SEO TIP - create the keyword

3 replies
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One thing I've come to notice about many people doing SEO is that they spend an awful lot of time chasing down keywords and then trying to rank for them. You will always have a problem with this if you're not an influential figure in your industry. You'll have to do a ton of work just to get noticed and even if you do get clicks, there's no guarantee that your content is good enough to convert.

Well there's another way that I feel works best for those who can think ahead. It has to do with knowing your industry or niche really REALLY well. Like know the pulse of the industry and you know what things are to come. And the moment you start to notice new products, or product categories, or industry jargon, you capitalize on that be being the first one to use those [not-yet-common] keywords.

This is what I do to stay several steps ahead of my competition. By the time they catch on to it, my site outranks them easily because I've had the keyword on my site for a long time before theirs.

But it's more than just SEO. It's about really knowing your shit and like I said...REALLY KNOWING YOUR INDUSTRY. It's just about knowing the latest keywords. It's about knowing the latest concerns, things that TODAY'S customer cares about, what people are talking about. And if you don't even know these things...then is your business truly qualified to even succeed?
#create #keyword #seo #tip
  • Profile picture of the author greatar4
    Thanks for sharing that post. Well, I've learned something that truly revolutionizes my whole conception about internet marketing. It means that you must be very creative in order to think ahead about what your customers will need. The benefit is that you'll be able to get decent amount of traffic from various keywords while having nobody competing against you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ben West
    It's a good line of thought, and it's an idea I have been playing around with for a while with some more influential clients, but it has its problems.

    Mainly, being ahead of the curve with your content really isn't that big of a deal in SEO. So let's say I have a news and review site, and a manufacturer releases an announcement about an upcoming product that we shall call "Product X".

    You get your well written news post up within an hour of their announcement. All great and unique content, and it ranks top of page one for this new trending keyword.

    Now let us say, by some unlikely chance, your biggest competitor, who has a bigger site and a much stronger backlink profile, misses the announcement. They don't get their news article up on Product X for another two weeks, and even then it's only on par with yours. The thing is, Google won't care that you were first. Sooner than later, Google is going to decide the larger site with the better backlink profile deserves to be above yours. And who is to say they are wrong on that one?

    However, with that said, this is still something you want to do as it still has massive benefits. Two weeks of completely owning a trending keyword in your niche? That is powerful. Although two weeks is an exaggeration of what is really possible in any competitive niche, even a single day of dominating a new trending keyword. The visitors you gain will be worth the effort, especially if you can convert them into return visitors. Your site will gain more awareness, and you might even get some free social marketing because people will want to jump on the hype and want to link the news to their friends, but your site will be the only decent article up at that moment in time.

    Realised I have gone a bit over the top with this reply, but it's an interesting idea!
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    • Profile picture of the author blackli0n
      Originally Posted by Ben West View Post

      It's a good line of thought, and it's an idea I have been playing around with for a while with some more influential clients, but it has its problems.

      Mainly, being ahead of the curve with your content really isn't that big of a deal in SEO. So let's say I have a news and review site, and a manufacturer releases an announcement about an upcoming product that we shall call "Product X".

      You get your well written news post up within an hour of their announcement. All great and unique content, and it ranks top of page one for this new trending keyword.

      Now let us say, by some unlikely chance, your biggest competitor, who has a bigger site and a much stronger backlink profile, misses the announcement. They don't get their news article up on Product X for another two weeks, and even then it's only on par with yours. The thing is, Google won't care that you were first. Sooner than later, Google is going to decide the larger site with the better backlink profile deserves to be above yours. And who is to say they are wrong on that one?

      However, with that said, this is still something you want to do as it still has massive benefits. Two weeks of completely owning a trending keyword in your niche? That is powerful. Although two weeks is an exaggeration of what is really possible in any competitive niche, even a single day of dominating a new trending keyword. The visitors you gain will be worth the effort, especially if you can convert them into return visitors. Your site will gain more awareness, and you might even get some free social marketing because people will want to jump on the hype and want to link the news to their friends, but your site will be the only decent article up at that moment in time.

      Realised I have gone a bit over the top with this reply, but it's an interesting idea!
      Ben....I feel like you haven't really tried it because your reply doesn't cover several things that I experienced over the years when succeeding with this tactic.

      First off...there's no guarantee that your competitors will copy you within 2 weeks. Quite often...many competitors are only riding the latest trend. So if you're ranking well for a new industry term. It could be up to a whole year even before that term goes mainstream actually BECOMES a trend. And by then, your site has already been ranking first position for that term a whole year ahead of anybody else. It's much harder in that scenario for them to over-take you. And of're actually investing in this new keyterm and industry thing. So it would probably be more than just one simple article. You might have (not only a year headstart but also) a full 20-article headstart on your competition.

      Secondly...the time that you spend in that first position can allow you to take a pivotal cut in the market share. Your competitors might not realize it but you're slowly siphoning off all the new buyers that are entering that market because they are now using an updated search-term. Your competitors might not notice their share declining and yours growing because they still hold a big part of the market share. But nonetheless they are leaving a nice hole open for you to gain a foothold.

      Third...this is kind of the only chance (or one of few) you have against the big guys. I mean, heck, you're already doing SEO. So what's it going to be...A) to try and out-niche them? or B) try to produce more content? or C) take hold of keywords they haven't yet dominated or thought of? If your complaint is that this tactic wouldn't cause much of a dent against the bigger sites...then let me be the first to assure you that applying the same effort but using keywords they ALREADY not going to give you better results.
      Signature - Make Money with Wordpress
      Passive income since 2007. Trying to consistently crack 5-figures/month. find what you love - dream big - work hard
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