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  • Profile picture of the author butternyk
    Google it out for FREE WORDPRESS TEMPlATES, you will get plenty

    Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

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  • Profile picture of the author RobBritt
    there are lots of good free templates if you google them.
    Wordpress Themes
    WordPress › Free WordPress Themes
    Free WordPress Themes - Free WordPress Templates
    Free Wordpress themes

    That being said, if you are working for yourself, do yourself a favor and buy Thesis. It's loaded with features you'll end up having to add with free themes and you can use it unlimited times for one purchase price, if you are only using it for your own personal sites.

    For High Quality Affordable Articles Click Here --> Rob Writes

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    • Profile picture of the author Karen Blundell
      sorry to disagree with Rob. Thesis is not for a complete non-techie. Even with the support that comes with the purchase, it is still a complicated theme to work with.

      There are lots of free themes that can easily be customized to become your own, but if you want professionalism, I would suggest that you go with the recommended pro WP theme designers as recommended by the good folks at WordPress.org under the commercial themes category
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      • Profile picture of the author barbling
        Originally Posted by Karen Blundell View Post

        sorry to disagree with Rob. Thesis is not for a complete non-techie. Even with the support that comes with the purchase, it is still a complicated theme to work with.
        My gosh, yes. I spent 4K to have a Thesis theme customized for my site and omigosh, when I learned about Thesis Hooks and thingees and all that jazz.....big huge amounts of pain!!

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      • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
        Originally Posted by Karen Blundell View Post

        sorry to disagree with Rob. Thesis is not for a complete non-techie. Even with the support that comes with the purchase, it is still a complicated theme to work with.
        Sorry to disagree with you. Thesis is out of the box a simple and effective way to have a site running in a solid coded theme.

        If people think thesis is (out of the box) complicated (do basic SEO, choose sidebars, place an Header, a Favicon, or choose menus, font sizes, colors, etc...) then they'll have way more issues with any common theme - and thats a fact.

        If people want a "non-techie" theme, keep the basic 2011 and have a blast.
        People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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  • Profile picture of the author FreeZeo
    search in google for some free ones
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  • Profile picture of the author Amir Kostic
    I would recommend you to check WooThemes. Their free themes looks very professional, I use them on few of my websites.
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