SEO vs AdWords: Why Is It Impossible to Get a Straight Answer?

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I don't know about you, but I just don't get it. Why is it so hard to get a straight answer? Which one is better: SEO or AdWords? I literally cried my eyes out trying to find at least one answer that makes sense. Let me remind you, there are no stupid questions, but rest assured that there a lot of stupid answers.

Pros and Cons Time Wasters Warning!

Those are my favorite unfavorites. Instead of an honest and a straight answer, I get a meaningless list of pros and cons for both SEO and AdWords. Just like we don't all there's to know about these two. And it goes on and on, until instead of a conclusion you end up with - nothing. One huge question mark, why in the world I wasted time with this stupid article? These "experts" could've done the simple math, at least. You check all pros and cons for both SEO and AdWords, and you give you final judgment. You dare to speak up. Otherwise, what's the pleasure or an intellectual pleasure of listing pros and cons, you can find on dozens of other websites?

SEO or AdWords Is Better, But Use Them Both?!

Then, I have to move on and I get so excited about some article or post where a guy dares to take sides for a change. You think, this is great I will find what I want. Unfortunately, this is nothing more than a variation of the pros/cons dead end. For examples, from the very first sentence, you favor SEO. You make sense with your arguments. Yet, somewhere in the conclusion zone, you ruin it all by saying: it's better to use them both. I remember seeing a nice screenshot. Like, here you can see what the AdWords option can do for your website. You just don't care about positioning your website on Google search, because you know that AdWords will get you the front row seats for sure. Yet, these wise guys behind use-them-both articles are the true rocket scientists. You've already positioned your website in Google ads. Now, thanks to the SEO, your site will appear as the #1. Great!

You see your website being mentioned two times on the first Google page. According to these brainiacs, you just increased your chances for the true success. Seriously? How come I didn't see this one coming? Then, it continues in the same annoying way. If you're a startup struggling to survive, you'll need to pay for some AdWords to ensure better positioning. Then, once you're a huge Internet hit, you can afford to play some SEO games. Or, if you're a serious business player, you don't have time to waste with SEO, you'll pay for AdWords and forget about all positioning troubles. However, since you're big and successful business you can afford both. So, why not investing a little bit in SEO, as well. Isn't it great to see your company's names two times at the first Google page?

Insane in the SEO/AdWords Membrane

This is so surreal. It's just like a Google employee, who's working in AdWords department, runs a private SEO company at the same time. So, for him or her, it's always a win-win. You know, SEO is like this and that, and AdWords can be like this and that, but use them both, because this is the best thing you can do. At the end of the day, you just don't know what to think or do. The stupidest thing you can possibly hear or read is a short-or-long-term "classification." So, if you want to be Google's #1 right now, go for the AdWords. Or, maybe you're thinking about cyber-eternity, then opt for some top quality SEO. Sorry, cyber boys and girls, but just like any other regular Internet-marketer-musketeer, I want it all and I want it now. Sounds familiar?

Yes, we get you, but use them both. Wait guys, I don't have enough money. I have to make a choice. Yes, AdWords is much better option for you, but use them both. And, SEO can do a lot for you, but still use them both. You keep listening and you keep reading, and you just don't know what to say or think. Why is it so hard to offer a straight answer? Are you afraid that you're going to say or do something stupid? Wait, where do all risk-takers go? Take a stand! Choose the side! Risk it, what do you have to lose? The chances are fifty-fifty that you're going to hit the right one with you answer.

Google Always Plays It Smart, Doesn't It?

Finally, when I was about to shoot the very next SEO/AdWords self-proclaimed expert heading my way, I realized something. Google is a smart player. Every now and then it shakes the SEO ground with the new algorithm. It allows you to breathe, but at the same time if feeds on ads. So, in Google universe, there has to be enough room for both options. Then, is the entire SEO concept the biggest Google's trick? Is the sole purpose of SEO to drive us crazy, so we run in tears to good old Google, who will save the day with the fabulous AdWords? For some of you guys, SEO is going to work just fine, but the rest of us will have to pay Google for some decent ranking.

This is a ridiculous conspiracy theory and it simply doesn't make any sense? OK, I can't wait to hear a better one. What am I supposed to do? To come up with my own version of Google called Noogle, where I will decide who's going to hit the #1? Let's classify this question as one more X-File of Internet marketing, because there's nothing better we can do with and about it. One simple question and you have to write a book to answer it. Something isn't right here, but I just can't figure it out what it is.
#adwords #answer #google #impossible #seo #seo strategy #straight
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    No problem for me - White hat SEO is better.


    If you are getting links from real sites with real readers then you are also going to get traffic in addition and even before you get SE traffic

    People do Adwords for immediate traffic (or extra immediate traffic)but thats traffic you will always have to pay for and is limited. Or they do adwords because they are in a business or have a site no one with a real site will link to.

    Of course people have to eat and businesses cant wait around twiddling their thumbs waiting to rank so adwords has its place. Which one is better? Thats easy - organic SEO where you get real links from real sites and build word of mouth and reputation in addition to ranking..

    People will say SEO is risky. You rank today then you might not two months from now but again if you have gotten links from real sites with traffic you continue to get traffic from that. Plus if you have built your site to get organic links then your site is most likely more valuable than one that no one would ever link to naturally (its also easier to recover lost rankings if you get organic links) .

    Now if you are doing Black hat SEO with things Google doesn't approve then yeah its terribly volatile and you could end up with a site that is penalized and CAN'T rank for anything with links pointing at your site that never had any traffic.

    But thats kiddie Black Hat SEO not SEO in genera

    Full organic SEO wins hands down against adwords.....Period

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    • Profile picture of the author neshaword
      And this thing I keep hearing about Google changing its algorithms, every now and then?
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      • Profile picture of the author paulgl
        Originally Posted by neshaword View Post

        And this thing I keep hearing about Google changing its algorithms, every now and then?
        Google tweaks its algo several times a day.

        The OP is just rambling about nothing. End of story.

        Is this really from a real person asking a real question?!?!?!

        Those are my favorite unfavorites. Instead of an honest and a straight answer, I get a meaningless list of pros and cons for both SEO and AdWords. Just like we don't all there's to know about these two. And it goes on and on, until instead of a conclusion you end up with - nothing. One huge question mark, why in the world I wasted time with this stupid article? These "experts" could've done the simple math, at least. You check all pros and cons for both SEO and AdWords, and you give you final judgment. You dare to speak up. Otherwise, what's the pleasure or an intellectual pleasure of listing pros and cons, you can find on dozens of other websites?
        If you can't do simple math, stay out of adwords.

        Ask yourself, why does use adwords?

        Because they have a REAL business. If you are online to make money, then why on earth are you allowing google (SEO) to dictate whether or not you make money? That's insane.

        Amazon advertises all over the place. They even have their own version of adwords. They own a gazillion sites and cross promote.

        Advertising on adwords is just one part of what they do.

        I do not rely on google seo to make money. I do TONS of promoting, all over the place, on a daily basis.
        But sure, I do SEO. There is no one size fits all, but if you are ONLY relying on google SERPS, you at the mercy of google SERPS....

        No real business would ever be at the mercy of google serps.

        If any real business tanks in serps, is banned, etc....and they go bankrupt because of this, shame on them. They had no business plan.


        If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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        • Profile picture of the author neshaword

          I have to spend, I know, I understand, this way or another. Don't have money for both. So, it's a one-shot.

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        • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
          Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

          Ask yourself, why does use adwords?

          Because they have a REAL business.
          ton loads of real businesses don't do adwords. Being real business has nothing to do with using adwords. Amazon does it because they have the money to advertise through all media. The more the merrier.

          If you are online to make money, then why on earth are you allowing google (SEO) to dictate whether or not you make money? That's insane.
          common black hat misconception. Doing SEO does not mean that Google dictates anything to you. On page SEO is about structuring your site right and doesn't take that much time. Link building takes time but if you are doing white hat linkbuilding
          then you are getting links from real sites with real readers and thats traffic Google has nothing to do with.

          I do not rely on google seo to make money. I do TONS of promoting, all over the place, on a daily basis.
          Provided that gets some organic links back to your website form real sites that IS SEO.

          To summarize......



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      • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
        Originally Posted by neshaword View Post

        And this thing I keep hearing about Google changing its algorithms, every now and then?
        By now you should know Google update is here to stay like the updates on my iPhone that comes up every now and then.

        Learn to deal with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Niko, is that you?
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  • Profile picture of the author styla786

    This is not a very complicated question. There are two things adwords and SEO.

    I need your attention here. Read carefully.

    SEO means search engine optimization.

    Adwords is a plateform wherefrom we run PPC compaign. Means the real thing is PPC.

    PPC means pay per click.

    Now i explain it in detail.

    SEO is organic and comparitively a long term proceedure. When we want to rank our site through SEO we hire a person who rank our website through SEO techniques. And our site will appear after some time on the top. And it is difficult because therr are too many compititors exist who also try to take ur place.

    Now qustion is this what is PPC. PPC Means paid search. Here you will pay to Google and Google will place you on the top of 1st page.

    I think your confusion will finidh now. If anything else. You can ask frrely.

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  • Profile picture of the author rockydx
    The straight answer is seo. Becoz if you look at AdWords you need to pay to Google constantly for your business leads. If you do seo in your niche properly then you don't need to pay for long term and you will get lots of leads for your business.
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  • Profile picture of the author samjaynz
    Adwords kicks ass, plan and simple. If you're running a serious business (and you're able to do things like calculate your lifetime customer values etc) then you're MAD not to be using Adwords to give you some stability.
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    • Profile picture of the author yukon
      Originally Posted by samjaynz View Post

      Adwords kicks ass, plan and simple. If you're running a serious business (and you're able to do things like calculate your lifetime customer values etc) then you're MAD not to be using Adwords to give you some stability.

      Funny you said Adwords and stability in the same sentence.

      I always laugh when folks act like Adwords doesn't have a learning curve. Hmmm... show up, spend money, get rich. Sure.
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