In 11th Position on G. 60,500/mo Weight Loss KW Are they taking off the gloves?

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Long story, situation first, main question is at the end.

In 11th position on Google. 7 month old site, optimized for a weight loss keyword that gets 60,500 searches/month.

It's in the celebrity weigh loss category = I'm competing with some Big Boys on the block.

I have a few more high TF/CF backlinks coming in over the next two weeks.


I'm an absolute novice SEO, swinging up into the big leagues (this is my first ever SEO site), and so of course I was swinging for the bleachers.

Yeah I know a Titanic-load of SEO theory thanks to Alex Becker (

I'm suddenly getting 10 times the number of clicks on my affiliate links, with zero conversions.

I'm promoting a Market Health product, and have good communication w/ my AM (6 emails over the last 24 hours).

I am definitely getting spam clicks though.


Are these spam clicks dirty tricks by competitors?


PS - What's to keep someone from spamming the tar out of a competitor with SAPE links from Fiverr?

That hasn't happened to me, and I would never do that to any fair competition, but if somebody is bullying me, then the gloves are off.

PPS - Once again, I'm a novice SEO, so any feedback is most appreciated.
#11th #500 or mo #gloves #loss #position #taking #weight
  • Profile picture of the author irawr
    Originally Posted by Ken_Stone View Post

    Are these spam clicks dirty tricks by competitors?
    Most likely, good luck doing conversation rate optimization.

    Stay in good contact with your network, make sure they know you're not doing it. It might be an attempt to get you booted from your network.
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