"Go For The Throat!" I Scored Two Offline Clients In 7 Seconds
"If anyone is looking for any help with anything Internet Marketing related like seo, smm or webdesign shoot me a message. If you own or run a business and you are not currently online then hit me up and ill see what I can do for you".
There is a little bit more to it, let me explain..
Some of you that know me or have seen me around here and know that ive been here for a little while. Ive been into everything from affiliate marketing, to blogging, adsense, eBay and everything else under the sun. Over the course of 7 years ive had many failures and only few successes.
One thing I was always good at was ranking both mine and my friends sites. So recently I decided that I want to start my offline SEO/Webdesign business. Only this time I decided to take a totally different approach to breaking into this business (I've tried unsuccessfully before... a few times).
Id been looking into white label out-sourcing that would do the jobs for me while I get the sales, manage the clients and all of the marketing, leads etc. There was one small difference though. Instead of jumping in head first, building websites for myself, buying ads, doing all sorts of research and all the rest I decided I want to do the one key thing I've noticed that all successful people do.
In my own words they "Go For The Throat!". Another way to say it would be - they go for the money first and worry about the rest later. Id seen a British program once called "Dragons" or something like that where a bunch of wealthy investors sit on a panel and listen to young entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas to the panel of dragons. The dragons would always, always, always ask how they had been making their money and or how they planned to do it from day one.... this has always stuck with me.
This then led me to a thread here on this very forum Here is that thread: http://www.warriorforum.com/offline-...st-3years.html where the guy was talking about how he was backed into a corner after he lost his job and had all of these mortgadge payments, bills to pay and food to put on the table for his wife and kids. He ended up making a great living out of offering online marketing solutions to local business people.
I sent this dude an email and asked a few questions. What he said to me struck a HUGE cord (Thanks John!). He said "just go for it". He said not to worry about not having a website to show the clients and not to worry about who is going to do the work. "Just get out there and talk to people.." is what he said.
I chewed on this for a few days and it became so clear to me. All successful people go for the throat first, they go for the kill shot, they aim for the money first and then do whatever else second. I think even in the hit documentary "The Secret" one of the guys gives the analogy of driving from once city to another city which are like 100 miles apart and your driving at night. Your headlights can only give you like 30 feet of visibility but you still make your destination because all you need is to see whats going to happen within those 30 feet in front of you. Yet most people think they need to know exactly what is going to happen on their 100 mile drive, they think they need to see 100 miles ahead. Its absurd, but thats what we do, and this in turn paralyzes us from taking action.
So anyways... last night as im sitting there contemplating my life, my future, my family and how much I want to run my own life by running a successful business and be involved with the Internet somehow, I just decided to post something on facebook. I simply said:
"If anyone is looking for any help with anything Internet Marketing related like seo, smm or webdesign shoot me a message. If you own or run a business and you are not currently online then hit me up and ill see what I can do for you".
After typing that up, I took the dog for a walk came back and saw that two people had messaged me saying that they needed my help and for me to call them. That was last night. I have not even gone back to check today to see if I have any more replies.
Out of those replies i've already spoken to one of the guys and he has confirmed he wants to go ahead and the other lady has spoken to my partner and said she has a website but now she needs traffic and that she wants me to organize it all for her.
The future looks awesome at the moment!
Now my only problem is getting the work done, im about to sign up for dotcomsecrets local, but I hear that they charge a lot so im thinking that I will not use their services for these two clients and instead find what I need on elance or Odesk.
I hope you can see that there was a clear difference in simply taking dumb action (which im very good at) as opposed to taking action with the money in my line of sight first. Get the money first or in this case get the clients first, worry about the rest later!
The whole point of this thread was to show that by forgetting everything else and taking smart action with the money in sight or "Going For The Throat" your going to get more bang for your buck.
After all these years of me trying this and that, wasting my time Ive finally figured out that I just needed to go for it, go for the money, get the money first and worry about everything else later. Build my site later, organize my accounts later, get a logo later,
I hope to come back to this thread at a later date and update readers on my progress and hopefully inspire people that really need to hear this.
I can convert your Non-Responsive website to Responsive website ... How sweet is that? :)
-Albert Einstein
>> For Agency Founders: The Fast Shortcut To Selling SEO, Leadgen, Webdesign & Other Services
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