How News Can Affect Sales

8 replies
We have noticed a significant increase in "Beware of Alligator" signage since the recent (tragic) news events.

The things is, we've always had gators around here. (Not Florida, but in the South where I am.) If you see water, you can assume there are gators.

Recent events have shown, however, that you can't assume people know that. Many clients are adding signage.

So we're contacting other clients just to check and see if they'd like to add additional signage.

Many of them do and they appreciate the call.

Lesson: The clients don't see it as a sales call. They see it as "OMG I hadn't even thought of that" and "Yes, I need to have those signs!" It's a safety issue. It's a liability issue.

Hope this helps someone.
#affect #news #sales
  • Profile picture of the author neshaword
    Rob, this is definitely an interesting point. Honestly, I was reading because I expected you'll introduce some "practical" example. Awareness is mainly, but not only about warnings. How news can affect sales, I'm still intrigued by this question. Thx.
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    • Profile picture of the author Robscom
      Originally Posted by neshaword View Post

      Rob, this is definitely an interesting point. Honestly, I was reading because I expected you'll introduce some "practical" example. Awareness is mainly, but not only about warnings. How news can affect sales, I'm still intrigued by this question. Thx.
      News stories can sometimes bring to light a need for your customers.

      When we noticed a sharp increase in demand (we rarely had the request before) for signage based on a news event, we then took that and began suggestive selling to other clients that may need the same type of signage (but had not thought of it before).

      News about identity theft can be used to increase sales for security products/services.

      News about local break-ins can be used to promote security systems.

      News about Zika can be used to promote insect repellent.

      Be aware of current events and then use those stories to help your business (and better serve your customers).
      "Do. Or do not. There is no 'try.'" -- Yoda
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    He did introduce a practical example - that after an alligator killed a child recently at a Florida tourist attraction - people all over "alligator country" are buying SIGNS warning of alligators.

    If you live down there you know gators are around. The place where the child was killed had signs saying "no swimming". He was WADING at the edge of the water when the gator came up and pulled him under. There were no signs saying "beware of alligators".

    I used to walk my dogs in a park next to a canal and in a bayou - and never let the dog go in the water...because there were gators there. I knew it but visitors from the North wouldn't know - and there were no signs warning about it.

    Now all over the deep south businesses and property owners are ordering signs warning of gators to put on everything from private lakes to water hazards on golf courses. They are trying to avoid potential liability from gator attacks.

    Big increase in sign sales!
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author Robscom
    Exactly. Lots of our clients have No Swimming signage. Practically none of them had gator warning signs. It was just understood that gators might be around.

    Not anymore. Nearly all of our clients are updating their signs.
    "Do. Or do not. There is no 'try.'" -- Yoda
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  • Profile picture of the author mojo1
    Yeah, I attended University of Florida back in the late 80's and I remember seeing 'Beware of Alligators" signage around the on campus lakes for the first time as a freshman and still didn't quite grasp the seriousness of it even as a native Floridian, lol.

    Robscom, not only does Disney's new signage at that particular tragic site now display alligators verbiage and image but did you happen notice it also shows and mentions snakes too?

    Pythons are a real big problem in the waterways throughout Florida too, ugghh....
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    • Profile picture of the author Robscom
      Originally Posted by mojo1 View Post

      Robscom, not only does Disney's new signage at that particular tragic site now display alligators verbiage and image but did you happen notice it also shows and mentions snakes too?

      Pythons are a real big problem in the waterways throughout Florida too, ugghh....
      I saw that! Made me curious. I suppose it's just an added precaution, since they are already changing the signage anyway.
      "Do. Or do not. There is no 'try.'" -- Yoda
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Pythons are becoming a huge problem - illegally sold as "pets" and turned loose in the Everglades when they grew or owners got tired of them - - the huge snakes are flourishing in Florida.

    Gators aren't out to get you. Not stalking humans - not a high IQ creature. Driven by instinct.

    The child who was killed was wading and splashing at the edge of the water just after dark.....chances are the gator thought it was a small animal in distress (easy pickins) and just after dusk is active time for gators. Visitors to the area wouldn't know that - no reason they should.

    After Hurricane Katrina we had a couple alligators walking down the street in my subdivision - several sunning themselves on canal bank along the street...and I had a large cottonmouth washed up into my flower beds.

    Took a few weeks (weather was extremely dry for a couple months after the storm) but the snake eventually moved back to the wetlands across the street - the alligators found permanent homes in various ponds and lakes..and no pets nor people were harmed.

    (no one harmed - except for the 7 people in my neighborhood killed by Katrina, that is)
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author mojo1

      Sorry to hear about the loss of life in your neighborhood. Glad to see all is well with you.
      Your one of the WF members whose posts I love to read
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