The Most Daring/Dangerous Thing You Said In Order to Close a Deal

21 replies
Sometime in order to win you have to say things that others wont in order to make the money that others cant.

What was it?


Did it work?

Would love to hear the replies.
#close #daring or dangerous #deal #order #thing
  • I've got one on the opposite end I was impressed with - from a sales agent at a car dealership I was negotiating with. The guy was sharp and I could tell he was seasoned in sales; he had that typical oozing ego of confidence around him. It was rare he butt heads with anyone - I was there for 4 and a half hours not budging on his offers. Had already taken the car out for a spin, met with the sales manager, the finance manager, the sales manager again, little by little the offer kept going down - but it still wasn't a good enough deal for me.

    Finally the sales agent stood up, threw the keys on the desk, and said "Bro, this is a man's car, and it needs a man's decision. Are you a man? Make a decision." And he stormed off to the lobby to get a drink.

    I burst out laughing and signed the paperwork right there. It was an awesome close, but you could tell he reached the breaking point where he literally couldn't go any lower. Maybe had he done that 2 hours prior he could have walked away with a higher commish
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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    I was very sick one day while presenting, and the prospect was taking over an hour to decide. Finally, I said "Look, I'm sick. And I'm leaving after you say the next thing. You can say "Yes" and I'll write it up, or you can say "No" and I can leave. Speak."

    They bought. The guy that was with me said "Wow, Claude, that was amazing. That's a great close." I said "It wasn't a close. I'm really sick, and I just wanted it to end".

    I don't recommend anyone use it though.

    I once had a prospect say "I just need to think about it" after a marathon closing session. I said "I've been here three hours. Think faster!"

    He bought. And I thought I had discovered a real technique. But the next few times I said it, it backfired."
    One Call Closing book

    “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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  • Profile picture of the author Eddie Spangler
    Lady told me after a lengthy presentation that she needed to pray on it.

    I told her that was a good idea, then broke out a bible and suggested that
    we pray together.

    For the records she was shocked that I called her out the "pray on it" BS, even though I was very sincere about it. I think she then told me something like she had to do
    this alone later that night.
    She didnt want it and needed something easier to say than no.
    Promise Big.
    Deliver Bigger.
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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by Eddie Spangler View Post

      Lady told me after a lengthy presentation that she needed to pray on it.

      I told her that was a good idea, then broke out a bible and suggested that
      we pray together.

      For the records she was shocked that I called her out the "pray on it" BS, even though I was very sincere about it. I think she then told me something like she had to do
      this alone later that night.
      She didnt want it and needed something easier to say than no.
      I had a young naive couple tell me they needed to pray on it.

      I said "I understand. This morning I prayed and asked God 'Who should I see today to help them get this vacuum cleaner?'. And of the thousands of places he could have sent me...he sent me here. out of all the days He could have picked...He chose today. Don't you think God is trying to tell us something?"

      They said "Yes" and bought.

      Not my proudest moment. I manipulated a gullible couple for my own ends.
      I think about it every once in a while. Never fondly.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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      • Profile picture of the author Daniel LaRusso
        You butthole. My wife and i still have that crappy vacuum cleaner. You were mean to us.

        Actually we did buy a Rainbow vacuum from an in home salesman when we were newleyweds. Still have it and use it quite often, fifteen years later.

        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

        I had a young naive couple tell me they needed to pray on it.

        I said "I understand. This morning I prayed and asked God 'Who should I see today to help them get this vacuum cleaner?'. And of the thousands of places he could have sent me...he sent me here. out of all the days He could have picked...He chose today. Don't you think God is trying to tell us something?"

        They said "Yes" and bought.

        Not my proudest moment. I manipulated a gullible couple for my own ends.
        I think about it every once in a while. Never fondly.

        I would never take advantage of the naive like that today.

        It is unwise to trust all you read on the internet.
        - Benjamin Franklin

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        • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
          Originally Posted by Eddie Spangler View Post

          Lady told me after a lengthy presentation that she needed to pray on it.

          I told her that was a good idea, then broke out a bible and suggested that
          we pray together.

          For the records she was shocked that I called her out the "pray on it" BS, even though I was very sincere about it. I think she then told me something like she had to do
          this alone later that night.
          She didnt want it and needed something easier to say than no.
          Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

          I had a young naive couple tell me they needed to pray on it.

          I said "I understand. This morning I prayed and asked God 'Who should I see today to help them get this vacuum cleaner?'. And of the thousands of places he could have sent me...he sent me here. out of all the days He could have picked...He chose today. Don't you think God is trying to tell us something?"

          They said "Yes" and bought.

          Not my proudest moment. I manipulated a gullible couple for my own ends.
          I think about it every once in a while. Never fondly.
          I once mentioned the word Haiti ... totally off the script ...
          not really sure why i did.

          the lady stops me cold, asks me why i mentioned Haiti.
          I said, I am not sure I was suddenly inspired.

          She said wow. Going to Haiti has been my life long dream.
          I pray for that everyday.

          Before i could really think about anything I said
          He works in mysterious ways ... doesn't he?

          Guess what happened next

          That just popped out of my mouth, I never even gave it a second thought.

          I learned long ago NEVER talk religion or politics to a prospect.

          That day ... bamm I broke the rule and it worked.

          Of course I put Haiti into my script for the next few weeks
          AND i have sprinkled it in every now and then ever since.

          it has never worked again ... not once

          Selling Ain't for Sissies!
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          • Profile picture of the author MRomeo09
            When I do my site rental sales calls, I typically do face to face walk ins and sell them after mailing a few pieces(postcards, letters, etc). If they are being wishy washy I say something like this:

            "Bill, I know you're unsure about what I'm telling you. If you could be absolutely sure and you trusted me more you'd be crazy not to take this deal. Let me show you my planner. Let's look back about three months. You can look through each day and see where I was planning to go. What you'll see is that on average it only takes me five people before I sell my site- They are highlighted green, reds are no's and yellows are unavailable. If you tell me no Bill, chances are within the next two clients I see someone is going to buy. Here is my planner, there is the phone number next to every person who bought, call any of them. Better yet, call the ones in red who are now kicking themselves every day that they didn't take advantage of my offer. I like you Bill, and I hope that I can help you and your business, and if you allow me to highlight your name in green I'm going to make you a lot of money for a long time. What do you say?"

            This one works, I used to pull out a red and green highlighter. And one way or another I'd be out of there in ten minutes. I honestly don't think it's that daring or dangerous but who knows.
            We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just a step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up ... discovering we have the strength to stare it down. - Eleanor Roosevelt

            Your opinion of yourself becomes your reality. If you have all these doubts, then no one will believe in you and everything will go wrong. If you think the opposite, the opposite will happen. It’s that simple.-Curtis Jackson- 50 Cent
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    • Profile picture of the author bbminded
      I have come across a few situations like this regarding praying on it. I have actually had customers pray with me right at the sales table. They Bought!

      Another rebuttal ive heard, and used after someone says "give us a few minutes to pray about it". I leave them be for a short period and, when I come back to ask if they are ready to buy they say NO. In reply, I said "well thats funny, because I prayed as well and my God said you should buy today"!!

      Originally Posted by Eddie Spangler View Post

      Lady told me after a lengthy presentation that she needed to pray on it.

      I told her that was a good idea, then broke out a bible and suggested that
      we pray together.

      For the records she was shocked that I called her out the "pray on it" BS, even though I was very sincere about it. I think she then told me something like she had to do
      this alone later that night.
      She didnt want it and needed something easier to say than no.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jon Martin
    This thread is gold. Hilarious and informative hahaha
    "Be the hero of your own movie."
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  • Profile picture of the author bob ross
    Gotta love B2C sales!!! I could listen to these stories all day.

    When I first started in B2C I was very young and worked for a tremendously high pressure company. I would routinely pressure people so hard that 20% of them would cancel the next day.

    Of course that just made me pressure them even more when I went to 'save' the deal. I'd tell them that everything was ordered and paid for on our end, so we would be placing a lien on their home and taking everything we could from them instead. There were times I would get excited about how I was going to enjoy using their TV or couch, and believe it or not I would save probably 50% of these cancels using that tactic.

    Now, of course that kind of behavior is disgusting and wrong, and I know that now but what's amazing is how almost anything is possible with the right confidence and determination.

    Because I had that supreme confidence and determination, even the most outlandish and ridiculous things I was saying were taken seriously, even by very smart and educated people. And in the end, I still made most of them extremely satisfied.

    While I have long since stopped using tactics like that, I haven't forgotten how important it is to take control of the situation whether prospecting or working.

    I believe that most people want someone to take control of things they feel are out of control, even if they don't outwardly express it (and they rarely do).

    If you're selling a product or service that you really don't have supreme confidence in, you're going to have a near-impossible time displaying that kind of confidence; but if you really have something that's going to give them a high ROI, you should be ashamed not to let them see how serious the matter is and how you can solve their problem.

    I'm sure a lot of guys here aren't closing deals because they don't really believe that what they're selling is going to make their clients money. Their confidence, and therefore their selling prowess, is proportional.

    I know what I can do for my prospects and clients, and I'm not afraid to use their money to get them where they want to be.
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    • Profile picture of the author Matthew Iannotti
      You rather sh*t or get off the pot...

      Thats probably the most outlandish statement I made, and it worked. Obviously, you need to be very careful who you say something like this to.
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    • Profile picture of the author SteveSki
      I use to be a sales wimp and would accept… low prices and accept the excuse … I want to go home and think about it… but now I use high pressure to force people to say yes or no and I charge enough to make it worth my time and effort. Here’s why…

      Several years ago I had a women and her two teenage daughters come into my photo studio for antique style glamour portraits. All three of them looked absolutely stunning in their portraits. However, the mother hated the feather flower that my wife had clipped to her hair and she refused to buy. I had already printed the images and showed her the finished proofs. An hour after she left her husband called and asked me what I was going to do with the unsold prints. I told him I would be destroying them. He said…. That’s crazy; I’ll give $50 for them and that way we both make out.

      He really pissed me off and I told him I was tripling my regular prices effective immediately and since his wife wasn’t willing to purchase them at my crazy low prices, I may as well start destroying them right now and I ripped the first one in half while holding it next to the telephone so he could hear it… he called me a jerk and hung up on me.

      Now, this guy did me a favour because everyone else who came in for portraits that week purchased their portraits at three times what I normally charged… and since then I have double that price again.

      Now last year, I was doing some on location portraits of my friend’s daughter on her prom day. There was about 30 people there including the before mention woman and her husband. I didn’t recognize her because she had gain about 40lbs and looked a hell of a lot older than when I had photographed her.

      But she remembered me… her youngest son was prom date of friend’s daughter. After the couple headed off to the prom and I was packing up my equipment the women and her husband approached me all teary eyed… asking if I still had the images on my hard drive because one of their daughters had committed suicide the previous year and they now wished they had purchase them. Unfortunately I had replaced my computer twice since those images were taken and no longer had them.
      I would have given them up at that time for no charge if I still had the images.

      Now whenever someone comes in to look at their images and ask if they can think it over I tell them…. Yes and no… If I wanted to be a jerk I could say no… once you leave the studio I can rip these proofs up right now and break the CD with your digital negatives up into little pieces but time is money and since I have already invested my time into creating your portraits I’m not willing to hold onto them for the next 5 years while you think it over unless you want to give me a $275 filing and storage fee to hold the images for 5 years. Now before you say yes or no I have something to show you and a sad story for you to think about… Then I pull out several newspaper photos and articles of teenagers I photographed who have died in car accidents and proceed to tell them the above story.

      Then I say… I’m not going to hold on to your images forever. If you don’t like them enough to decide right now wether you want to have these images when the children are grown and have moved away from home… then you can choose to leave or you can consider setting up an easy payment plan now or give me a $275 storage fee, or else you can break this CD up right now yourself while I rip each of these paper proof in half, OK? Then I shut up and wait for them to speak first. Works more often then not. If they want them but can’t afford to pay for them upfront that day… I’ll set them up on a automatic bank debit and let them choose between monthly, weekly or fortnightly debits and the amount can be as little as $1.00 per payment. Even then, there is an occasional person who will call me a jerk for telling them I’ll delete and destroy their images without a signed debit agreement or the storage fee but I don’t care… I’ll tell them… If you don’t like these images then any amount I ask for them is too much to pay… however, if you love them like you claim you do and your only concern is price… you and I both know that the money you save today will end up being spent on something that is going to wear out and end up in the junk yard within a few years time… but your family portraits can never be replaced and will grow more valuable to you with each passing year.

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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by bob ross View Post

      Of course that just made me pressure them even more when I went to 'save' the deal. I'd tell them that everything was ordered and paid for on our end, so we would be placing a lien on their home and taking everything we could from them instead. There were times I would get excited about how I was going to enjoy using their TV or couch, and believe it or not I would save probably 50% of these cancels using that tactic.
      I wouldn't go that far, but I was always the one that saved deals. I was even hired by other vacuum cleaner distributors (locally) to save their deals.

      It isn't ever pleasant. I would listen to them rant for an hour sometimes. Then the husband would come home, and I'd hear it all over gain. I would as for a glass of water, sit back and ask them what concerns they had.

      Usually, it was that the salesman insulted them, didn't explain how to use the vacuum, smoked in their home (this happened a lot), they found the vacuum cheaper somewhere else, or someone told them that they liked their (competitive) vacuum more.

      After I would listen enough for them to exhaust themselves, I would solve whatever problem they had, and reseal the deal.

      Sometimes these "saves" were just after the 3 day cooling off period, and sometimes within that period. I could save about 50% within the 3 days, and 95% after the 3 days. I charged other dealers $500-$800 for a save. My own sales reps I worked for free.

      The hard part for me was that many times, the salesperson made some incredibly untrue promise that nobody could ever honor. Or made claims about the product that were untrue. That took a little longer.

      I only did this for a year or so (for other companies). It was just too draining.

      The one thing I did that never changed, was that I never gave any indication that they could get out of the sale....if it was after the 3 days.

      Within the 3 days, it was a matter of being the company spokesman that wanted to get to the bottom of their harsh treatment.

      I remember one day saving 8 Kirby vacuum cleaner sales. These people bought a week or more earlier, never got the machine..and the finance company already paid the distributor. It was a mess. I saved all eight sales, but it was a brutal day. All eight were angry, didn't want the machines, and didn't have to let me deliver it. They were all absolutely right. The guy was a scumbag. I never worked for him again. He went to prison about a year later (for creating forged finance agreements and getting paid for non-existent sales.)

      He wrote me a check for $2,400 (which amazingly was good), and as he was writing my check, his oldest son was stealing all my tapes out of my car. As I was walking out to my car, he was walking into the office. I saw the box of tapes, told him they were mine (some of them had my name on them). Of course, he denied it. And I wanted the check more than the I let him have them.

      What a lovely business. This was in 1979 or so.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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  • Profile picture of the author SteveSki
    Just last week I had a woman who came in to see her portraits by herself. She placed a $1,000 order and I explained that she could take her images home with her on a CD and the prints would be posted to her in a few days time. Had her sign a customer order and payment agreement and explained that there were no cancellation rights because I couldn’t take the images back and resell them to anyone else.

    The software on my mobile credit card machine was corrupted and my Bank said it would be two days before they could replace it and advised I use the backup imprint machine they had given me along with the mobile machine. But I had left it at home, 300 miles away so I told the customer that I would simply write her Visa Debit Card details on her customer order and payment agreement form and would process the charge when I received the new machine as if she had made a purchase over the phone.

    Well about two hours after she left with her CD I received a text on my mobile phone that after talking it over with her partner, they decided they couldn’t afford the portraits and that I was no longer authorized to charge her card. And she said that because I hadn’t sent her the actual prints yet… that it would cost me nothing.

    Well I disagree… the cost of paper and ink is insignificant. All of the real work had already been completed… whether she ordered a package or not.

    So I messaged her back that the best I could do was to set her up on a payment plan to stretch the payment out over a period of time but that there was no way she could return the digital images after taking the CD home.

    She texted back that she never received the CD and told me that she would be contacting her solicitor the next day. So I texted back that her attorney and my attorney would love her… because thanks to the agreement she signed, which stated that she was taking the CD home with her… she would also incur all court costs and legal fees in addition to fines of up to $25,000 per image for copyright infringements.

    She texted back not to ever contact her again and her attorney would wait to hear from my attorney. In another 2 hours she sent me another text saying… “the best I can do is to let you charge my card $200 a fortnight until the balance is paid in full… but only because I really want the images”.

    My wife thought I should have let her off the hook… but there was no way I was going to do so especially when she had the nerve to claim I had not given her the CD to take home along with the agreement she signed.

    I can do this because I know how valuable good images are. We produced priceless portraits for her… when she saw them… she cried tears of joy… but when she took them home.. Her husband cried over the cost… The dirt bag felt that his wife did not deserve to decorate their home with the best possible artwork they could ever have… and would have likely spent the money on frivolous things that he wanted. So instead of coming to see me he gave his wife a hard time and I assume, he copied the CD and put her up to texting me her cancellation request or perhaps it was him who sent the messages.

    Thankfully this doesn't happen very often. Most times when a customer contacts me after the sale it’s to send a voluntary referral or testimonial!
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  • Profile picture of the author bawls
    "I really don't care if you buy anything from me, I am good at getting new business, I'll be talking to a guy just like you tomorrow and the next, but the question is will you be doing the same in your business?"
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  • Profile picture of the author benbro
    Before I even knew what seo or online marketing were I used to sell alarm systems. And one time I had a couple tell me they needed to think about it and they would call me back.

    Based on their body language that was supposed to be my cue to leave but for some reason I thought to myself, "i've got one better" and the next thing out my mouth was...

    "I tell you what Mr./Mrs. Prospect...that's great because you see this briefcase? I'm gonna leave it right here on your coffee table and go outside for a few minutes cause I actually was supposed to call someone right now anyway and it will prob be a long call - maybe 15 min or so.

    When I get back I'd appreciate an answer, not a maybe or let me think about it, but can you commit to at least give me a yes or a no when I get back in?"

    I was nervous as crap b/c my planner and phonebook were in that brief case and they could have easily closed the door and never opened it back up. But to my surprise, 15 minutes later they bought.

    "Everything you can imagine is real." – Pablo Picasso

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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      I don't know how daring this is, but it certainly works;

      "We just need to think about it". This is after several attempts to get the sale. To the prospect, this is the end of the sales process.

      "Guys, I understand. You want a chance to talk about it. I would too.
      And I've been doing this for a couple decades now. And I've talked to a few hundred couples, later, who told me what happened after I left. Here is what they all said; I walk out the door, and one of you looks at the other and says one of four things; 'I wish we got it, I wish we would have bought it, I'm glad we didn't buy it, or I'm glad we bought it'....and you know what? That's pretty much the end of that conversation...forever. I'm going outside to the car to make a quick call. I'll be back in about 5 minutes or so. When I come back, I'll answer any questions you have" And I walk out the door. I leave everything there. I don't ask "Is that OK?". I just leave.

      Notice in the first sentence I change "think about it" to "talk about it"?
      If you don't like the objection, you can actually change it. Did you know that?

      Anyway, over a few decades, about 40% bought when I came back, and 60% didn't. The 40% that bought would never have bought, had I left. I never had anyone not let me back in. By the way, when you came back in, if one of them is gone? That's a very bad sign. "You tell him "No"! I'm going to hide".

      I never do callbacks.

      It's devastating.

      Thank you Benbro, for triggering that memory.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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  • Profile picture of the author benbro
    Powerful stuff Claude, I like how unlike me... you didn't even ask them fact, you told them what was going to happen. Which means YOU set the tone, not them.

    Gotta hand it to you, that takes a lot of confidence in yourself. I will try that slight variation the next time I'm in a situation that calls for it. Thank you too!

    "Everything you can imagine is real." – Pablo Picasso

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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by benbro View Post

      Powerful stuff Claude, I like how unlike me... you didn't even ask them fact, you told them what was going to happen. Which means YOU set the tone, not them.

      Gotta hand it to you, that takes a lot of confidence in yourself. I will try that slight variation the next time I'm in a situation that calls for it. Thank you too!
      Benbro; First, Thank you.

      It really isn't confidence. I've just tested so many different ways to answering specific objections, that eventually the best way (so far) just sticks out.

      I used to ask permission, but sometimes they said "Well, really, we just want a few days to look at our budget (or something similar)"...and it would leave me with nothing.

      Sometimes, a little boldness pays, and sometimes it doesn't. with this close, it does. At least when I come back in...I know one way or the other if I have a sale.

      The reason that I insist on getting a definitive answer before I leave, is not because I want to pressure them, or because I want to trick them into buying. It's because I know....that many of them actually believe they are going to think about it...and that they haven't already decided. They believe that they may buy later.

      But that belief doesn't translate into sales. So I will force the issue, and 40% will become buyers and 60% won't.

      It isn't confidence. You have to genuinely not care which way they go. It gives you enormous power.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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  • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
    I was very brash and impulsive early in my car business career.

    The first incident I'll relate is similar to Claude's only my response
    was much shorter. I had a nice middle-aged couple across the desk
    from me. We'd been "engaged in the process" for about two hours
    when he said... "Well, I think we've got all the information we need.
    We just need to go home and pray about it. Like it was shot out of
    my mouth I instantly replied... "John, do you figure God lead you
    here by mistake?"

    Two things happened...

    First, the salesman in the cubicle in front of mine wheeled around
    with a look on his face like "You DID NOT just say that!"

    Second... the wife looks at John and says... "That's a good point, John.
    After all, we do like everything about the car and the price seems fair.

    John bought the car!

    The second incident is another one of those things that just came into
    my head spur of the moment. If I'd actually thought about it I'd never
    have had the balls to do it.

    The customer and I were unable to reach agreement in my office and
    I was walking him out. This dealership had an enormous showroom with
    floor to roof glass across the front. There is a walkway in front of the
    showroom that's about 10 feet from the front to the glass wall, with an
    overhang above.

    So... we get out onto the walk and I realize I still have the keys to his
    trade in my pocket. Suddenly... a crazy impulse came over me... LOL

    I pulled his keys out of my pocket and said... "John, I know if we try
    just a little harder we can reach agreement and you can drive that new
    truck home today. I'm so certain of that I'm going to do this...." with
    that I took his keys and tossed them 20 feet up on the roof!!!

    He had a look of shock on his face and I said... "Come on, John. let's go
    back in and give it one more try while I have the lot kid retrieve your keys."

    John came back in and bought the truck!

    That happened back in 1978 and I swear to you that they still tell that
    story to new salespeople hired at that dealership!
    If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
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  • Profile picture of the author aduttonater
    Once when selling advertisement I told the guy that I don't even know if the advertisement really works or not. He bought anyway. Probably he knew I was just a sales rep and could make his own decisions in regards to whether the advertisement would work or not for him. That was a $1000 sale.

    Working in my own business. I once said to go with the guy with the lower price, but he might not have as good of equipment and doesn't take pictures of his work. They ended up going with me even though my price was $175 more. That was a $1375 sale.
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