Linkedin your way to $1000 in just a week?

14 replies

Over the years I have helped small businesses dominate
their local areas with smart and strategic advertising.

Nowadays I have been adding the 'offline methods' of
selling SEO or website improvement or rebuilding.

Nothing is worse for me than 'cold calling'. As you know
offline success normally has a heavy helping of direct
contact... not much in the form of lead generation.

I was on Linkedin for a year, just put myself out there
and pretty much forgot.

Lately I have been 'adding connections' of those with
small-medium businesses (business owners). I added
150 connections in 2 days! I now have 530

I have two messages I send out- The first is a 'greetings'
that goes over my marketing expertise and how I've
helped businesses like theirs make more money.

The second message I send is about SEO. You must
explain SEO and how it would help them. Sooo many
business owners do not understand the internet.

Being that I have written many sales pages (online
and off), I've learned how to simplify what I can
do to help them. Keyword- HELP THEM

Along with keeping in contact (and not being over
salesy). Make daily 'updates' (that also post to
Twitter). Not about what you're selling, but
useful info. Establish yourself as an expert who
they will become to respect (trust and respect
take some work with some people).

In your emails make sure your focus is on their
situation, not yours. This is harder than it seems
as most are focused how bad they need a sale.

Keep in mind they are also as anxious to make more
money. Use that emotion within you and now replace
you, for them. They worry daily about the future
just as you do. Failure is terrifying- if you can
help them avoid that, you'll have their attention.

Just some thoughts


p.s. I sent out 423 messages about SEO last night
and have already had 7 replies (leads). Now I have
to move them towards a sale BUT, it's 7 leads I
would not have had if I did not take action.

Once they buy, they are easier to sell to again
#linkedin #offline marketing #play #power
  • Profile picture of the author Irish Intuition
    Also, you are able to see the horrible websites some
    of these businesses have. When you want to sell them
    a website be sure not to insult them.

    Most business owners take everything personal. They
    may have designed it themselves, or may become offended
    because they think you're calling him a fool for paying for it.

    Linkedin is a cash cow as long as you understand the people
    on it.

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  • Profile picture of the author DNChamp
    I am on Linked IN and sometimes the business owners are very "snooty".....did you pick a specific niche to connect with? And did you do groups only within your area? NOt sure how to really go about and "connect" with others..
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanmckinney
    Brand new to using Linked In in this fashion. How exactly is it that you find a connection? How are you narrowing it down?

    I feel sort of lost in Linked In lol, the only 8 connections I have are the ones imported from g-mail

    This sounds like a tedious, maybe something I can have my VA do all day to get the connection :-D

    How long did it take you?

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    • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
      Originally Posted by ryanmckinney View Post

      Brand new to using Linked In in this fashion. How exactly is it that you find a connection? How are you narrowing it down?

      I feel sort of lost in Linked In lol, the only 8 connections I have are the ones imported from g-mail

      This sounds like a tedious, maybe something I can have my VA do all day to get the connection :-D

      How long did it take you?

      Hi Ryan

      There's a ton of ways to get clients (in fact, so many that I made a guide) .. But here's a tip to get started...

      Find a 'local group' for business people in your area. There should be one. Join it and then have a look at the most active members.

      These are the people that will kind of get the Internet.

      Then add them to your connections. You can do this if you are in the same group. Then send them a welcome message explaining you are helping local business people get more clients via the Internet (or whatever you are doing).

      This has been a great tactic for me and has been the way we've got our biggest clients.

      Hope that helps

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  • Profile picture of the author elf25
    Sounds like a great idea! Would you care to share your greeting letters?
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  • Profile picture of the author Keeslover
    I'd love to see those letters too, Paul, if you wouldn't mind sharing them...please?
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    • Profile picture of the author ed1705
      I am from South Africa, I find 90% of people in business groups are either some type of business consultants or marketers. Very Frustrating....
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  • Profile picture of the author DNChamp
    HOw are you adding your contacts? Just asking by messaging them from your group?
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    • Profile picture of the author sitefurnace
      Yes can you tell how do you add your contacts?
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  • Profile picture of the author BigRichLane
    I would be careful about sending out 423 messages in one night... linkedin sometimes sees this as spam and will sometimes ban you. although they are legit, just a heads up


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  • Profile picture of the author DNChamp
    Quick quetion...sems like all the groups I look at that are local or state are all about networking which means 98% are marketers themsevles...what type of gropus are best to join that dont see like your just joining to spam them LOL
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    • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
      The groups local to me have a great variety of people. Plumbers, accountants, lawyers etc.

      Is there a group like that for a city like yours?

      If not, you could always start one. Then you have a reason to contact your local businesses and invite them in.
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  • Profile picture of the author RavishingRajni
    Awesome tips
    will make note of them
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