Social Media Management tools services prices and outsourcers

by Teez
3 replies
Hi all I'm doing some research regarding Social Media Management Services

I would like to know what services are offered and can be offered.

I would like to know what
Social Media Management tools are recommended.

I would like to know what Social Media Management services are offered by any out sourcers and their prices.

Essentially I'm putting a plan together to offer a number of warm prospects who said to me how can we get our services trending or been talked about via social media.

Then after just googling Social Media Management Services I can see a plethora of services on offer so I want to get some structure and some advice from those who are already experts in social media services.

Thanks for all your help.

#facebook #management #media #outsourcers #prices #services #social #social media management #tools #tumblr #twitter #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author ADukes81
    Offer training on how to run an effective campaign, but I would let them know, upfront, that results take TIME. Most business owners want to see a return yesterday.

    Let them know it's a place they can listen, ask questions, survey, engage, share, offer discounts, run contests, videos, etc. just to name a few.

    I do not believe in outsourcing social media (for smaller companies). You can't fake authenticity. Although, a lot of people do. I hear so many people trying to sell social media to business owners and they use it as a platform to sell and wonder why it hasn't worked in 6 months.

    Do NOT sell on social media. I repeat "Do NOT sell on social media'

    Teach them to give a sh*t about their people and their people will come back (do the selling themselves)

    Here is an excellent example on how to win at social media;

    See that?

    They are having fun with a customer/fan. That's it. I really think businesses should treat their Facebook like they do their personal Facebook accounts (of course, minus the baby pictures, hating life, it's Friday, I hate Mondays, I'm fat, I got sunburned, etc.)
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    • Profile picture of the author Teez

      That was an excellent post thanks a lot for it.

      IMO I thought the same thing that its better to show them as they watch over my shoulder maybe for 1-2months and then take the training wheels off and they can do it themselves.

      Cos I explained to them its the best way to engage with you potential and past customers.

      Which brings me to my second question I had a look to see some addons etc to help support my social media habits particularly tweeting and facebook

      Because up until now I figured everything was doing manually in that if I saw something that was cool to tweet on another site id copy and paste the link then tweet.

      However I have now come across some addons that make life a lot easier and syndicate the process so for anyone else out there starting to delve into social media hope this helps:

      twitterremove nonfollower

      So just wanted to ask what social media management tools do people use and recommend if everyone is willing to share like I just did : )

      My first stab at success is the Nike Air Yeezys this is what made me believe.

      You can't be scared of rejection on the quest to perfection.

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  • Profile picture of the author roseable
    Social media management can be a tricky business - the harm you can do to your business and brand if you get it wrong can be remarkable, but get it right and the benefits can be huge.
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