HEEEELP! It worked - now what?

by rugman
37 replies
OK - been reading the WF for a long time - buy tons of WSO's - don't post too much but here goes. Finally decided to get moving with some offline stuff. Thanks to Scotth (turned me on to Quentins product) and John Durham for getting me motivated! Lots of others also.
I started to put some info out there to build some simple sites - got a few leads and should be able to get a couple done and make a few bucks. But as always - the one I think I really got is over my head maybe.
lady has a site that sells stuffed animals that are all natural - plant that makes them solar power etc - pretty cool story. My plan was a WP site with pages about the animals - the factory etc. maybe use the posts as whats going on - she likes to put up notice when one gets adopted. There should be plenty to write about. Thing is - she needs to sell them off the site and I am not sure how to do it. She takes credit cards - not paypal. Is there such a thing as an e-commerce WP theme or do I need to build an e-commerce site (no clue on that one).
Second site she wants - sells re-usable lunch bags and wants to offer them to schools. Same thing - good story to tell with the amount of trash goes into landfills etc. She wants to have reports the schools can download and I suggested a email campaign for both sites (that I can do).
The person that manages them is ill and cannot do it any more - I have a chance to get a pretty nice gig here with ongoing work. Could use some suggestions!
#heeeelp #worked
  • Profile picture of the author Transcripts
    Maybe something like shopify would work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
    There is shopify and also another one that starts with a v volusion I think ...there are also many themes for wordpress that could work. Try woo themes or something similar

    Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000 MobileSalesSoftware.com
    Invest in domains without the hard work !
    Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com

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  • Profile picture of the author spesialis

    I'm not sure I understand:

    - What's the connection between stuffed animals and solar power plant? I really can't connect the dot on that one. Forgive me

    - What do you mean by "she needs to sell them off the site"
    Does that mean she cannot sell it through the site?

    Then why you're looking for an ecommerce?

    If it can be packed, it can be sold online.
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    • Profile picture of the author rugman
      Originally Posted by spesialis View Post


      I'm not sure I understand:

      - What's the connection between stuffed animals and solar power plant? I really can't connect the dot on that one. Forgive me

      - What do you mean by "she needs to sell them off the site"
      Does that mean she cannot sell it through the site?

      Then why you're looking for an ecommerce?

      If it can be packed, it can be sold online.
      Stuffed animals are all natural - hemp based etc. the plant they are made is very "green".
      I should have said "from" the site as they are sold online.
      Seems like I need to make a site that tells the story of the all natural stuffed animals made in the solar powered plant etc.

      Growing older but not up!

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      • Profile picture of the author Deidra Renee
        Even though she takes credit cards and not paypal maybe you can inform her that paypal has a sort of *virtual credit card machine* that she can sign up for and integrate into her site (or maybe it's just the invoice type button to send through email..I'm not sure) but you can go to paypal and look into that and just show her how to create the button (or do it for her) to put on her site
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    • Profile picture of the author Naanajud567
      Originally Posted by spesialis View Post


      I'm not sure I understand:

      - What's the connection between stuffed animals and solar power plant? I really can't connect the dot on that one. Forgive me

      - What do you mean by "she needs to sell them off the site"
      Does that mean she cannot sell it through the site?

      Then why you're looking for an ecommerce?

      If it can be packed, it can be sold online.
      I also have the same thing in mind...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3761867].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author rugman
        Originally Posted by Naanajud567 View Post

        I also have the same thing in mind...
        Answered in post #7 above.

        Growing older but not up!

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        • Profile picture of the author rugman
          Somehow we got off the stuffed animal topic!
          I did Google this up - Mandino's Scroll II. WOW!!!!! Usually I am not into stuff like that but I just printed it out and gave it to my Daughters in their Easter baskets to read.

          Growing older but not up!

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          • Profile picture of the author TWalker
            Yea I didn't want to distract from your topic but I couldn't resist a bit of banter with John.

            The Scroll Marked II was in one of Johns Offline Telemarketing report. It is from Og Mandino: The Greatest Salesman In The World or The Greatest Secret In The World...I forget....maybe both.

            It is one of 10 scrolls. It is about Love. If your reading this and you wonder like Tina Turner did:

            Whats Love got to do with it?

            You just have to read it for yourself to find out.

            Happy Easter!
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            • Profile picture of the author rugman
              I guess I will have to go out and grab that book - heard of it - surprised it is not on my shelf (or is it?)!

              Growing older but not up!

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  • Profile picture of the author BradB
    Hi Rugman.

    Been there and not that long ago TOO...

    I have tried 3 of the common and even recommended solutions in the way of Premium Themes only to have frustrated myself into a corner.

    I am now using the theme in my Signature and where the others were completely Fixed this one is totally Flexible to suite many different app.s.

    You can also use it an Unlimited number of times........a full license.

    That is an affiliate link....;-)
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    • Profile picture of the author Bobster0007
      I have several that should fill your needs. PM your addy to check out.
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  • Profile picture of the author spesialis
    This should give you an idea:

    Themes | GetShopped.org
    WP e-Commerce Showcase | GetShopped.org

    She needs paypal, people can pay via paypal with their credit card
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  • Profile picture of the author Quentin
    You can use a WP site like you suggested and then use Mals Ecommerce to run the shopping cart for CC only.

    Pretty simple to set up but I have some videos if you need them.

    Mals Shopping Cart Video Tutorials

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  • Profile picture of the author housewarrior
    Hmmn... They say that success is being ready for opportunity. Seems like I have been getting ready forever sometimes. Then they toss a new wrinkle at you.

    Anything you use for pages is going to take time. There is life beyond Wordpress. Trust me. You should look into xSitePro or FrontPage.

    XSitePro has a steeper learning curve than FrontPage, but once you catch on, it's very simple to make pretty good pages.

    FrontPage. If you can use Microsoft Word you can fairly easily transition to FP. And you can do some GREAT work with it.

    But...You're just going to have the time to experiment. No way around it, unless you use one of those buhzillion themes that comes with xSitePro. Then you still have to learn the basics.

    All things considered, were I you, I'd buy a copy of xSitePro and start going thru their tutorials. It has most of the stuff you need already built in. No kidding.

    It's either that or try to make Wordpress into a CMS kinda thingy, like Joomla.

    I use FrontPage, Wordpress, and xSitePro. For some things I even use xSitePro on Frontpage. Now that's neat!

    Of course, if you are up against a clock, are quick on the uptake, and wanted the fastest start on either system, you could get yourself a little training.

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    • Profile picture of the author rugman
      I am pretty good with frontpage so that is an option. I was thinking of WP so she can easily post about new animals etc as they come in.
      Quentin - thanks - I will take a look at the vids.

      Growing older but not up!

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      • Profile picture of the author RandyRandola
        Good for you for landing this. Go out an celebrate.

        Then get down to business and map out what you need to do.

        I landed something similar and I am a WP fanatic - but went with Joomla and a shopping cart that takes cares of linking manufacturing with drop ship. Not that you need it, but that's what I needed. It worked out better than what I could do with WP.

        There were bumps and grinds along the way but at the end, it worked.

        Just keep things simple...

        Customer comes to site (shopping cart enabled)
        Customer buys product (cc through merchant account)
        Manufacture and/or drop shipper receives notification to ship
        - this could be the owner or a factory in China
        Product gets shipped
        Client makes profit

        I always like to plan out how to remove the owner from the equation as they become the bottle neck.

        Good luck and have fun!

        ~ Randy
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        • Profile picture of the author rugman
          After a short wait looks like this will be a go! Just have to figure out the e-commerce part. Not doing dropshipping as they come in from Europe and she sends them out from her place. Will be getting more info and coming up with some pricing for her.

          Growing older but not up!

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  • Profile picture of the author Doran Peck
    I use BigCommerce. Its a paid service but very flexible and rubust...and has built in adaption to many many payment gateways. Easy to customize visually as well.

    You can import product specs and data from an excel sheet, or manually add them one by one.

    I don't know how it compares to other suggestions above...just throwing it out as another looksee option for you.

    ...and congratz on the success.
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  • Profile picture of the author greenovni
    Originally Posted by rugman View Post

    OK - been reading the WF for a long time - buy tons of WSO's - don't post too much but here goes. Finally decided to get moving with some offline stuff. Thanks to Scotth (turned me on to Quentins product) and John Durham for getting me motivated! Lots of others also.
    I started to put some info out there to build some simple sites - got a few leads and should be able to get a couple done and make a few bucks. But as always - the one I think I really got is over my head maybe.
    lady has a site that sells stuffed animals that are all natural - plant that makes them solar power etc - pretty cool story. My plan was a WP site with pages about the animals - the factory etc. maybe use the posts as whats going on - she likes to put up notice when one gets adopted. There should be plenty to write about. Thing is - she needs to sell them off the site and I am not sure how to do it. She takes credit cards - not paypal. Is there such a thing as an e-commerce WP theme or do I need to build an e-commerce site (no clue on that one).
    Second site she wants - sells re-usable lunch bags and wants to offer them to schools. Same thing - good story to tell with the amount of trash goes into landfills etc. She wants to have reports the schools can download and I suggested a email campaign for both sites (that I can do).
    The person that manages them is ill and cannot do it any more - I have a chance to get a pretty nice gig here with ongoing work. Could use some suggestions!
    Been a while since I posted on the forum so you might not have heard of me, but here my humble help. Please note that I am not affiliated with any of the companies / software that will be mentioned below.

    1st thing's first. Does her merchant account use authorize.net? Most merchant account providers usually include authorize.net as the "virtual CC machine"

    There are a ton of plug ins and shopping carts for wordpress that work with authorize.net as seen in the plugin depository here:

    WordPress › authorize.net « Tags « WordPress Plugins

    Interspire shopping cart is another really cool option and WP compatible also

    WordPress › Interspire & BigCommerce « WordPress Plugins

    There are also many ecommerce plugins for wordpress such as WP ecommerce

    WordPress › WP e-Commerce « WordPress Plugins

    So YES, you can do what you need done with wordpress!

    Now, your theme. If you are good with editing the crap out of wordpress, you can use any theme you want BUT if you are not, you can easily hire someone out of oDesk to make the shopping cart & payment module integration for you. This step is usually pretty easy and you can get any of the free plugins available, free shopping carts available and practice on a practice blog

    You might want a simple theme designed for the WP eCommerce plug in such as

    Crafty Cart

    WordPress › Crafty Cart « Free WordPress Themes

    Something stronger and more professional looking like

    Wordpress eCommerce Theme

    Ecommerce Themes : Build Your Own Online Store : Ecommerce Web Template

    And here are 35 other ecommerce templates for WP & a host of other carts like osCommerce, Magento etc

    35 Free High-Quality E-Commerce Templates - Smashing Magazine

    Now, you do know that you can skin shopping carts like osCommerce right?

    One last thing is that you can use Fantastico in your Cpanel to install with 2 clicks the following fully working shopping carts:

    1. Cubecart
    2. os Commerce
    3. Zen Cart

    Also, Youtube is your friend about installing and configuring shopping carts etc...

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    • Profile picture of the author rugman
      Thanks Thanks Thanks! You have given me mucho insite! I am thinking that this project will be in full swing after Easter. Just found out that these stuffed animals are pretty high end collector one off types. Gotta figure that one out. having 3 girls I have always been a "build a bear" kinda guy! BTW - I had the build a bear idea long before they did it - moral - act on your ideas!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Growing older but not up!

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  • Profile picture of the author scarab
    No one has mentioned it but I use DukaPress. Many payment options, it is a WordPress Plugin, the last time I looked it was free. Shopping cart, Product pages, good support.
    search Google for DukaPress. I really think it is a good product and you don't have to sign up for anything, not subscription, no nothing but a good product.
    Hope this helps.

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  • Profile picture of the author TWalker
    I suggest Weebly for someone who thinks they may have gone in over their head.

    Everything is drag and drop including shopping cart items via Paypal or Google Checkout.

    It blew me away the first time I saw the simplicity and power of it.

    In a 1/2 days time you could have full blown ecommerce site with multimedia galore, maps,forms, beautiful SEO and on and on.

    The reason I havn't seriously considered it myself for paying customers is I see weebly in the code. But of course I built on a free account not my own domain so I'm not sure how the code looks on a paid site.

    I own Xsite Pro and do Wordpress site mainly but...man one really pump out sites with Weebly compared to Homestead for example.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    Good Job Rugman , just caught this thread. Looks like you have some pretty good answers here!

    Have you closed the deal yet? Did she lay a big fat check on you?

    Im with you on the buildabear thing we have about 6 of em here!
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    • Profile picture of the author TWalker
      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

      Good Job Rugman , just caught this thread. Looks like you have some pretty good answers here!

      Have you closed the deal yet? Did she lay a big fat check on you?

      Im with you on the buildabear thing we have about 6 of em here!
      And BTW John, I have had success and motivation beyond anything I imagined as a direct result of reading your material.

      Honestly I havn't had time to start calling people because I took the simplest of your advice which was to start taking action and talking to people. Bang!

      The very first people I approached had work for me. I can't wait to finish this work up so I can start calling! I have a ridiculous amount of leads and confidence on this stuff for weeks now.

      I , like you have memorized some of the Scroll Marked II and love repeating it. There is a story behind that, that led me to your work and I will elaborate later when I have a full report on my success.

      In the meantime I won't hijack this mans thread with my own story but I Will Act Now!
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      • Profile picture of the author John Durham
        Originally Posted by TWalker View Post

        I , like you have memorized some of the Scroll Marked II and love repeating it. There is a story behind that, that led me to your work and I will elaborate later when I have a full report on my success.

        WOW! Im on the edge of my seat! Inscribing those principles on the inward tablet, BURNING them into my subconscious like a "branding iron", through memory has paid me a thousand times over through the years...

        Because when you repeat the words they seep into the subconscious mind, "...that myserious source which never sleeps and causes me to act in ways that I do not comprehend..."

        Im all about brainwashing your self to success!

        Ps. Being able to "Quote" it doesnt hurt your social life either! lol
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3761545].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author TWalker
          Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

          WOW! Im on the edge of my seat! Inscribing those principles on the inward tablet, BURNING them into my subconscious like a "branding iron", through memory has paid me a thousand times over through the years...

          Because when you repeat the words they seep into the subconscious mind, "...that myserious source which never sleeps and causes me to act in ways that I do not comprehend..."

          Im all about brainwashing your self to success!

          Ps. Being able to "Quote" it doesnt hurt your social life either! lol
          Right! Well I have been a daily prayer and meditation person for years and I had been listening to another teaching entirely based on the power of love.

          Then you turned me on to Mandino's Scroll II and I was blown away with some of the most beautiful and powerful words I had ever read. I had to memorize it so I have been.

          I'm sure the first time you read it you felt the same. I recorded it so I could listen to it.

          Social life? I recited the scroll to the woman in my life and lets just say she Loved me more if thats possible. She asked me a couple days later: Can you say that love thing to me again?


          It works if you work it...it really does.
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          • Profile picture of the author John Durham
            Originally Posted by TWalker View Post

            Social life? I recited the scroll to the woman in my life and lets just say she Loved me more if thats possible. She asked me a couple days later: Can you say that love thing to me again?


            It works if you work it...it really does.

            No doubt, not to brag, because anyone can do it... but it will make her girlfriends jealous too... the prob is that will make other men HATE you! lol

            So that leads to another issue entirely... which is, depending on the clique, "You cant always be the Alpha Male" (The leader of the Males or "The one who the other males follow"). Because being smart and dramatic... isnt necessarily considered "Cool". Not very James Dean like.

            Which strangely works in your favor because while other, more typical girls chase the alpha male type, there is a special one looking for a guy like YOU!

            Of course this is all based on the presumtion that you are different than alot of other men, as is anyone who will memorize thousands of words of divinely inspired poetry, Im sure you will agree.

            Not above or below, but not typical. The woman you attract wont be typical either.

            Tell you one thing though.... as far as "living with and by the principles".... they are better than the finest treasure, and you will be proud as you recite them over and over to your children, and they remember the words also.

            That book was given to me in a special way that I will never forget, and I have made a point of passing it on... wish I still had my original hardbound. The sons and the daughter in my life will be well versed in these things.
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            • Profile picture of the author TWalker
              Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

              No doubt, not to brag, because anyone can do it... but it will make her girlfriends jealous too... the prob is that will make other men HATE you! lol

              So that leads to another issue entirely... which is, depending on the clique, "You cant always be the Alpha Male" (The leader of the Males or "The one who the other males follow"). Because being smart and dramatic... isnt necessarily considered "Cool". Not very James Dean like.

              Of course this is all based on the presumtion that you are different than alot of other men, as is anyone who will memorize thousands of words of divinely inspired poetry, Im sure you will agree.

              Not above or below, but not typical. The woman you attract wont be typical either.
              I agree with everything you wrote. I am a dancer; ballroom/partner/social. Thats not what I make money with but what I LOVE.

              So I get lots of opportunities with the ladies and have since I started dancing years ago. Throw in a little John Durham suave love and I'm a menace to society (and other men). Haha...laugh at that it is funny!

              Gotta run because I am picking up some video for a web site I am doing based on the principles we are talking about.

              But man, when am I going to get to start cold calling if I'm always working on sites I get based on those principles? (joke)
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              • Profile picture of the author John Durham
                Originally Posted by TWalker View Post

                Throw in a little John Durham suave love and I'm a menace to society (and other men). Haha...laugh at that it is funny!
                Im laughing on the inside. You know the part that fricken HURTS because it a joke? Yeah that part! But no prob "T"...
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3761905].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author TWalker
                  Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

                  Im laughing on the inside. You know the part that fricken HURTS because it a joke? Yeah that part! But no prob "T"...
                  Just spreadin the Love....

                  Thanks for all you do.
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    • Profile picture of the author rugman
      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

      Good Job Rugman , just caught this thread. Looks like you have some pretty good answers here!

      Have you closed the deal yet? Did she lay a big fat check on you?

      Im with you on the buildabear thing we have about 6 of em here!
      ONLY 6! I must have 50 laying around!
      Deal should close next week - turns out these are real high end, one off collectables so I am trying to figure out the best way to get them found as far as what potential buyers would be searching for. She is currently only selling a few a month so I may have to go in cheap and get paid bigger when we start selling more. She is exclusive for the USA!

      Growing older but not up!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3761605].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author John Durham
        Originally Posted by rugman View Post

        ONLY 6! I must have 50 laying around!
        Deal should close next week - turns out these are real high end, one off collectables so I am trying to figure out the best way to get them found as far as what potential buyers would be searching for. She is currently only selling a few a month so I may have to go in cheap and get paid bigger when we start selling more. She is exclusive for the USA!
        ebay has worked great for my friend with that kind of stuff. Dont be afraid to implement some stuff like that for her too... its all for her bottom line, in the end thats what makes you proud to be her web guy, because shes making more money online period, through the most effective venues...!

        If the project looks like it may take awhile to get traction in search engines... stuff like that can help her profit in the meantime. My friend does about 5k per month with an average $25.00 ticket on ebay.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vector
    Thank you Greenovni, that's a lot of good info. I noticed we are both from the sunchine state could you point me to a mastermind group in central Fl.?
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    • Profile picture of the author javarog
      Hi,, super noob as you can tell by the amount of posts, however I do a lot of e commerce and a couple applications come to mind that are very easy to work with, can be browsed by mobile phones with free mods and both carts are free.

      So have a look,

      Ok couldn't post the links so this way will work...

      opencart.com and ecwid.com

      For the ease of using any website the ecwid cart is a widget so you can put it anyplace.

      Very nice to be here.. and thanks everyone for all the good stuff here.

      And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.

      Abraham Lincoln

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