by DMAC33
17 replies
What is the best way is advertise my website locally.I own a locksmith company and I am currenly using google adwords.I am trying to get the best bang for the buck.The locksmith business is very competitive.Some suggestions would be great.
#locksmith #struggle
  • Profile picture of the author techservice
    Firstly your website needs to be optimized for local search.
    E.g. Are you on Google Places? How well do you rank for your local keywords (Locksmith + your location) Do you have a video on YouTube that is optimised as well?
    When visitors land on your site do you have have any offers for them to distinguish yourself from the competition.
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    • Profile picture of the author Yogini
      I went to a phone repair place recently who said a lot of his traffic comes from google places, so I agree that claiming your page there and adding photos/videos to it could be good. Also, be sure that your web page has your physical address on it and contact info as well as some tips on home security and car security.

      You could even write a small report on that and give it away on your site and also have it as a free kindle book. Also, if you live near some small suburbs you can create some videos optimized with those cities/towns and/or articles with that in the title to get organic traffic. You can also use bing ppc ads.

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  • Profile picture of the author R Hagel
    As you said, there's a lot of competition. And you're also in one of those businesses that people don't even think about until they really need your services. I mean, no one sits around and thinks, "I should really pick out a locksmith just in case I ever need one."

    (That's true of most businesses, of course, but an individual uses a locksmith less frequently then they use, say, a car mechanic.)


    So right now you're probably thinking about ways to get your name in front of people at the exact moment they're looking for a locksmith. That's good. That's important.

    But might I also suggest that you think of ways to get your name in front of those who might someday use a locksmith. In other words, develop your brand awareness. Get top of mind awareness. So the next time someone thinks about a locksmith, they don't have to look one up -- your company's name is already in their head.

    Traditional ads on the radio (something catchy), sending out press releases and so on will help. But try thinking outside the box. Maybe something like contests and social media (FB).

    Something quirky and fun. Like do a whole ad campaign (using social media) where you tell people you hope they NEVER have to use your services. For example, a fun video on how to make your wife happy so she doesn't change the locks on you.

    That's off the top of my head, but you get the idea: Something memorable and fun.


    P.S. Debbie has some great tips too regarding offering security tips, etc. You might even want to do free workshops and talks around town where you spend an hour or two talking about home security. You could even do a joint venture with a home security company.
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  • Profile picture of the author James.N
    I'd also check out the Offline Marketing section, theres probably a lot of good information that would help you there: Offline Marketing Discussions
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Like Becky said, many people don't look one up until you've locked yourself out of something, like your house or your car. So I would be using my mobile phone when I looked for one. Therefore, having a good mobile website is a must for this type of local business, being on Google places as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author adcentrex
    You need a lot of citations to get Locksmith on Google. Being a part of the ALOA or your local Locksmith association isnt a bad idea either. I have put up lots of legit locksmith companies that were part of ALOA. Google likes this.
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  • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
    Put yourself in the place of your clients. What are they doing in that moment of need to find a locksmith? It may require a multi prong approach as clients in different situations may approach finding you differently.
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    • Profile picture of the author TatiW3B
      Every suggestion on this thread is great. Also consider creating detailed profiles on business review sites similar to google places.

      Some examples:
      Yahoo Local
      Angie's List
      Judy's book
      Insider Pages

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      • Profile picture of the author Sully1975
        See how you show up on
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  • Profile picture of the author onSubie

    Since you seem to be asking about promoting your offline locksmith business you will find great stuff in the offline marketing forum as well.

    A lot is marketing to marketers for offline clients but you would get lots of great feedback and info if you asked questions. Many people ask "How can I help my (locksmith) clients?" or "How do I promote a (locksmith) website?".

    Offline Marketing Discussions

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  • Profile picture of the author Robertsain
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    • Profile picture of the author Craig McPherson
      Originally Posted by Robertsain View Post

      The best way to promote your site for locksmith through SEO (search engine optimism) is to create a number of social networking profiles such as Facebook, Twitter and Myspace this creates more awareness of your company name and increases popularity within search .

      Best you remove the link from your post, especially being your first post here.

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  • Profile picture of the author FemaleAddadotcom
    Also socialize heavily on social sharing sites.. referral traffic, organic traffic etc.. write blogs if you can.. not too long. just 100 words with images from your workplace.. and do that regularly
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  • Profile picture of the author vic1
    The locksmith niche may be the most spammed niche in the history of the Internet.

    Even though I'm a self professed local SEO expert, I haven't played with the spammers in that niche in a long time.

    Spend some time on Google's forum or look for or search these names and see what content they may have that can help you, they are all younger than me with more patience for explaining:

    Mike Blumenthal
    Darren Shaw
    David Mihm
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  • An interweb site is not always the path to fame and fortune...

    Here are three alternatives.

    Have a chat with the local police I'm not sure if they can "recommend" anyone - a contribution to a police charity might help.

    People tend to need a locksmith after a break in.

    Find out how to get on the home insurance companies "list" of approved locksmiths in your area.

    Create a plastic card (credit card size) highlighting all your benefits, distribute as many as you can so the good people have this in their wallets - when they need you - they can easily call you.

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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by Steve The Copywriter View Post

      An interweb site is not always the path to fame and fortune...

      Here are three alternatives.

      Have a chat with the local police I'm not sure if they can "recommend" anyone - a contribution to a police charity might help.

      People tend to need a locksmith after a break in.

      Find out how to get on the home insurance companies "list" of approved locksmiths in your area.

      Create a plastic card (credit card size) highlighting all your benefits, distribute as many as you can so the good people have this in their wallets - when they need you - they can easily call you.

      Maybe the best offline advice possible for a locksmith.

      I would add that videos posted on Youtube show up easily on Google, have little competition (usually), and stick out like a sore thumb. Use "How to" videos that will cause the customer to click on the video (hoping to fix the problem themselves), and at the end of the video, mention your service.

      Youtube videos account for a huge chunk of my local brick and mortar business.

      Originally Posted by animal44 View Post

      OP posted in 2012 and hasn't been back since...

      I saw that. But Steve the copywriter actually had a few good ideas.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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  • Profile picture of the author animal44
    OP posted in 2012 and hasn't been back since...

    People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    What I do for a living

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  • I should go to the opticians...

    I never noticed the date of the original post.

    Surely he didn't lock himself out?

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