Geo based redirection

2 replies

I have a domain that I use for the redirect of my affiliate offer. I want to add a layer to that. I want something like that:

For geo A or B or C
redirect to LandingPage01

For all other geos (except A, B, C)
redirect to LandingPage02

Please let me know how can I do it without at my domain registrar level.

Also please let me know how it will be done in case I need to host any page on my website.

Thanking you in advance.

Kind regards,

#based #domain registrar #geo #redirection
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  • Profile picture of the author NetMan
    You should know this is something that is recommended to AVOID by Google, obviously for SEO reasons:

    On the other hand you might have your own (good) reasons to do so, and for whatever it is that is why solutions exist.

    You could go for a SaaS soution such as which very likely might have much more features than you imagined or would need to start with.

    If you have a site built with WordPress, know that there can be done much more than just redirecting, relatively easily, at that level with solutions such as (no affiliation).

    If have a static HTML website and don't want to use a SaaS, keep in mind that such function requires a DATABASE and thus requires a programming language as PHP, for example, to query and and react on IP addresses visiting your website. So, if you want to live a more difficult life you could always use some PHP scripts with a MySQL database server to accomplish just that.

    You could also start to learn to program it yourself and in such case using tools in the like IPGeolocation API could of great help to be up an running quickly enough.

    Hope that helps!

    IGNORANCE is not an excuse anymore, all you need is Automate Kit!

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  • Profile picture of the author thedark
    Hello. You can use this free plugin:

    Automatically add affiliate links in your website content with Auto Affiliate Links

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11519639].message }}
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