Everyone Knows what the Answer is...

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  • SEO
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Here's my rant...

Okay so you wanna know what steps to take for SEO. Where do you even start?!? It's soooooooo FRUSTRATING. no. Here's the problem: you want it to be easy or pay someone to do the work for you. I've fallen to these situations many times. 1. I own physical businesses so I am so occupied I don't have the time to sit in front of a computer to do all the tedious tasks that of which is SEO. 2. Money can make anything happen. Let me tell you. Money can do wonders but when it comes to SEO, unless you have thousandS and that is with a capital s, you are not going to get the results you think your dollar is worth. Why? 1. Because SEO takes time and dedication. If someone else is writing articles for YOUR business do you think they are going to have the same passion as when they write an article for THEIR business? no. So until you have time or want to partner with someone who has time(partner means they own part of the business) then don't even think about SEO unless you have tons of money to put out to firms who WILL do good work for you. I have learned that if you want people to come to your site then create something that is worth them coming to your website for. Learn to write good articles. It's all about structure and the passion will take care of the rest. SEO isn't as hard as all you people think it is. Sure google is changing up their algorithms but that's only for the people who want to take the short cut. Do it the right way with passion and google will reward you I promise. This is something I am learning right now because I actually hired someone to take care of my physical businesses. DO IT YOURSELF
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    This gives me a headache just looking at it.
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by yagobi21 View Post

    Here's my rant...

    Okay so you wanna know what steps to take for SEO. Where do you even start?!? It's soooooooo FRUSTRATING. no. Here's the problem: you want it to be easy or pay someone to do the work for you. I've fallen to these situations many times. 1. I own physical businesses so I am so occupied I don't have the time to sit in front of a computer to do all the tedious tasks that of which is SEO. 2. Money can make anything happen. Let me tell you. Money can do wonders but when it comes to SEO, unless you have thousandS and that is with a capital s, you are not going to get the results you think your dollar is worth. Why? 1. Because SEO takes time and dedication. If someone else is writing articles for YOUR business do you think they are going to have the same passion as when they write an article for THEIR business? no. So until you have time or want to partner with someone who has time(partner means they own part of the business) then don't even think about SEO unless you have tons of money to put out to firms who WILL do good work for you. I have learned that if you want people to come to your site then create something that is worth them coming to your website for. Learn to write good articles. It's all about structure and the passion will take care of the rest. SEO isn't as hard as all you people think it is. Sure google is changing up their algorithms but that's only for the people who want to take the short cut. Do it the right way with passion and google will reward you I promise. This is something I am learning right now because I actually hired someone to take care of my physical businesses. DO IT YOURSELF
    I have to say this is awesome.... short cuts get you know where.. and if you want it done right, do it yourself. Its funny that you have gone to the extreme of hiring someone to run your business while you do the SEO. Good for you!

    I preach this right here all the time to small business'. the more they are involved in the creation aspect of SEO, the better the overall effort will be. More often than not we here.. "I'm to busy running my business" "That's what I am paying you for" It really is a hard concept to convey, that the words on the site are more than technical aspects of SEO.. part of the equation is actually drawing the end user in... ( which helps with bounce rate" and ultimately to create a conversion of one type or another. be it walk in the store, to call, to buy online.. whatever it is.

    Most SEO people are just that SEO geeks... they are not marketers Most VA writers.. they aren't marketers either.. so most people end up with a site that has 300 crappy backlinks crappy text and a bunch of non interested visitors, and no conversions... ROI on SEO in most cases is a negative. Its sad really.. It sad that you have to hand over your business to do SEO.. but YOU the business owner is getting it done.. and I commend you on that.

    Best of Luck!
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author yagobi21
    Hello just to give you an update. Since doing SEO myself for my website and taking over all marketing tasks I have moved up in position in just about every keyword. There were stubborn keywords that I never ever saw get to page 1 and I am there now. Position 7 from consistent positions 20-25.

    *Side note* I am not saying all SEO services will not work for you. Of course their strategies work, the issue is that you are not their only client and unless you pay them like you are they will never focus on your sites SEO like you would if you learn it yourself. Good day everyone and have a blessed new year.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sergio80
    There are many businesses out there where people dont even know how to write an article (grammar, spelling, layout, etc.)

    If you have knowledge, yes nothing beats your own efforts but DIY Seo is not for everyone and many businesses out there need help from SEO Services to rank.

    Just my 2 cents.
    PPC & Google Ads Management Service - 400% - 600%+ Average ROI.
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