How to use 1 opt-in form to fill 2 email lists (on different autoresponder services)
I'm co-producing an online symposium with another marketer in my niche. The plan is to share the list of subscribers/registrants. ** Yes, we'll make it clear that they are agreeing to receive emails from both of us. I'm not too worried about spam complaints with our niche. **
We're trying to figure out a way to have 1 opt-in form add subscribers to both of our lists.
He's using Infusionsoft and I'm with OfficeAutopilot. We'd like to send the double opt-in script from OfficeAutopilot and the Infusionsoft list will end up single opt-in only. (Unless you can think of a way to get double opt-in on both, with a single email request.)
It's been a while since I've coded, but I need to somehow submit the form data (and the hidden fields for both IS/OAP) to both services. Should we create our own form, and send the data to a php page that will then send the data to both services? Or should I use their APIs instead of posting from the forms?
What's the best way to do this? Any help is appreciated.
cotton9 -
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TomHudson -
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cotton9 -
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