How to sell lead generation for the big $$$!
I keep getting messages about what I am doing these days, and how my business is going. People keep asking about sales scripts and how I generate clients.
So that's why I've written this post. To explain exactly how to generate clients for lead generation, who're prepared to pay you the big bucks. And by that, I mean a minimum $2,000/month. (All of which is profit!)
When you're selling websites, SEO and other "commodity" products and services, it's hard work. You've got to make a lot of calls, speak to a lot of people, face a lot of rejection. The business model simply isn't leveraged for success. Sure when you're making $0, the idea of selling 3 websites and making $3,000 is amazing!
But after a while, it wears off. All of a sudden you're stuck constantly chasing for clients who will only make you a few thousand. The business model needs leverage.
However on the other hand, selling lead generation (basically selling them customers) is the easiest service you will ever sell. Every business needs more customers. They don't need a website.
It's the difference between selling someone fruit, and selling them "look 10 years younger". Which one of those do you think is more desirable?
When you're selling lead generation the sales pretty much close themselves. You will quickly reach the level where you've got 10 clients and don't even want anymore.
If a business makes $2,000 a sale, and you're offering to get them 5+ sales a month, they would be STUPID not to pay you $2,000 a month to do that.
Selling websites, seo, hosting and reputation management is an incredibly unleveraged business model. Selling customers and lead generation makes sales simple, fast and easy.
Now let's get one thing straight here about what lead generation actually is!
Lead generation is NOT building a website, ranking it in Google and then selling off the leads later. This is a popular model to follow here on the forum, but it only leads to trouble and frustration.
1. You're doing a heck of a lot of work before being paid. You're building sites and trying to rank them before you ever see a dollar. You MUST be paid up front. You set the rules in your business, and smart business rules means being paid up front.
2. You have zero control over SEO. You're putting your business in the hands of Google. They're making it harder and harder to manipulate the search engines. If you build a business off SEO, you can have your income shut down to zero in the space of 24 hours. Google changes their algorithm, and you're income disappears.
3. You can't control the exact amount of leads that are coming through. If you're offering lead gen you need to be in control simple as that. Otherwise you're in for a stressful situation.
So, if that's what NOT to do, what should you do?
Implement basic marketing!
OMG! Who would have thought?
Haha. Yes. Implement basic marketing skills. Turn advertising into leads. Spend money on advertising, and generate leads. Leads that are coming to you or your customer asking for help. Read hot leads.
The type of advertising that you can get the biggest win right now is on Facebook. Facebook PPC.
So here's essentially what the lead generation is:
• Figure out who you're target market is
• Create an irresistible offer. (Free report, free consult etc)
• Send traffic from Facebook to offer
• Collect their details
• You now have a lead
It really is that simple. Simple marketing 101.
IF you're in the business of selling websites, whether you like it or not you're in the marketing business. So you can either avoid the elephant in the room, or you can just finally learn proper marketing.
So how do we package this up and sell it to customers?
What you're selling is the "management" of their marketing and lead generation.
You put in place a Facebook marketing system that generates new leads on a consistent basis every week.
Here's what I've recently put on a recent proposal that was accepted:
(note, this is just part of the proposal)
For all options there is a management fee of $2,460/month + GST.
This investment covers the cost of all marketing efforts, collateral and set-up; excluding ad spend.
The recommended ad-spend is anywhere between $850-$2,750/month depending on how many leads you want to generate.
1. The Goal of option #1 is to generate 8-12 new leads a month resulting in an estimated $14,000-$120,000 extra revenue. The ad spend for option 1, is $850/month.
2. The Goal of option #2 is to generate 18-22 new leads a month resulting in an estimated $43,000-$215,000 extra revenue. The ad spend for option 2, is $1800/month.
3. The Goal of option #3 is to generate 28-32 new leads a month resulting in an estimated $60,000-$290,000 extra revenue. The ad spend for option 3, is $2750/month.
Can you see what I've done there?
I've linked the ad spend had been directly linked to the revenue outcome.
This makes it such a simple, easy choice. "Oh crap, I can make $50,000! That's easily worth a few grand a month"
So what's the sales process to sell this?
Well first of all, if you can generate some leads of your own, it makes it a lot easier. But if that isn't an option, here's what to do:
1. Call businesses and build desire in what you do
a. Find out their pain points
b. Show them a way to get their goals
c. Illustrate how much money they could make
d. Tell them that in order to put together a solid plan, they must fill out a questionnaire
2. Make them fill out a questionnaire and email it back. This is a barrier for entry
3. Using all the info they've given you, put together an irresistible proposal for your services.
4. Send them the proposal, and call them the next day. The offer is SO valuable they will not turn it down.
If you follow that, you will find it 1000x easier to sell high level, residual services than you do selling websites and SEO.
I changed my business over from selling things and websites, and within 6 months I was making over $20,000 residual every month from 10 clients.
Obviously it's hard to include everything in 1 post without making it go ridiculously long. But if you've got specific questions I might put together another post answering them later
Thanks guys!
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