When Is Enough Enough?
I need a little advice from some you good people.
I am trying desperately to get my offline business up and running. I have everything in place and know exactly what I am talking about. I have great web designer and I can easily show people how to market their business and website.
The problem I have is the local market where I live just does not get it!! Their ideas of marketing is to put an ad in the local paper or a poster around town.
I am trying to specialize in restaurants, bars and small hotels as there are so many here. Some of the business too have great reviews too on Trip Advisor.
Every time I visit a business I feel like I am banging my head on a wall.
I think I need to look further a field but I do not know how to market my services say in the UK (where I am originally from)
Please any advice would be grateful from someone who is going slightly insane due to having to deal with people without any foresight!!
Cheers, Laurence.
The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will. â Vince Lambardi