The Next Step You Take After Getting A Client Is The Most Crucial
There is a lot of information here on how to get clients but very few are addressing the issue of what to do next.
Most people will immediately assume that once they sign up a client the next step is to then deliver on the promise.
A new website, better rankings or whatever it is they signed up for - that's what the IMer runs off to go and do.
But the Imer who gets stuck in delivering is the Imer who gets nowhere. Especially in the offline niche.
So the next step is not to deliver on the promise, the next step is to go out and sign up more people!
This was a difficult but very important lesson for me to learn as i began to see more and more work come my way.
As a technical person and perfectionist i wanted to do all the work myself, but that didn't make me any money - it just kept me busy while potential clients were being snapped up by other service providers!
Trust me on this.
If you are sitting there building the sites and doing the SEO yourself after getting a client - then you are losing out on more work.
You must have something in place, tools, people or whatever you can get to complete the work for you while you focus on expanding your client base.
If you are a technical person like me this is a very hard pill to swallow, but if you can then you will be healthier for it.
BTW if you are a technical person it actually makes you better at outsourcing because you have a technical understanding and eye to know who you can outsource to, and who and what you can rely on to deliver a top quality product for your clients.
You are the business expander and quality control taskmaster. Nothing else.
p.s - i still do parts of the work myself, but only the stuff i'm super excellent at (design), everything else gets done by other super excellent people
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