getting ready to start calling

2 replies
i read a thread yesterday about someone who sold 14 websites in 4 days..
and it inspired me to get on the phone today,
i wished i could sell 14 websites in 4 days but even if i sell only 4 i will be super happpy.

the thread said something about letting the owner see a mockup version of what their website might look like that way they arent just sell on the idea.

this is what i plan to say on the phone, please let me know guys if you have any suggestions that can help me out.

hello, my name is henry i am a new web design guy in town i was just calling to introduce myself, i also realized that you didnt have a website, and i was wondering if you had given it any thought as to getting one?

if they sound sort of interested i will let them know that i woukd like to create a mockup so they can have an idea of what their website will look like.
and ask for their email.

i kind kf copied this little scrip from john durham.
anyways any good suggestion??
#calling #ready #start
  • Profile picture of the author HostWind
    Doesnt sound too bad. It may be worth while to go the direction of "Have you considered the major benefits that a website may have for your business?".

    As always let us know how your venture goes. Goodluck!
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  • Profile picture of the author fauche65
    Originally Posted by henry Argueta View Post

    anyways any good suggestion??
    I suggest targeting a specific niche. Build a site in the niche that you will use as your demo site and showcase the site and options. It is the easiest way to let prospective clients see what you are capable of. It can cost you a few bucks to get done, but it is a better salesperson that most people.

    I did this site in 3 hours:

    I already had the theme, and some of the photos. I can finish the site, optimize it, and use it as a sample site. Or, I can sell it if someone wants it.
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