How To Get An Offline Client
I was visiting with my Dermatologist 2 weeks ago and I started asking him on how I could,
possibly land more doctors to my offline clients portfolio. He explained that businesses such as his, get hammered daily with phone calls, that will never get past his secretary.
Even if a phone call does reach him, he hangs up because the caller, does not present enough credibility or delivers a script message... that has been hammered, to death one too many times.
The next alternative is postcards and he explained that those mostly, see the the trash as well, he's sick of getting hammered with stuff on a daily basis and dismisses most of them.
I ask, "well, doc....what seems to work then?'.....He told me, that the one element that does work and does land an offline client in any niche is, referrals.
He always seeks referrals and then chooses a service that he might need. He told me that his insurance broker, refers quite a few products and services to him.
How does one get referrals? simple, do something for the people you already have contact with (lawyer, doctor, insurance agent...etc) and ask them to refer you to their friends, and colleagues if they are happy with your quality of work.
This is not some revolutionary tactic, it is one that simply works. It comes straight from the mouth, of a very successful dermatologist.
*If you found this post helpful, a nice thank you is appreciated*
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