Targeting specific sites on adwords - not working

2 replies
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Hi guys,

I am trying to target two specific sites with some adwords banners. I've gone to the websites and checked out what banner sizing they are using and made some to fit.

I went put these sites in the manual placement, but they didn't show up in the search feature. So I just manually placed them in.

No impressions yet, I don't think it's working.

When I go to the site have have a look at the url for the ad, it shows...

So how do I get this site targeted, have they opted out of manual placements somehow?
#adwords #placements #sites #specific #targeting #working
  • I don't know if publishers can opt out of some things. That's something a publisher more familiar with Adsense could answer. Doesn't seem it's the sort of thing that would be possible or even desirable.

    First, are you separating your search campaigns from your display campaigns? If not, you should.

    Next, even if you manually target specific sites (which I recommend), many other settings could override or hinder your ads from showing on those sites. If you use keywords for example (you shouldn't of course) or have selected an interest (done that once and I don't think works well). Even a demographic might skew things.

    The other reason may simply be that your ad rank is not high enough. In other words, you may not be bidding enough based on your ad quality.

    I assume that your ads are not under review. Banners are all manually reviewed and it may take some days before they get around to yours.
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    • Profile picture of the author dazamate
      Thanks for the response,

      I am not doing any other form or targeting, just the manual placement for those sites.

      Maybe my bid isn't high enough, I will amp it up to see if some numbers start coming through.

      Curious to why I couldn't find the sites in the display network search tool, if they are on the network.

      I noticed when using the search tool some sites just come up as 'anonymous'.
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