Help! Is this PPC / Search Marketing program working?
With that in mind, I've started talking to some local digital marketing agencies that specialize in supporting small business owners. One such agency has provided me with a ton of interesting information in a presentation and it all sounds great, but it can be a bit overwhelming. They've included several examples of how they've helped businesses like mine improve their PPC / SEM / internet marketing programs.
These two examples they've provided look at the performance of PPC programs for two different clients and show these businesses' PPC programs' KPIs before the small businesses started using the agency's services (2014) and after they started working with the agency (2015). The examples are from somewhat similar businesses to mine - one a specialty food retailer, the other a catering company.
I'm trying to evaluate how successful these programs have been. To my eyes, these look like successful programs, but I'm still so new at this. I would so appreciate it if you'd take a quick look at these numbers and tell me a couple of things:
- Based upon the information provided, would you describe these programs as successful or not? Why?
- Is there anything about these programs' performance that concerns you?
- Do you think the tactics they've described using to achieve these gains align with the results? If not, what other factors could be driving this performance?
- What other information about the campaigns would you need to know to properly evaluate their success?

Thank you so much for taking the time to read and respond!
PS - I posted this question on another SEM/SEO website's forum before finding this much more helpful and more highly populated forum. Apologies if you've read this more than once!
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