Ask me anything about programming

by Ihab
10 replies

Full stack developer, ask me anything do you want about programming... if know the answer i will answer it.
  • Profile picture of the author Maria hamid
    Can u please tell the uses of C and Java language because currently, I am learning these languages?
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  • Profile picture of the author susan2015parker
    Do you think I should learn Python or focus on PHP learning for web app development?
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    • Profile picture of the author Ihab
      Originally Posted by Maria hamid View Post

      Can u please tell the uses of C and Java language because currently, I am learning these languages?

      what do you mean by c ? there are "c" and "c++" and "c#" programming languages.

      the c# is my option one for you among these it's a high level language easy to learn and fast to develop in, you could build desktop, web, and mobile Apps using c#.

      c and c++ learning will take more time to learn and more time in development,

      regarding Java -hope you mean Java not Javascript because both totally different programming languages-, is high level like c# and you could build cross platforms Apps in Java.

      ALWAYS learn ONLY one language at the same time once mastered it you could try learning another language, so learning 2 languages at the same time isn't good for beginners will waste your time and will be confused and some ppl give up due to this mistake.

      Between Java and C# I recommend C#, for beginners, I don't recommend c or c++.

      Originally Posted by susan2015parker View Post

      Do you think I should learn Python or focus on PHP learning for web app development?

      If you want web development only then php is good choice,php is ideal for web apps, you could learn laravel framework which is best php development framework in my opinion, keep in mind most popular CMS wordpress built in php and with php skills could be wordpress developer for different plugins ...

      python is a good choice also with django framework for web development, keep in mind python is an ideal language for IOT and AI and data science ...etc so if you have interest in these topics you should pick python over php .
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  • Profile picture of the author milliejack
    I want to be a developer. Should I focus n JavaScript or Python? Most of the mobile app development companies are focusing on Python. What do you suggest?
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    • Profile picture of the author Ihab
      Originally Posted by milliejack View Post

      I want to be a developer. Should I focus n JavaScript or Python? Most of the mobile app development companies are focusing on Python. What do you suggest?

      I don't know what is your source that mobile development companies focusing on python ? popular frameworks for mobile development built based on JavaScript like React Native which is uses React JavaScript library , so you could learn JavaScript > React library > React Native = you will be mobile app developer + front end developer. and there's market needs for both.

      and it's easy learning curve comparing with other options...

      my source here
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  • Profile picture of the author e-mail2u
    What is the easiest way to use php to retrieve data from a msql table, but output it in a random order and not sequential like default or desc. I want the echo to show 10 results taken at random from the whole table rows, which could be hundred's to thousands of rows.
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  • Profile picture of the author BerthaCuuler
    I learned C# a long time ago and did not program for a few years. Now I want to get into it and need to learn C++ for college but it is not easy. Any tips for learning C++ or programming in general?
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  • Profile picture of the author Rock Dj
    I want to learn to program but I don't know which language is easy to learn, Are you suggest to me ?
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    • Profile picture of the author Ihab
      Originally Posted by e-mail2u View Post

      What is the easiest way to use php to retrieve data from a msql table, but output it in a random order and not sequential like default or desc. I want the echo to show 10 results taken at random from the whole table rows, which could be hundred's to thousands of rows.
      you need to make random function to handle that , share your code on stackoverflow you will get specific help there , the purpose of my post help about programming in general.

      Originally Posted by TheProgram Ru View Post

      Which code editor are you using
      Which do you think is better, Sublime Text or Adobe Brackets?
      And also tell us what frameworks you use and for what languages

      it depends on language you are using , for your situation i prefer visual studio code over sublime.

      Originally Posted by BerthaCuuler View Post

      I learned C# a long time ago and did not program for a few years. Now I want to get into it and need to learn C++ for college but it is not easy. Any tips for learning C++ or programming in general?

      c++ or any other language practice is the key.

      Originally Posted by Rock Dj View Post

      I want to learn to program but I don't know which language is easy to learn, Are you suggest to me ?

      C# if want to develop games or Apps for mobile , desktop or web ...
      python if want to go for AI , IOT , data science fields ...
      javascript for front development and mobile development ...
      php if want to be web developer + wordpress plugins developer ...

      c# my favourite .
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