Web Consulting Website

5 replies

I am trying to create an effective web site for my web consulting business to local businesses in my area.

I was planning on helping businesses improve their online presence by creating them a: simple website, google local page, facebook page, twitter, or anything they don't have that could help their business.

Write now I'm stumped on what to write on the website. If you have any suggestions, would be appreciated? the link is below, thanks

Chicago Internet Marketing Group - Home
#consulting #web #website
  • Profile picture of the author MrFume
    Hi there,
    couple of things first off: your grammar is a little dodgy on two sentences:
    ' Whether you are try to' & 'we brand ourselves on connecting with you community. '
    You need 'Trying' and 'Your' to correct these. You would be well advised to put in a Video, or Graphic to give the page some depth and interest-then describe what services you will be offering in bullet points-drive home the advantages of hiring your company, provide some examples of how what you do will benefit the businesses. take a look at some other Web shop sites for ideas.

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  • Profile picture of the author fandbworld
    Looks very plain. Would suggest at least a logo rather than the text. If you don't have a good budget, just test some people out on fiverr. Need more content, graphics, etc...
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Beatty
    Here's a quick example of an old site of mine! Still get the occasional lead off of it but feel free to swipe whatever you want (Content Ideas) off of it! It's actually a pretty Thin site but it's just enough info to spark curiosity and get them to fill out the contact form or pick up the phone and call.

    Local Plus Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author CageyVet
    I know the site is not completed but here are the things you should add or change.
    • Get a company logo so you can begin to build your brand. If you are helping companies with marketing, that is a first step.
    • Adding content....you need to explaion what you are going to do to help a company and why it actually helps them.
    • You need multiple ways that a potential client can contact you, phone number, email, skype, social media etc etc...
    • If you are going to do X, Y and Z for a company like social media etc...then you should have it locked down for your own company.
    • Videos videos videos.....
    • Examples of your design work
    • Testimonials
    I'm just an opinionated ******* Today!
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  • My advise would be don't do what everyone is doing.

    do your own thing.

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