Graphical Headers and Footers in a PDF?

by astaga
2 replies
Does anyone know how to implement the above done within a PDF document?
FULL graphical headers and footers, if possible with hotspot links to for eg. Table of Contents, Prev Chapter, Next Chapter, etc....

I can see how it can be done in an HTML eBook but in a PDF document?

Thanks for any and all help.....
#footers #graphical #headers #pdf
  • Profile picture of the author webfighter
    Do you know how to implement it in Microsoft Word (or the open source alternative OpenOffice)?

    If yes, you can simply convert it later on.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2394958].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author astaga
    Thanks webfighter.
    Yes, I can create headers and footers with pasted graphics in them!
    Will explore/find out how to convert them.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2396594].message }}

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