Need a code (but I don't know how to describe it with just a headline)

by sirtom
3 replies
Hey all,

So here's what I'd like to figure out how to do. I recently added a sign-up form to my membership site directly on the bottom of the sales letter. I also have "Join Now" buttons dispersed throughout the sales letter, but instead of linking to another 'sign-up page', I want them to be taken to the sign-up form at the bottom of the sales letter. So, just a simple page break in a way.

Here's the sales letter for reference: Mentor Mission

Does anyone know how to do this? Sorry if that description sucked, I'm one of the least technical people out there haha. I can attempt to clarify it if needed.

Thanks to anyone who can help!
#code #describe #headline
  • Profile picture of the author Steve Diamond
    Hi, Tom. Your explanation was perfectly clear. What you'll want to use are two different flavors of the <a> (anchor) tag in HTML. For each of the Join Now buttons that will simply jump to the form at the bottom of the page, your code is currently this:
    PHP Code:
    <IMG style="WIDTH: 311px; HEIGHT: 95px" alt="" src=""
    You'll want to wrap this inside a special usage of the <a> tag which tells the browser to jump to a named anchor on the same page, like this:
    PHP Code:
    <a href="#joinform"><IMG style="WIDTH: 311px; HEIGHT: 95px" alt="" src=""></a
    Then for the jump destination itself, you can wrap the words "New Member Registration" in the anchor tag that specifies the name:
    PHP Code:
    <a name="joinform">New Member Registration</a
    That's it.

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  • Profile picture of the author David Louis Monk
    Nice looking site. Looks like you are giving people great value. You should get lots of sign-ups

    Re your question, Steve has answered this so perfectly that no-one else need say any more.


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    • Profile picture of the author sirtom
      @Steve- you're awesome! Thanks so much, I'd give you more than one "thanks" if I could, I very much appreciate it!

      and @seedpod- thanks for the feedback! The goal is to provide people with an abundance of content that will get them off the ground, and it's definitely heading in that direction.

      Thanks guys!
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