Lead generation pricing model

by lingo
4 replies

I have recently been looking at providing local lead generation services but im struggling to nail down a structured pricing model.

At the moment i am selling leads to a local plumber based on 20% of the completed sale but im running into a few problems. First of all, because they have nothing to lose if they tend to not treat the leads with urgency unless they are desperatley looking for work. Also if they feel as if the job is not worth their time after the 20% kickback, they quote really high therefore stopping them from getting the job. Its basically quite a bit of hassle at the moment.

Now i have heard of people just selling the leads based on a fixed price but im not quite sure on what kind of commision they are basing it on or charging for leads, plus what is the best way to make it work for forwarded telephone calls. I was thinking i could base calls on "any calls over 30 seconds = a lead" but because they number comes on their mobile they can just cancel the call and call them right back.

Hopefully people have a good structure in place that allows them to pass on leads knowing that they are getting converted at a decent rate and frees them to look for more clients and work on the online stuff.

Cheers in advanced
#generation #lead #model #pricing
  • Profile picture of the author sprks79
    Generally, I dont do commission based leads. To many ways for them to get over on you. I charge a flat fee per lead or a bit cheaper if bundled. I generally deal in high $ per sale (doctors, dentist, lawyers, real estate, and some others) and generally start at around $150 per lead. On most of my sites Im getting around 30-55 a week. If one person doesnt want them all, then I sell to multiples. However, on sites like that, I prefer to "rent" the site out. I have one that produces about 70 leads a month renting for $900 per month, but its in a business where one close is more than enough to cover it. Do some testing, some calling, let other businesses know what you have and see if they want it. THEN, worry about specific prices.

    PBN site builder. Expired domain scraper. Website Hoster.....Oh, and an amazing guy. :)

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4156906].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author lingo
      Cheers for the reponse mate.

      Though this thread was well and truly buried.
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      • Profile picture of the author gone surfing

        How do you capture the leads, are you using a lead capture software or plugin on your sites?

        Thanks in advance!

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        • Profile picture of the author sprks79
          A simple form on a site constitutes a lead in most businesses. Gather the name, email address and phone number. I use to have it linked to Aweber, however now I run my own mail server and have the emails sent to my DB only now. Saves me a bit of money and I trust my server

          Originally Posted by gone surfing View Post


          How do you capture the leads, are you using a lead capture software or plugin on your sites?

          Thanks in advance!


          PBN site builder. Expired domain scraper. Website Hoster.....Oh, and an amazing guy. :)

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