keyword research tool

28 replies
i am interested in knowing where to go to get code to develop a keyword research tool like keyword eliete using visual studio dot net.

#keyword #research #tool
  • Profile picture of the author Bruce Hearder
    Spend a lot of time with your favorite search engine and start delving into the "dark world" of screen scraping, and brush up on your regex expression

    Its how they work..

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  • Profile picture of the author ValentinJed
    Head over to Google AdWords API, create a account and read the documentation. They also have the "Code Samples" section. You will find sample code for .NET too.
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  • Profile picture of the author milo_pl
    LOL It's not so have to dig into stuff like screen scraping techniques, WebRequests, Regex, Multithreading...there's no ready-made code for a keyword tool
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  • Profile picture of the author CikaPero
    The best way to do it would be with AdWords API TargetingIdeaService TargetingIdeaService (v201101) - AdWords API - Google Code.
    Unfortunately, AdWords API is not free. Here is a rate sheet so you can calculate the cost Rate Sheet - AdWords API - Google Code.
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  • Profile picture of the author amirsen
    I think its better for you you spend more time on search engine and finding the what is way of it and Definitely you'll get there.
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    • Profile picture of the author denialr150
      I am developing website in with c# language.After complete my website.I am hosting my website on Internet with purchase of domain.After that I think how people find my web on Internet.At that time I am use google keyword search tool.
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  • Profile picture of the author christinadepth
    I personally like to find micro-niches, it is user friendly, it has many interesting little feature very useful. It can be a little bit of time for you to your results, but the UI is smooth, you can get to see a wealth of information.
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  • Profile picture of the author wilsondavid
    A google can provides a tool for researching a keyword for your website. It is good for us that google can provide such tool because ultimate we have to check our keyword in google and finalize it but with pproper information we can get better result.
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  • Profile picture of the author oghenez
    am a developer, and would advise that you know how to manipulate html content in .net before you can.
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  • Profile picture of the author alexschmidt
    to develop a keyword research software you should know .NET programming (C#) and also have the knowledge of scraping which will help you to crawl the search engines.
    you should also look into API's that Google, Bing & yahoo provide, it will help you to send quarries to the search engines efficiently without getting banned.

    Local SEO Consultant

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  • Profile picture of the author erskinem
    There was a now defunct product called keyword tool dominator which used the google API. I would talk to him since it doesn't look like he's doing anything with that product.
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  • Profile picture of the author shanebob
    The keyword research tool is help to identify the keyword which is best for your website. A good keyword is necessary because that if you can not select the proper keyword then you have to work hard for optimizing that keyword.
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  • Profile picture of the author rainso0
    spending more time on search engine is a good way~~

    good luck~
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    • Profile picture of the author Ausopenxcell
      Its really important to have good keywords and before optimize website, you have to know how and why you have to select right keywords. The Google keyword research tool is free to find the best keywords.
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  • Profile picture of the author Boudewijn
    Originally Posted by NicheExposed View Post

    i am interested in knowing where to go to get code to develop a keyword research tool like keyword eliete using visual studio dot net.

    There are quite a few tools that do that already and have a great reputation. Are you sure you want to compete with them?

    I personally use Micro Niche Finder, but there are some more tools that do what you want to develop.

    Think twice before you start that journey. In my (maybe not so humble) opinion there are better ways to make money OL.
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  • Profile picture of the author mcygnet
    In my Opinion Google Ad-words is the one of the best keyword analysis tool because it is very easy to understand and easy to use also..
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  • Profile picture of the author ashish123
    i am always using Google Ad words for keywords research tools.
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  • Profile picture of the author Darknite7
    Funny you should ask this.

    I've started a tutorial on creating a script for getting keyword ranks for a given domain.


    (1) I haven't finished writing the tutorial (three parts)

    (2) I can't post urls yet
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  • Profile picture of the author Allcityloan
    Google adwords is nice keyword research tool
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  • Profile picture of the author JayWiz
    Well you must learn many things, this is not easy to built:
    1. Basic forms and functions
    2. Web browser
    3. Html parser
    4. Regex
    5. Multi threading
    6. Database

    Get ready to get headache because it's not easy, it will takes time to learn all these things and put it into one.
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  • Profile picture of the author ricjordein
    Keyword research tool can help you find out subjects that people are currently in search of that are relevant to your skills. There are plenty of different tools available today such as google wonder wheel, seo book keyword research tool and so many others.
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  • Profile picture of the author ProAffiliate01
    I agree with rockjordein. There is quite a bit of tools available, and many of them are free. Therefore, I personally would see no need to develop my own, except maybe for the fun of it-as a practice exercise.
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  • Profile picture of the author supermance
    Do you want to build your own keyword research tool? why just dont buy one? there are many option now
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  • I think the AdWord Api is the solution.
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  • Profile picture of the author jean99
    AdWord api is great, but now they require you include adwords management functionality into it.
    I don't know how to create stats about keywords without it tho.
    Is there any kind of low level api available for it?
    How does wordtracker do it?

    Ey, if anyone gives me golden advice, I'll give him a free account once I build it

    Screen scraping is cool, but we need stats about competition, numbers of searches etc.
    And all of it gotten the allowed way..

    In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good.
    Ecclesiastes 11:5-7
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  • Profile picture of the author Chronic IM
    Hello! This needs a lot of work done and very much time taken up. You need to know more about screen scraping and stuff like that. You also need AdWords API TargetingIdeaService to do the trick. Though it's not a free ware but it's very effective and helpful. Try it. I hope that helped you in a way or so. Best of luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author dreamtech
    Spend a lot of time with your favorite search engine and start delving into the "dark world" of screen scraping, and brush up on your regex expression
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  • Profile picture of the author EndTheTrendNow
    When you do a search in Google for a given phrase or keyword, for example "Medicine Ball Workouts" Google will return a list of results and a line above them that will look something like "About 1,290,000 results (0.31 seconds)"

    In this example it means that there are roughly 1,290,000 pages that have those keywords somewhere on the page.

    If you refine your search, this time by adding double quote (“) symbols around your keyword or phrase .. you will notice a significant reduction in results returned.

    To reduce this amount even further you can perform an advanced search and change the "terms appearing" dropdown to "In The Title Of The Page" or "In The URL Of The Page"

    If you can get these numbers, probably via a Google API, that would certainly help.

    Carpe Diem
    Check out SEOBloggerBook for SEO tips.
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    Check out for Gaming with miniatures.

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