The Best Video Compression/Conversion Technology, FREE!

5 replies
Hey guys,

I see a few scattered posts about video compression & conversion.

Truth is, expert, Professional Video Compression/Conversion
is Easier, Cheaper and Faster than you think...

Without ANY tech skills or paying for expensive software.

1). Create your video in a high res format.
2). Upload to all the video sharing sites you can google.
3). They spend $100,000's on Video Compression/Conversion...

so let them encode/compress/covert your video for you FREE.

4). Depending on your video requirements and the site you upload
too, most video sites give you download options.

So download your Compressed/Encoded/Converted Video
when they're finished doing it!



Youtube will convert your video to MP4.
Max Quality, Max Compression and "Perfectly" Optimized...

Without paying any money, without doing any "work"
and without tying up your machine (encoding yourself, is a pain in the arse).

Revver will convert your video into FLV.

There's heaps more compression/conversion options...

If fellow warriors would like to contribute to this post,
Im sure it'll benefit everyone here.

Let the video sharing sites do the work for you!

- aj
#compression or conversion #free #technology #video
  • Profile picture of the author Mohsin Rasool
    Now this is really Smart Idea!

    Just one downside i see is that you cannot edit(video) and improve the audio(noise/leveling).

    Again this is good tip when you do not have some software handy.

    Thanks for sharing,
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  • Profile picture of the author youallnome
    Many thanks to Aj Wilson for this starter post!

    Hey AJ. Great advice, and thank you very much. Here's a question you may be able to answer for me.

    We are using Amazon S3 to stream videos to our MMOA Membership site (WP platform). This works fine for most video files. However we have video files in SWF format which Amazon S3 will not stream. And we are using easy video player.

    We need to convert those SWF files in to MP4 or FLV files in order to get the videos to stream from S3.

    We have tried a vast array of so called video file converters with bad results. Some of which take so long its not worth the effort.

    Can you recommend the perfect solution to convert the video files?
    A converter than can batch convert would be a great plus, but anything that works quickly and hassle free is our main focus.

    Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated.
    John Adams
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    • Profile picture of the author Aj Wilson
      Hey guys,

      Sorry I did not subscribe to my own post!
      So I didnt realize there were questions here... (my bad).

      Hi Mohsin,

      You'd usually create your video before you
      upload to youtube to optimize it.


      I could use Sony Vegas to import, combine and level out
      any videos that are already compressed to create other videos...

      Although this method would not be recommended
      as you could lose a lot of video quality in the re-compression stage.

      Hi John,

      I just remembered, you use to be able to add a "crossdomain.xml"
      at the public_html level of your domain, allowing Flash to play your .swfs from another domain (S3).

      This is a flash security feature which is why your swfs arent playing.
      I dont think this works anymore.

      I'd have to test it out.

      Failing that, instead of using crappy converters, have you tried
      playing the swfs, then recording with camtasia?

      Camtasia 7 allows you to "record from source",
      which will give you perfect audio conversion.

      I think you can also record/covert the video at a higher frame rate
      to capture the swfs, then when you compress, you'll get better video conversion.

      After recording, create the video as higher res
      as you can, then upload to youtube to download as mp4.

      Best free video compression for your flash videos.

      Im not sure about easy video player, but take a
      quick look at "Flow Player", as I think this will play mp4's.

      Flow Player >> (free download)

      I create my own customized video players using Flash,
      so Im not 100% sure on those 2 other video players.

      As I like full control over my video players looks and function.

      Hopefully this helps you out buddy,
      if you get stuck, pm me and I'll take a better look at your swfs.

      See if I can help you out more.
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      • Profile picture of the author Aj Wilson
        For Amazon S3 publishers using swf's...

        Try this :

        <?xml version="1.0"?>
          <allow-access-from domain="*" />
          <allow-access-from domain="" />" />
          <allow-access-from domain="*" />" />
        just copy the text outta here,
        save it as "crossdomain.xml" and upload it to your public_html.

        I'll be interested to hear your results as it'll
        save me a bit of testing time

        (Currently working on a really kool project,
        but still love to help out when I can).

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