Once you have a code signing certificate...?

by jpf239
2 replies
So I feel pretty much like an infant here but I will probably think I should have realized once I learn this!

I had a piece of software created and recently received my code signing certificate to sign the program with. I am going along like I know the process, but once I got the code signing certificate on my computer I ran through the install to the certificate store letting the wizard choose.
I just don't know how to sign my program using this certificate. The program runs on Adobe Air and at this time it still says: Unknown Publisher.

How do I implement the certificate to be used with the new Air program, (I know we can convert file type to make the code work) now that I have it?
I never thought this part would evade me but I'm like: What now? The code came from Comodo CA and I did, just now, contact their support because I needed clarification on the private key. They sent me a collection code that seems to be all I got with this certificate.

Tons of appreciation for help with this!

#certificate #code #signing
  • Profile picture of the author IdeaBox
    Are you signing the installation package or the air application itself? Either way you'll need to use a console to sign the file using "adt". You can use Adobe Flex to sign the file(s) as well, with a graphical user interface instead of using the console.
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    • Profile picture of the author jpf239
      Originally Posted by IdeaBox View Post

      Are you signing the installation package or the air application itself? Either way you'll need to use a console to sign the file using "adt". You can use Adobe Flex to sign the file(s) as well, with a graphical user interface instead of using the console.
      Thanks I appreciate that, I am wanting to sign the application so that when one goes to install they see my company name instead of "Unknown Publisher"

      I found the help page at Comodo and tried to sign using the adt and commands they show. So far I get error message that the utility cannot open keystore password may be incorrect. I know of course the password is correct but I cant get it to go further.
      I will see if I can find the Adobe Flex Gui and try that. Thanks for helping, I'll post my results.
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