstar in your competitor line up, there should be enough room for two.
All the channels and technology cause so much confusion that at its core, most businesses are completely missing out on huge opportunities that simply require some common sense.
Here is a simple example of the laughable state of marketing in general.
In order for a business to make sales two things have to happen. The business has to communicate with the customer in the way of being found, offers etc...
The other part is the consumer has to communicate back and make a choice/purchase.
Marketing is so focused on bombarding the customer it is pretty much criminal in its negligence of letting the consumer actually buy.
Here is a prime example.
Marketers/businesses have decided a great new way to yet again bombard the prospect is via text message. In all we send them flyers, emails, texts, blast their Facebook with ads and so on.
So if we are so advanced in marketing and this is so saturated and so hard to get ahead of the competition then why am I not able to right now send a text to the pizzeria up the road for a large all dressed? Why the hell can I not text my dentists reception to see about a time for a teeth cleaning? There are rare instances this is happening but lets face it, it is rare!
Stop and think about that. No seriously, really stop and think about that...
You hate cold calling? Well hell the average human hates calling ANYBODY so much that family members or couples text each other about 100 times more often than they call each other YET when you drive around town do you see signs that say text us your order? or text to book your appointment? text to find out the next available tanning slot?
This is just one example of not seeing the trees for the forrest.
A gazillion solutions and permutations of contact forms and trying to make sure the business is found while ignoring that today people live on text messages that THEY initiate. They HATE receiving them from service providers but boy oh boy would they love the convenience of sneaking in a text to book that massage while sitting in a boring meeting.
The truth is technology and sources and mediums have changed but utter lack of common sense still abounds and always will so it will NEVER be a really big deal to come out ahead for yourself or your customers if you just ignore the noise and look at reality. This is just one simple example that someone even as simple as I can think of and I am sure many on here could add many more examples of how business advertising in general is missing the point and being at the top is really not all that difficult.
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