Anyone Doing Workshops To Get Clients?
I'm going to put on the workshop for free, and send invitations to all the local businesses. But I'm going to limit seating to 50.
At the end of the workshop I'm going to offer my services to only 7 people. Basically, I'm going to say something like "because I'm more interested in actually helping you grow your business, not just signing new clients, I'm only taking on 7 new clients now" or something like that.
The hope is that they'll understand the potential value of IM and be rushing to the front of the line to sign up. Everyone that leaves will get a packet of info, and obviously I will have collected their personal emails, phone numbers, etc.
I plan to run these workshops a few times/year and use the leads I get to generate new business.
I'm figuring the workshop will take 10hrs to put together, and probably last 2-3 hours depending on how interactive I make it.
Just curious if anyone is doing this and is successful for you?
Would love some thoughts on how to get the invites out. I'm planning on going the direct mail route I think, but am open to suggestions.
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"As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"