What to do with Reseller Account

15 replies
I have a Reseller Account, on a Server in New Jersey, I have had this account for over five years, I purchased it when the price was really low, the same account today is over $20.00

I have eight different servers that I use for my websites, (over 100)

But I just upgraded to a larger account so I could develop more website under a more robust server, I really don't know what to do with the account that I have there now.

I thought about developing some websites and flipping it hosting account and all, but to be honest I have so many projects and products in development I just do not have the time to do that,

So now I am looking at keeping the account or just letting it go.

Hosting is so cheap these days that most of the time, its really difficult to make any real money from hosting, but a reseller account is not a cheap resource.

should I just keep it, and use it, lease it out, or dump it, any thoughts or opinions are welcomed.
#account #reseller
  • Profile picture of the author ivankristianto
    Reseller account is good in resource such as bandwidth and space.
    if i were you, i would use that for my backup server.
    because if something happen, my important websites will still alive just by switching nameserver. and then i can backup all important data in that server.
    Just my personal opinion.
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  • You can create some web sites to resell your web space for some reasonable price and promote that web sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author JayWiz
    You already have correct thinking, building site, flip and offer your hosting to the buyer but if you are too busy then you can keep it if you plan to build micro sites. Lease it out seems hard and it will take time to find the prospects also. Or maybe you can offer it as bonus for your product, this is to leverage your product. If you very busy and have many projects then downgrade your account to regular account so you can save the money for your own project.
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  • Profile picture of the author ussher
    no sense in keeping a hosting account your not using. Just like renting an apartment that you're not using.

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  • Profile picture of the author Tim Franklin
    Thanks for the feedback, yes, sometimes its just time to say good bye to an old friend, )
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  • Profile picture of the author Tim Franklin
    Basically I have too many reseller accounts, )
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    • Profile picture of the author nimishseo

      Even I also have the reseller account which i uses for the clients,I can sell the space to my clients.
      It is one of the best way to earn the profit by selling the web space

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  • Profile picture of the author Unomateo
    reseller accounts are a dime a dozen... What special services can you add to your hosting that would make people choose you?

    Can you incorporate your website flipping into hosting accounts?
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  • Profile picture of the author Terry Crim
    When I get into that situation, have several times over the years, I mirror domains on the hosting. If the main site goes down, too much bandwidth is used or something goes wrong then traffic is sent to the mirrored site instead.

    Another option is just to rent out space or offer it with a paid product as a bonus or something.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tim Franklin
      Originally Posted by Terry Crim View Post

      When I get into that situation, have several times over the years, I mirror domains on the hosting. If the main site goes down, too much bandwidth is used or something goes wrong then traffic is sent to the mirrored site instead.

      Another option is just to rent out space or offer it with a paid product as a bonus or something.
      Great Idea, do you find that complex setups like wordpress are harder to mirror than say a standard site model? Thanks for the great post.
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      • Profile picture of the author Terry Crim
        Originally Posted by Tim Franklin View Post

        Great Idea, do you find that complex setups like wordpress are harder to mirror than say a standard site model? Thanks for the great post.
        Depends on the hosting.

        Unless you have MILLIONS of daily visitors to your site, mirroring isn't really worth doing. Was just a throwing out there idea for you. Best bet is just to get a cloud hosting. Mirroring is not sure I would say outdated but when the cloud stuff became more main stream mirroring really wasn't needed. Can also cause DNS and connection issues if it isn't done correctly too.

        For your hosting I would just either let it go, use it for test bed for projects, rent space out, give hosting away to people you feel need hosting for whatever project they want to startup, use it for other projects of yours now or future. If it isn't burning a hole in your pocket keep it around, always good to have backup hosting. If you don't want it maybe someone else will take it off your hands or just let it go.
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        • Profile picture of the author Tim Franklin
          Originally Posted by Terry Crim View Post

          Depends on the hosting.

          Unless you have MILLIONS of daily visitors to your site, mirroring isn't really worth doing. Was just a throwing out there idea for you. Best bet is just to get a cloud hosting. Mirroring is not sure I would say outdated but when the cloud stuff became more main stream mirroring really wasn't needed. Can also cause DNS and connection issues if it isn't done correctly too.

          For your hosting I would just either let it go, use it for test bed for projects, rent space out, give hosting away to people you feel need hosting for whatever project they want to startup, use it for other projects of yours now or future. If it isn't burning a hole in your pocket keep it around, always good to have backup hosting. If you don't want it maybe someone else will take it off your hands or just let it go.
          Interesting I was curious about that, cloud hosting is more and more interesting, but still a little more expensive than what I would hope since its all based on Amazon, which itself is a little on the expensive side for us little fish, LOL< Thanks for the reply, I think what I will do is develop a few websites on it and flip it out the door, hosting and all, )
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  • Profile picture of the author oloyede jamiu
    you can lease it out to interested members of this forum.


    I would work as your SUPER VALUE PRIVATE VIRTUAL ASSISTANT for 4 hours for just MERE $5:

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    • Profile picture of the author Tim Franklin
      Originally Posted by oloyede jamiu View Post

      you can lease it out to interested members of this forum.

      Cool, even a trading thing, that would work out very well, some virtual tasks once a week, for say a half hour, that would equal about two hours a month, hmmm, now that could work out very well, )

      Thanks for that suggestion, it caused an Ephifeo,
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