3 replies
Hey, does anyone know how to bypass a CB sales page, and go right to the order form (for an affiliate link). That is, I want to have an option on my landing page for the customer to order now, and still get my commission.
#page #sales #skip
  • Profile picture of the author Profit-smart
    You will need to put the "http://" in front of that, and also make sure the link comes out all on one line - it breaks into two lines here on this page, but you want to make sure to create the link with no spaces or breaks.
    There are 4 things you need to edit in that link:
    • YOURID which is your ClickBank ID
    • MERCHANTID the merchant's ClickBank ID
    • ProductNumber
    • ProductName
    Google. =]

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    • Profile picture of the author kk01lj
      You can also try:


      The only problem when linking directly to the order page is that the cookie is not set on your customer's computer with your affiliate id.

      So if you're not the first person to send that customer to this product the last person that did will get credited for the sale.
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      • Profile picture of the author Notitia
        Yes, I've found that with some Googlin'. I was curious how one would go about skipping the sales page, but still getting the cookie. Lots of my traffic is through review sites, so my prospects probably were on some affiliates sales page, then googled review, found my site, blah blah, so they have a cookie already. But I still want to bypass the sales page and get me own cookie ya know?
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