14 replies
I was thinking of establishing a dedicated domain for my bankruptcy practice this is what seems to be available.

mymemphisbankruptcy.com remove
memphisbankruptcyhelp.com remove
memphisbankruptcy.biz remove
memphisbankruptcy.me remove
any thoughts?
#critique #domain #domain names
  • Profile picture of the author GeorgeO7
    BankruptcyMemphisTN.com AVAILABLE

    MemphisTnBankruptcy.com AVAILABLE

    Problem solved.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2851396].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author willz605
      I second....


      ****most important.....it solves a problem!****
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2851468].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author BlondieWrites
        memphisbankruptcyhelp.com sounds good to me, and it flows well when spoken.

        Content Niches

        Content Niches - Niche Content, PLR Content, One Owner Content, PLR Articles, PLR Ebooks, Ebook Content, Printables, and More.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2851473].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author attorneydavid
    Thanks everybody I reserved memphisbankruptcyhelp.com and bankruptcymemphistn

    I've lost 90 pounds(160+ overall) fasting since January 2016 after failing for years on diets that just made me sick and miserable. Check out Prudently.com where I'm writing about fasting and weight loss. Get a Brandable Domain Name at Name Perfection.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2851506].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bikaigroup
    Before you choose a domain name, i will recommend that you do a keyword research for suitable domain keyword for your site.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2851541].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author enterpryzman
    FileBankruptcyMemphis.com is my # 1 suggestion and then bankruptcy-memphis.com , don't let the dash bother you but and use it to forward to the other site by setting up a small blog linked to it, the first one could be a great brand and seems pretty obvious to me.

    If I understand correctly, the domain I suggest is the actual act with which you wish to be hired to help them do ( in the exact terms ).....I do not see anyone searching for the term with the word "help" in it. I further feel that the specific act is far easier to remember and I can see an ad saying nothing but " FileBankruptcyMemphis.com " and no question with what you do or offer, in my honest opinion the word " help " dilutes it when advertising offline.

    Best wishes,
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2851569].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jay Vikaz
      This is an entirely different perspective. Wouldn't have thought of that angle. Brilliant!

      Originally Posted by enterpryzman View Post

      FileBankruptcyMemphis.com is my # 1 suggestion and then bankruptcy-memphis.com , don't let the dash bother you but and use it to forward to the other site by setting up a small blog linked to it, the first one could be a great brand and seems pretty obvious to me.

      If I understand correctly, the domain I suggest is the actual act with which you wish to be hired to help them do ( in the exact terms ).....I do not see anyone searching for the term with the word "help" in it. I further feel that the specific act is far easier to remember and I can see an ad saying nothing but " FileBankruptcyMemphis.com " and no question with what you do or offer, in my honest opinion the word " help " dilutes it when advertising offline.

      Best wishes,
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2852229].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author enterpryzman
        Originally Posted by Jay Vikaz View Post

        This is an entirely different perspective. Wouldn't have thought of that angle. Brilliant!
        Thank you and I still would have to say it to be the obvious choice for the reasons I stated. I do not agree in part that anyone searching this would want to do it themselves and should that be the case, you could very easily rank higher and they most likely would visit your page first anyway.....this "could" have them understand it to be smarter and easier to hire you rather than do it themself.

        At the end of the day, it does not matter to me as I am just trying to give back a little to a warrior but, I have greatly refined how I buy domains for business.

        If you are wanting business and providing a cold service, why should it matter if the domain/brand is also as cold.....specific, brand, easily remembered when seen on any print advertising because it is exactly what you are looking for......I wish I was in this business in Memphis, this would be a slam dunk.

        All that having been said, I truly wish you luck and did/do not mean to offend anyone, I am simply giving my honest opinion.

        Take care,
        Enterpryzman <<< Michael
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2855571].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
    MemphisChapter13bankruptcyattorney.com and chapter7

    If the dot coms are taken just use another extension, it won't matter as long as you put good content on the sites.

    target keyword phrases that people are likely to search for.

    I would register as many variations as possible that are available and the ones you don't develop just redirect them to the domain you finely end up using.

    Oh also can you practice law in Georgia? I have a question about some one who's filing a bankruptcy. = /

    Originally Posted by attorneydavid View Post

    I was thinking of establishing a dedicated domain for my bankruptcy practice this is what seems to be available.

    mymemphisbankruptcy.com remove
    memphisbankruptcyhelp.com remove
    memphisbankruptcy.biz remove
    memphisbankruptcy.me remove
    any thoughts?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2851704].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author zenmack
    1. Do not use .me .biz or info is you want to rank with ease.

    2. Try to get .com or .net or .org if .com is not available.

    3. Make sure the spelling is right on with the keyword that your ranking for (for ease of ranking). If you have to add something to the end or beginning but keep the keyword part of the name dense or heavy.

    My site:

    Keyword: Sacramento Personal Trainer

    My sites name: SacramentoPersonalTrainerGym.com

    A better option would of been looking back on it :


    Since some yahoo grabbed up SacramentoPersonalTrainer.com..lol.

    The worlds best dating coach

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2851742].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
      That is just plain silly!

      There is no ranking preference when it comes to domain extensions.

      Google as plainly and publicly stated this. If it were true you think .com's would cost a measly 8 bucks to register?

      Originally Posted by zenmack View Post

      1. Do not use .me .biz or info is you want to rank with ease.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2851847].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author attorneydavid
    Thanks everybody all good thoughts. One of the major functions of this would be a ppc landing page so I think I'll stick with Memphis bankruptcy help though all a good ideas. Sorry I can't practice in Georgia.

    I've lost 90 pounds(160+ overall) fasting since January 2016 after failing for years on diets that just made me sick and miserable. Check out Prudently.com where I'm writing about fasting and weight loss. Get a Brandable Domain Name at Name Perfection.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2851980].message }}

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