The Best Video Compression/Conversion Technology, FREE!
I see a few scattered posts about video compression & conversion.
Truth is, expert, Professional Video Compression/Conversion
is Easier, Cheaper and Faster than you think...
Without ANY tech skills or paying for expensive software.
1). Create your video in a high res format.
2). Upload to all the video sharing sites you can google.
3). They spend $100,000's on Video Compression/Conversion...
so let them encode/compress/covert your video for you FREE.
4). Depending on your video requirements and the site you upload
too, most video sites give you download options.
So download your Compressed/Encoded/Converted Video
when they're finished doing it!
Youtube will convert your video to MP4.
Max Quality, Max Compression and "Perfectly" Optimized...
Without paying any money, without doing any "work"
and without tying up your machine (encoding yourself, is a pain in the arse).
Revver will convert your video into FLV.
There's heaps more compression/conversion options...
If fellow warriors would like to contribute to this post,
Im sure it'll benefit everyone here.
Let the video sharing sites do the work for you!
- aj
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