How To Go To Breakfast and Make $1,100...And Go Back To Bed.

19 replies
Remember, in the Will Ferrel movie, "Talladaga Nights, the “Legend Of Ricky Bobby”, when Will’s character turns to his arch nemesis, race car driver Jean Girard, and says, ‘That Just Happened!”

Well, this just happened yesterday, and it shows what simple no-brainer prospecting in Offline can get you.

I’ve been recovering from oral surgery the last few days, and basically laid up, going nowhere, doing nothing. Yesterday was my first day doing something out of the house, and I decided to go for breakfast to a restaurant that was just re-opened, “under new management”, as they say.

Got seated and ordered. Looked around and could see they were planning some big changes. New flooring, walls gone, much nicer all around and it wasn’t even done yet. Hostess comes over and asks how the food was. ….and I said, “great”….and began to ask a few questions.

It turns out this attractive ‘hostess’ is actually the new owner.

I ask her how she came to own the place, when she took over, when she got into restaurants, how she chose the name, what were her plans to grow the place, and pretty much anything that I was curious about. I let my curiosity lead me.

(Granted I have experience, but any motivated consultant can follow this lead. My first objective is to establish RAPPORT. Without it, I have little further opportunity – with it, I can move to the next stage.)

In summary, at this stage I just showed intense interest in her and the business. I alternated between flattery and more curiosity. And it was all genuine. Because I am genuinely interested in people’s businesses.
She left the table a few times to seat people, but always came back.

Sensing an opportunity, I asked, “ So, How do you plan to get the word out?” …about the new ownership and new menu and everything?”

She said she and her brother would have to sit down and map out some ideas. …and they needed to do that soon. I asked why, and she explained they would have a formal grand opening in only one month.
“So you really have to decide soon, what with publication closing dates and getting everything scheduled ahead of time, right?”

Then I said, “I’ve had clients that waited till the last minute and had poor results because of it, so I know what you’re saying”….

(that’s where I planted the seed)…..lit the fuse, if you will.

She said, “Really, what do you do?”

“I help businesses launch customer-generating campaigns.”

(I wait).

“Like advertising, what do you mean?” (her tone actually quickened)

She pulled out a chair and sat down, while keeping one eye on the front.

I said, “Sure advertising is part of it, but promotion, internet, signage, everything.
…that is everything that will bring in new customers and re-activate old ones.”

She leaned into me and said, “what do you think we should advertise in?”…what’s working now? brother is clueless about this.”

(Check this out: I have been here 20 minutes, I’ve never met this woman before, but am now seriously being asked “where should we advertise?” by someone with a going business and an obvious need.)

“We’re thinking of coupon book ads, what do you think of those?” “They’re good”, I say but there’s a right and wrong way to do it, y’know.”

“How about this, when I get back to my office, I’ll fax you some ideas that may help with the grand opening and going forward. “

“and when I come for breakfast on Wednesday, we can chat about it…are you here Wednesday morning?”

“Oh yes, I’m here every morning right now!” She laughs.

So I picked up a business card as I left and faxed her some ideas, really just a list of things she needed to do to have a successful Grand Re-Opening… and some ideas for marketing as they went forward. And that was that, I thought.

About 4 hours later, I get a call. The owner says can I come for breakfast Tuesday instead? Sure. We meet and talk about what will give them the most bang for the buck. I meet the brother, and its as if we know each quite well already. Weird really, but I have such good rapport with his sister, its pretty easy interacting with him.

His sister and I map out an initial grand opening plan, and then what needs to happen in the weeks and months that follow. They have a budget, and will spend thousands over the next 60 days, I estimate. My initial fee is $1,100, and will grow as we do more. This fee is over and above any expenses we incur.

The last time I did one of these mini-grand openings my fees totaled over $2500.

For me, this was a pleasant reminder that RAPPORT is everything. I think it’s easy to get persuaded that if we as consultants have the latest ‘thingy’ we have a powerful tool to attract clients. But I’ve found that having rapport is really the key to the vault.

If they feel comfortable with you, if they like you, then that will lead to trust…and trust will lead to prospects being willing to accept your recommendations. It’s like a chain, and rapport is the link that governs all the rest.


#100and #back #bed #breakfast #make
  • Profile picture of the author glassman

    Hope you recover quickly from the surgery.

    Just got your offline bonanza and think it's one of the best WSO out there. I bought quite a few of them over the last few weeks looking for sales ideas for a new sales person. So I'm familiar with most of the ones out there.

    Great Product.

    Thanks for sharing this story. Goes to show that the best sales presentation is no sales presentation. Just good helpful, inquisitive, conversation. A sales presentation would just be awkward in the middle of that. Which is what your WSO showed me.

    Get well soon.
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    • Profile picture of the author Bruce NewMedia
      Glassman, I just read your very nice review on my wso page - thank you.
      I sent you a pm as well.

      I wanted to make sure this post focused on what I didn't have when I made this kind of
      progress with the prospect/client. I just went in to have breakfast and check out the new menu etc. ...but I'm always trying to be observant and quick to ask questions.

      I had no presentation, no sales materials, nothing that would cause defensiveness. If the prospect is feels they need to 'defend', you can't really gain rapport. My success rate when I have total rapport is awesome. So, that's what I strive for.

      I included the specific phrases I used, because they work.

      Originally Posted by glassman View Post


      Hope you recover quickly from the surgery.

      Just got your offline bonanza and think it's one of the best WSO out there. I bought quite a few of them over the last few weeks looking for sales ideas for a new sales person. So I'm familiar with most of the ones out there.

      Great Product.

      Thanks for sharing this story. Goes to show that the best sales presentation is no sales presentation. Just good helpful, inquisitive, conversation. A sales presentation would just be awkward in the middle of that. Which is what your WSO showed me.

      Get well soon.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4389485].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Nathan Alexander
    Awesome Bruce. Fantastic, thank you. I love these stories.
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  • Profile picture of the author SiteSmarty
    That's a great story Bruce. Trust means a lot to being successful in anything.
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  • Profile picture of the author stone2010
    That is great Bruce,,, anyway you can name some of the things you suggested for the grand opening?

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    • Profile picture of the author ericthered
      Ha - you can tell Bruce is a copywriter from the thread title.

      Thanks Mr R. Great story. Just shows how a little curiosity and LISTENING can get a foot in the door that otherwise would be tightly locked.

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    • Profile picture of the author Bruce NewMedia
      Originally Posted by stone2010 View Post

      That is great Bruce,,, anyway you can name some of the things you suggested for the grand opening?

      Sure, here's a slightly edited copy of what I faxed to her:

      [name], even though this is a re-grand opening - I would treat it as a very special
      event....a Grand Opening Week. EVERYONE needs to be talking about

      create timeline to follow.

      get necessary permits from city and submit plan.

      join the chamber of commerce and enlist their help in letting the
      community know that you're open for business.

      Run 'teaser ads' in local media leading up to event week.

      Radio blitz, for 5 -7days

      Press releases submitted to local media. (include pictures)

      Produce short video about the restaurant and distribute on YouTube.

      Design banners to announce event.
      Special invitations to adjacent businesses

      Decorate interior and special hats or badges for employees to wear

      *Have an indoor/outdoor event. (which would include an outside
      activity/food/entertainment) Something as simpe, as a clown(s) and free
      give-aways/drawings work great. (*this is key)

      Flyers announcing event distributed to existing customers and
      neighbors adjacent neighborhoods.

      Setup simple co-op with other businesses. Agree to place their flyer in
      your restaurant during the high volume GrandOpening
      exchange they agree to do the same in their location

      Offer to make donation to local charity in honor of the event.

      Remodel website (with new logo) and update Grand Opening Week,

      If budget will permit, consider hiring local celebrity athlete for
      appearance on GO Day, for a few hours.

      These are some strategies (not all) that have worked well for my clients.
      The more you do, the bigger the impact.

      (while this all might seem intimidating, I can show you ways to make it
      pretty manageable)

      ok, see you wed, regards Bruce
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4393291].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jimbo13
    Originally Posted by brucerby View Post

    It turns out this attractive 'hostess' is actually the new owner.

    I alternated between flattery and more curiosity. And it was all genuine.

    She pulled out a chair and sat down, while keeping one eye on the front.

    She leaned into me

    Check this out: I have been here 20 minutes, I've never met this woman before

    are you here Wednesday morning?"

    "Oh yes, I'm here every morning right now!" She laughs.

    About 4 hours later, I get a call. The owner says can I come for breakfast Tuesday instead? Sure.

    When's the wedding?

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  • Profile picture of the author Pludoh
    This is similar to my idea for restaurant directories. Very interesting stuff man.
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  • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
    Awesome post, you've shown others exactly how it's done.

    My favorite part of your post actually didn't have anything to do with what you did to secure the client, but was this quote:

    Originally Posted by brucerby View Post

    Remember, in the Will Ferrel movie, "Talladaga Nights, the "Legend Of Ricky Bobby", when Will's character turns to his arch nemesis, race car driver Jean Girard, and says, 'That Just Happened!"
    You made it sound like Talladaga Nights is a movie everyone has seen, and can quote from, like it's a classic. It really IS a good movie, imo, I enjoy that style of humor.
    100% Unique Sales Page Website +100% Unique Internet Marketing Product
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4392802].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Taruru
    brilliant strategy. i feel this will help me a lot. Thanks.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4393751].message }}
    • God stuff and right on target. I am a newbie to WF but not to growing a business or growing a church. Most things in business and social circles revolve around report.

      Use it. Leverage it. Nuff said.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4393851].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author barache
    Bruce, this is exactly what I needed to read today! Good technique you used to get her interested, too.
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  • Profile picture of the author skylarw
    Thank you for sharing such a great story.

    I know that sometimes I tend to get lazy and begin to simply, "go through the motions" during my day-to-day routine. Just goes to show that by putting a little effort forth, and actually taking notice of, (and caring about) the people around you can work wonders for both the spirit and the wallet.

    Makes me want to be better about that myself. Thanks again.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4396849].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rsteadm2
    Great Story,

    Thank you for sharing this.

    Ray S

    P.S. thank you baby Jesus
    When You're Ready to Put In the WORK and Do! Click This Link! - ...Free Webinar Guides you Down the Road And Gives YOU A Real Blueprint for Affiliate Marketing Success Showing You How To Start, "doing"!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4397109].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cuttingedge
    Hi Bruce,

    Loved the story.

    I've always liked stories as it's a great way to add substance, illustrate a point, good for remembering things, educating your audience, and adding impact.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4400801].message }}
    • Bruce,

      Awesome post and Spot On!

      By the way, whenever I visit my neighbourhood restaurant, retail outlet, etc., I ALWAYS ASK "so how is business going?" Believe it or not, they always tell me the truth, like "it's OK", or "not so good", or "I really need more business".

      With them opening up to me, I then ask them more probing questions like, "so what will happen if you don't get more business soon?". They then continue to tell me more of their "depressing" problems.

      The point I'm trying to make here is when you visit your local store, ask them "so, how things are going?" You will be surprised at what they reveal to you, honestly!

      This is where YOU can figure out what they need and your opportunity to offer to help them with THEIR problems.

      So, as long as you can help them, you can help yourself at the same time. It's a win/win situation.

      Remember, selling services is NOT about you, it's about what you CAN DO for them which will in return help you to make money for them as well as yourself!

      As Zig Ziglar says, "You can get anything YOU want out of life IF you are prepared to help enough OTHER people to get what they want".

      Now, go out there and see who you can help! Your bank account will thank you!



      P.S. I even ask my neighbourhood gas station. Again, believe me; it's really interesting at what they reveal to you. So, how can you help them? There is a way, but then again, that's for a different discussion.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hugh

    Great story! Most have a totally erroneous idea of what a good salesman does.
    You ask questions. You seek out needs. Then you HELP them reach THEIR goals.

    Wonderful job,


    "Never make someone a priority in your life who makes you an option in theirs." Anon.
    "Some see private enterprise as a predatory target to be shot, others as a cow to be milked, but few are those who see it as a sturdy horse pulling the wagon." -- Winston Churchill

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