I am having issue with Adword promoting offers!

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I am investing in Adword, each month till now I already invested 350+350+350 dollars but haven't made any good ROI or sales,
Don't know whats going on, I am not using any cloaker, just using iframe code from Advanced iframe plugin in wordpress and it shows the whole actual website within the promoted domain.

The issue i till not I am unable to find out! and that is, How TO select keywords, I do not understand, why i am not generating any lead/sales.

I doubt that i am unable to arrange or place proper buying keywords, but still it doesn't make sense because I am ofcourse using buying keywords too.

Any advice/ Any Suggestion/ from EXPERTS/Non-EXPERTS is Heartly ACCEPTABLE!
#adword #issue #offers #promoting
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Lim
    Did you to the tracking metrics stuff.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11325003].message }}
  • Sounds like you are very new at PPC so not surprising you are having problems. There's lots to learn and understand.

    Two main things for success at PPC. One, proper targeting with your keywords. Two, ads that make the searcher want to know more and click. There's a third I should mention and that is the landing page needs to convince those clicks to buy. Doing just one of those three things wrong or badly can kill you.

    Your main and first problem appears to be keywords, you admit so yourself, at least initially. It's not about "buying" keywords, it's about the right keywords for your product/service. I see many not understanding this properly, even PPC professionals who should know better. Many in these forums also insist they are using relevant keywords but when pressed, turns out they are not so relevant.

    So start there. Then, it's on to writing compelling ads. Finally, if your landing page makes no effort to sell, you're not going to sell, even if you ace the keywords and ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author selv
    try something new
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