WARNING: This little ad trick blows the competition out of the water!
It's about dealing with competition for your services and
being in front of buyers when they are looking for what you've got.
When advertising services in classified ad places,
either for yourself or clients,
use this competition crushing secret.
Here's an example of it's brute power...
A Texas removal company did it in it's ads.
2 months later 2 of it's competitors went out of business,
9 months later the biggest survivor got bought out by the
former smaller operator using this method.
Yep, owned the market.
So here it is...
Your headline starts like this...
WARNING: Don't buy [your service] until you ask them these
7 questions..
The people reading it rang up the removal company's competitors
and started asking all these difficult questions which they couldn't provide.
Yep it was a set-up so they couldn't met the buyers new criteria.
What you do is list all the things that are important and give the reasons why they are.
This works on so many different levels.
First the word WARNING is a stopper.
Then "what, I'm being told, don't buy from an advertiser..?"
is a pattern interrupt.
Then you are re-setting the buyer's criteria.
Most buyers have vague ideas on what they want,
so you are clarifying it in their mind.
They come to you as an ideal client as you have sorted and moulded them to your will.
You are in control of the buying process.
There, you have your competition crushing secret for ads in classifieds.
P.S. What most advertisers miss doing in classified advertising, is only tell the reader why they should do business with you instead of all the other advertisers there. After-all, the reader has made up his/her mind to buy, just is deciding which one to buy from!
William Siebler
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On the other side:
Your opinion of yourself becomes your reality. If you have all these doubts, then no one will believe in you and everything will go wrong. If you think the opposite, the opposite will happen. Itâs that simple.-Curtis Jackson- 50 Cent
Your opinion of yourself becomes your reality. If you have all these doubts, then no one will believe in you and everything will go wrong. If you think the opposite, the opposite will happen. Itâs that simple.-Curtis Jackson- 50 Cent
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