Dont Be Broke This Season!! - Free Audio** Make M-O-N-E-Y - And Give The Gift Of Opportunity!
Yes 2011 Warrior Forum Newby- This is for you.
Here's The Audio
After all, we arent here to talk about philosophy right?
This is the great Warrior Forum, and truly great it is indeed.
This is a forum where people come, especially at this time of year, to learn how they can make M-O-N-E-Y!
To learn ways to change their lives and financial futures for the better by learning about the opportunities that exist on the new frontier.
I'm going to pretend that you are me right now... back when I first learned about offline marketing years ago.
I didn't even have a computer. I didn't have the internet. Barely knew what it was... BUT... (remember this) "Someone else DID know about websites, and they DID know about the internet, and they SOLD a website product".
I met that person at a time when I was ignorant, and needed opportunity, and they told me, "You don't have to know how to build websites... all you have to do is memorize the features and benefits of the package I sell...".
He gave me some sheets of basic information about the websites he sold, and he gave me a script to say on the phone...
I was able to sell websites, without knowing anything about the internet...without knowing anything about computers... All I knew was that we sold a 2 page site on a top online directory that was keyword optimized and submitted to all the major search engines like yahoo, excite and hotbot... and it included_ and ________...".
I would say that pitch verbatim, and I had never even been on yahoo, I didn't even know the meaning of the things I was saying, but it was okay, I could say the script and it worked if you said it to enough people.
If I couldn't answer a question I would say "Im just a salesperson, but I can get that answer from one of our designer and call you back with the answer if you like after our I was saying...", and I would go back into my script...and every now and then someone said YES.
This guy made millions of dollars that year off people who were just as ignorant as me, but they could quote the features and benefits of our product on the phone.
Later when I learned that you did not have to work for someone else to sell websites...
I could hire a web designer for $100.00 per site or even LESS ... I got the idea that I could sell websites for myself, instead of selling them for $10.00 per hour at a job... I discovered that I could make hundreds of dollars per sale.
I still didn't need to know anything about web design... I just hired people who did. Like the guys in the wso section here at the warrior forum offering quality services for dirt cheap.
I still didn't need to know about optimization, because I hired web designers who optimized everything...
I didnt even have to have money upfront, because I paid them out of the checks customers would write me.
These web designers would gladly build sites for $100 that I could sell for MANY hundreds of dollars profit. And they were glad to do it, because they were out of work and didn't have business and didn't know how to sell... I gave them a paycheck for doing what they loved by selling websites.
If I sold 3 sites per week and they made $300, that was WAAAY better than what they made at home playing dungeons and dragons and not having any websites to work on.
So my sales were a blessing to them too, even though I only paid them a percentage and made alot of profit from their websites.
Ten years, and hundreds of thousands of dollars later... Im still fairly ignorant when it comes to being internet savvy, but as long as someone else I know "is", I can sell a website...or I can sell an seo service, or an SMS marketing service, or a mobile site service, or facebook pages...or whatever it is.
I can sell it, and I don't have to know anything about it beyond the features and benefits of whatever package Im selling.
The first place I found on the internet was the warrior forum, and I have learned most everything I know right here. But I promise you, that was NOTHING when I started selling. I didnt know anything but how to say the script the guy handed me.
Hey, I don't know how to build cars either, but I could probably learn how to sell one. So could you.
If you dont have anything to sell there are a ton of people here on the WF who provide web design services, and they provide SEO services, and mobile marketing services...
You can go to the Warriors for Hire Section and Find them right now...
You are swimming in a pool of people who want to make money with you... If you don't have anything to sell they will create it for you cheaply... If you don't have a company image or website, they will let you use their work samples for demonstrating...
Whats stopping you from contacting one of these SEO services here and saying "If you give me some material about your package I would like to make money creating customers for your services...
You can even say "I want to do it in my own name so the customer thinks they are MY services from my company".
Trust me, people here will work with you if you can produce customers.
Why are you struggling to learn instead of jumping in and making money and learning as you go...?
You don't need anything but a friend who provides a service you can profit on... and a list of features and benefits...
Then all you have to do is walk door to door or call people on the phone and tell them about your friends service.
Did you know that you can start from NOWHERE- And Make Thousands of Dollar in Between Now and Christmas if you start TODAY?
Im here to tell you- YOU CAN!
Im telling you that you ABSOLUTELY can. I have, and so have many others here.
This is my seasonal "Any newby can make money" post. Any newby can make thousands of dollars before Christmas this year, if they set their mind to it.
Even YOU, and the warrior forum is the BEST PLACE IN THE WORLD to start!
Here is a basic plan... Find someone who will build a website package for $200.00 (There are a ton of people here) and go out and sell it for $699
Do 5 of those in the next 6 weeks and you will make $2000 before christmas.
Can you do it?
Yup. You can do it in 2-4 hours per day if you focus... you can even do more than that.
Wnaa double your profits? Sell the site for $999 instead. Now if you sell 5 you have made $4,000 profit.
Do that for twelve months... Thats just selling 1.25 websites per week... add hosting and maintenance fees, and you just made $50,000 your first year.
Lets break it down...
A: Thats selling 1 website per week basically.
B: You can set two appointments per day in a 2 hour cold calling session.
C: Lets lowball it, and say that working 10 hours per week on the phone (2 hours per day) you could set 8 appointments with interested prospects... Lets say one of those days you dont even set ANY, or you skip work... lol
D: Do you think if you had 8 appointments per week with people who are interested in websites that you could even sell 2 of them?
Thats even more than we projected here... At that rate you make DOUBLE what I suggested.
Could you even sell one?
Isnt that worth it?
So with running your appointments for another 2 hours per day... lets say you are working 20 full hours per week, and making 2 sales...
Do you see why theres no reason to be broke this holiday season?
There isnt, and I am living proof.
Forget not knowing html, forget building homestead sites, or wordpress sites... There are a ton of people here that need work,
You never know, the opportunity you create may save someone elses livelihood too! (Like an out of work web designer).
Isnt that another great reason to be an opportunity creator? Your own prosperity creates prosperity for others, thats one o0f the best parts is hiring others and creating opportunity for those who need it!
If you had no idea you could make money before... Even from your VERY FIRST DAY AS A WARRIOR - You can follow this plan and do it NOW!
The Web designers and SEO people are waiting on you, they are hoping you make a sale so you can hire them and send some work their way. In some countries $100 will literally CHANGE SOMEONES LIFE!
While you are changing your life, you can also change the lives of others this Holiday season and make their season worth while too!
Whew, talk about giving!
You want to give a gift?
Use your tenacity- to give someone in need the gift of OPPORTUNITY!
Thats the best gift of all!
I hope someone reads this and runs with it.
Your bonifide "Warrior To The Bone" friend,
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"Never make someone a priority in your life who makes you an option in theirs." Anon.
"Some see private enterprise as a predatory target to be shot, others as a cow to be milked, but few are those who see it as a sturdy horse pulling the wagon." -- Winston Churchill